Strings (Jeggy)

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Peggy had never really been very good at public functions. She was always nervous, always scared, maybe anxious was the word? It didn't matter, whatever it was she wasn't that great at the best of times but it was always worse for her. Peggy was labelled as a strange child because before she knew it was unacceptable she would always talk about the strings she saw, even trying to grab them at times, she didn't know she was the only one who could see these strings.

Peggy had taken to calling these strings the strings of fate because she always wound up seeing the people who are connected by the strings getting married. She didn't know why she was the one who could see them and in all honesty she wished she couldn't because the more she saw people getting married to the person they're connected to and the more she saw her sister's strings the more she knew she was going to be alone her whole life...because she had no string.

Never had she ever seen somebody else with no string, they all had one, and she was the loner. She was terrible at public functions because to the people who were local to her town she was the strange one of her sisters and to everybody else she looked downcast, sad, and unapproachable. She didn't mean to but seeing all these people while knowing they were all to marry somebody was disheartening, it hurt, it made her upset.

This particular ball was the worst one of yet, not only did she know both her sisters' partner was present she could also see both their strings led to the same man. This had never happened and it confused her, was one of her sisters like her? Their string flawed? She wouldn't wish that on anybody but as she watched them it became obvious to her that Angelica, although subconsciously, was aware of this fact and handed the man over to Eliza.

Her sister's hurt face was upsetting in its own right. Angelica kept entertaining the attendees but Peggy could see her continuing to glance at the man her string led to, and that man was dancing with Eliza and flirting up a storm with her.

Peggy smiled sadly and then heard a man clear his throat so she turned to him, "Hi! I'm John Laurens and I've been hearing all these rumors about you so I decided to come see what they're all about." He told her. Peggy kept blinking as she looked at him but no matter how much she blinked or rubbed her eyes...she saw no string. "Are you okay?" John asked.

Peggy patted her cheeks to snap her out of it, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern. My name is Margarita Schuyler but if I'm being gossiped about then they probably called me Peggy or the youngest Schuyler sister or the weird one of the bunch." She knew he would probably leave now that she'd given him that weird sort of introduction.

"Yeah, I heard all of that." John told her honestly, "But I don't give a shit about it. I make decisions by myself, I don't need no mouthy old fart tellin' me not to talk to some girl. Why're they so rude to you anyway?" He asked.

"Because..." Peggy sighed and looked away from the freckled man, "You'll find out eventually if you keep gossiping but I can see strings." She told him and continued before he could ask what she meant, "I call them strings of fate. They connect two people and those people wind up getting married. Tonight has been...odd..." She didn't dare look at him while she explained, "Well you see I have never in my life seen two people have a string that leads to the same person and I've never seen somebody else without a string." She finally looked at him and he looked intrigued.

John sat down by her, "I think that's pretty cool. I don't see why people have to be so rude, I guess they just don't like somebody who's different, eh? Don't know how to handle it." She was shocked he wasn't calling her a freak even if he did believe her, "So who's string leads to the same person? Oh, and who doesn't have one?" He asked he was obviously interested.

Peggy smiled softly before remembering what she was saying was sad so she stopped smiling and explained quietly, " two sisters. The one in blue over there and the one in pink over there, you see them?" John nodded, "They both lead to the man my sister is dancing with." She told him.

"Huh," John's eyebrow lifted slightly, "That's my friend, Alexander Hamilton. That's weird. Who doesn't have a string?" He asked.

"Well..." Peggy didn't want to tell him but she felt she had to, "For as long as I can remember I've never had a string...which is why people probably also told you about how sad I am." She said quietly, "And...I don't see a string on you either." John's eyes shot up before he looked thoughtful and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry." She felt it was her fault so she apologized.

"Why're you saying sorry?" John asked and opened his eyes again, "It's not like you can control it. Besides, I just had an idea." He told her and she nodded to show she was listening, "What if you can't see your string?" He asked and she stared at him in shock at the idea, "I mean think about it. You've never seen somebody without a string before and you can't see yours. Logically it makes sense. So, wanna marry me?" He said it all rather rushed.

"Wh-What?" She opened and closed her mouth like a turkey but decided she should seize the opportunity, "I-I mean we should court first, shouldn't we?" She asked.

"Why?" John shrugged, "Your string of fate must lead to me so there's no reason for all the ceremony. Besides, I came to talk to you to offer a courtship anyway because you're hot but then all that came out so it just made sense."

Peggy thought about it and decided what the Hell, "Okay...I'll marry you." She looked at him with a smile.

John popped up and picked her off her feet in a spin as she laughed, "I can't believe you actually said yes!" He yelled in glee.

"I can't believe it either!" Peggy said and decided she had to at least kiss her fiance so she did. John set her down and held her close as they kissed gently, forgetting the rest of the world.

Slowly Peggy separated and saw John looking around, "Whoa..." He whispered and then looked at Peggy in both shock and awe, "I can see those strings you were talking about." He said at the same low volume. Peggy stared at him with no words to give when slowly she saw a string forming between them, linking them together. John saw it too and smirked, "That settles it, you're definitely marrying me."

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