Swimming Suit (Jeggy Smut)

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Peggy pulled her robe on after the day of swimming and located her boyfriend, John, she walked over and silently crawled onto him and smiled when he put his arms around her securely. She liked being held by John, he had really strong arms and she felt very protected like this, "Had fun?" John asked.

Peggy nodded, "Swimming is tiring though." She mumbled and John nodded. Peggy shifted so she was sitting and John smiled when she looked up at him and stuck her tongue out.

"Rude," John said and kissed her. Peggy giggled and kissed back softly, holding his hand and moving up on his lap so he could play with her hair which was currently up in a bun, something she rarely did as she preferred ponytails.

Peggy relaxed back against him when their kiss ended and then smirked and put her knee against his crotch as she tried to make it innocent like she was re-positioning herself on the chair. John sucked in a breath and she moved her knee a few more times to create friction, "Pegs..." He mumbled as his breathing sped up.

"What?" Peggy asked and looked at him with fake innocence. John glanced at her and she tilted her head, "Is something wrong, babe?" She asked with her smile still on her face.

John glanced at the crowded beach and then back at her, "You know what you're d-ah-" She didn't let him finish as she pushed her knee forwards to cut him off as he had to stop himself from moaning, "Peggy." He growled.

"That's me," Peggy giggled and pecked his lips and used her thighs to block out her actions as she slipped her hands into his swimming trunks, "Yours is John." She said with a wink.

"There a-ah children here," John told her as she ghosted her fingers around the erection she found there.

"So?" Peggy tilted her head with a smirk and helped his dick out, basically straddling him as she hid her actions. She looked at him and waited for him to open his mouth to speak before she pumped his dick and made him moan, "You should be quiet if you're so worried about the children." She teased.

John groaned and pulled her in for a kiss by the back of her head as she pumped her hands up and down at an angle. John moaned into her mouth as she wrapped her fingers around him, setting a pace with her hands. John's blush reached his ears and Peggy opened her eyes, swiping her thumb over the head of his member, "What's this?" She asked and held her hand up to show the precum on her fingers.

"Peggy..." John mumbled and looked at her. His eyes widened as Peggy stuck her thumb in her mouth and licked it clean, "Wh...oh..."

Peggy got into his ear and whispered, "You taste amazing." In his ear quietly before she brought her hips closer and let John pull her hips almost impossibly close, grinding against each other as John moaned from the sensitivity and Peggy's mouth fell open from him stimulating her clit through the thin fabric of her bathing suit.

"Come on," John growled and pushed his hard-on into his swimming trunks before throwing Peggy over his shoulder with her squealing, "We'll be back." He told Alex who was at some ice cream stand, "Peggy forgot sunscreen." He then legged it away before Alex could remind him Hercules had brought extra.

"Where are we going?" Peggy asked, John's hand on her ass as he found an old building that looked to have been a storage building before it stopped being used.

John set her down after he scurried to the back of the building, "Somewhere quiet." He told her and pushed her against the building, grabbing her hips and grinding against her roughly, "With nobody to interrupt us." He added, "Or witness." With that, he bit her neck roughly and she moaned, tilting her head up as he sucked and bit her neck to leave a dark brown mark.

When he left her neck and moved her breasts from her top, playing with them, Peggy put her hand over the spot his mouth had been, "They're going to see the mark." She told him, pushing into his hands as he fondled her breasts.

"Good," John growled, "They'll know who's you are. It's a shame this has to be quick." He pulled his erection out again and picked Peggy up from around her bottom, Peggy wrapped her legs around him instantly.

John moved her bikini bottoms to the side a bit to push himself in with no warning, "A-Ah..." She bit her lip and held his shoulders as he held her against the building and her ass. He thrust into her and she moaned louder, taking him in perfectly.

"God Peggy you're beautiful," John mumbled and kissed her. Peggy closed her eyes and kissed back, letting him thrust harder into her so she began to bounce of her own accord in order to lessen the amount of skin slapping in fear somebody would come and check it out. Peggy moaned louder and John attacked her neck again, biting rougher as he found her special bundle of nerves which had her coming undone.

Peggy squeezed his shoulders in her fingers harder as he continued to thrust right into her G-Spot, "Fuck John f-fuck!" She didn't mean to yell but she did and threw her arms around his shoulders, her head collapsing on them.

"I am," John growled out and closed his eyes to speed up, "I'm gonna cum." He mumbled, wanting to wait for Peggy as he managed to barely keep making her see stars.

"Me t-too!" She squealed, the number of times he found the perfect spot had her spiraling. Despite what he thought would happen, Peggy came first. She twitched and tightened around him, kissing him as she did so he could muffle her moaning.

John came after, riding her and him through their highs before he leaned against the building with Peggy still holding onto him. He took a few deep breath before mumbling, "Shit that was hot."

Peggy agreed and shakily got down, fixing her bikini to cover her again, "Do you think they noticed how long we took?" She asked.

"Well," John chuckled, "If they didn't then they'll certainly notice the spots on your neck." Peggy gasped and put a hand on her neck before slapping his arm as he laughed.

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