Family Arguments (Jamilams)

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Alex felt his anger escalate, he didn't remember what the original argument was but he did know that Thomas was cursing in front of the children, even if Martha wouldn't remember it didn't make it right. The two had been yelling for the past two hours and Alex regretted that it was all taking place in front of their children as he knew how it felt to watch your parents argue, he went through it all too often as a child. He wished John was here, John would stop the arguing, he always did.

"Like you would know anything!" Thomas yelled back and threw his hands up, "I don't know why I'm even having this argument!"

"I don't either!" Alex replied as he went white with anger. Thomas rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, fishing out a bottle of his favorite whiskey and chugging it. Alex rolled his eyes in reply, "Drinking? Here I thought you were actually an adult!"

"Oh please, Mr. I'm-The-Smartest-Everybody-Listen-To-Me!" Thomas replied in a high pitched voice.

"I don't sound like that!" Alex responded angrily and watched Thomas chug a second bottle, he already looked intoxicated as he couldn't hold his alcohol, "You're just a dumb ass bitch who doesn't understand simple concepts!"

"At least I'm not an orphan!" Alex froze and heard Philip and Frances Eleanor gasp, all of their children were adopted from orphanages and Alex grew up in one. Thomas smirked and uncapped another bottle, putting it in his mouth.

"Kids go to your rooms," Alex said quietly, handing Martha to Philip, they quickly obeyed and ran off to Frances Eleanor's room. Alex turned to Thomas, "That's not..." He let his head hang, "Not something to call me. Especially in front of the children."

Alex began to shake but didn't stay there long as the door opened from John entering the house. The instant he heard John's voice asking what was up he ran, he ran to the bedroom he shared with his husbands. He grabbed his backpack and dumped all of the school supplies he kept in it and started pulling his clothes out of the closet and dresser, shoving them into the backpack. He let the tears flee his eyes as he shoved them into the backpack, he was angry, so very angry. He couldn't take being called a bastard, he couldn't take being called an orphan, they were too true and hurt too much.

He didn't hear the door open but he did see a freckled hand grab his as he reached to take his wedding ring off, "Please don't." John sounded so broken so Alex dropped his hand, letting John hold it, "Frances Eleanor told me what happened." John whispered and wrapped his arms around Alex, "Please don't leave us. We love you."

Alex shook his head as his body shook with anger or sadness, he wasn't sure himself which one it was. Slowly he let his head flop onto John's shoulder, "It's just not fair." He whispered as he let his arms wrap around John, "It's just not fair." he repeated.

"I know..." John said and ran his hand up and down Alex's back, "Thomas shouldn't have said that, especially with the kids there, but I don't want a stupid fight to break us up after all these years and with the kids too." John sighed and held Alex tighter, "We've survived over ten years together...let's keep surviving, okay?"

Alex nodded, "Okay." He looked at his bag, "I'm sorry." He whispered, "For trying to leave." He added.

"It's okay," John said and took Alex's hands in his, ending the hug to look him in the eye, "I understand why. You were sad, upset, heartbroken. I don't blame you, I really don't. I love you, Alexander."

Alex nodded slowly, "I love you too." He said and bit his lip, "I love you so much..I-I don't want to leave." He would have continued but John's phone went off.

"Shit sorry," John fished his phone out, "Some dude keeps talking and texting me even though I've told him not to I-" Alex grabbed the phone, "-What're you doing?" John asked as Alex rejected the call and texted the man.

John: Hey dumb ass stop texting my husband do you want problems?

Creep: So what if I do?

John: Well fine then. If a train is traveling at 72 km/h on a road of 360 km how much time will it take to arrive?

He didn't respond so Alex handed the phone over, "Done and done." He grumbled as John looked the texts over before laughing, "What's so funny?" Alex asked.

John shook his head and smiled, "You're crazy and protective and smart and beautiful and perfect." He said and Alex blushed with his eyes widening slightly, "It's true Mr. Smartypants."

"Taking Thomas's insults I see..." Alex mumbled and John frowned, "Sorry I didn't mean to ruin your mood or whatever I just..." He sighed and looked away.

"Actually I talked to Thomas." John said he was always the peacemaker between the three of them, "He wants to talk to you." John added and Alex tensed but before he could reject the offer John spoke up, "There's no way we're all going to move past this and keep our relationship strong if we don't talk about it. I took away his alcohol and had him drink coffee, I know coffee doesn't sober you up but it makes him feel sober so we can at least talk about this. Okay?"

Alex sighed, "Of course..." John was always right in these regards and he let John lead him from the bedroom by his hand and to the living room where Thomas sat on the sofa with his head in his hands.

When Thomas noticed their entrance he popped up, "Alex please I-I didn't mean it I'm so sorry I can't believe-I can't believe I said that." Alex looked away, "Please I-" He broke but Alex couldn't tell if it was from emotions or alcohol, "I'm so fucking sorry."

Alex glanced at John and felt better in his choice when John nodded, in an instant he hugged Thomas with all he had as both men started crying intensely. John watched until he was pulled in with a squeak as the two of them hugged him. He sighed and relaxed, holding both his husbands as they cried hysterically.

John looked over as Philip and Frances Eleanor ran in, Martha held in Pip's chubby arms. He smiled, "Hey guys. We just had a little fight but it's okay, I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen." He pulled them into the group hug.

"Why were you angry?" Frances Eleanor asked, clinging onto Thomas.

"Because I was being stupid," Thomas replied and held her, "It's okay now, don't be scared." He kissed her forehead as Alex said something similar to Philip, they then switched children and hugged them.

John smiled and bounced Martha, "We're going to be okay guys." He said and the others agreed, "Let's not fight like that again, okay?"

Alex and Thomas both nodded and agreed instantly, "I'll never say something that stupid again." Thomas said and kissed Alex gently, a tear slipping down his cheek when Alex responded to it. He knew he didn't deserve forgiveness but God he was ecstatic he'd been given it.

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