Sick Day (JeffBurrMads)

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James really hated his health, especially when it got cold. He could tell his lovers, yes, lovers, as in plural, were becoming more protective. Thomas and Aaron knew his health could be the worst at the best of times so as the weather changed as the wind blew in the stinging bite of winter James could tell they were both looking for any sign of sickness in James. He appreciated it, he did, it meant they cared for him, but he couldn't help being slightly annoyed as he wasn't a child.

James currently resided in his bed, Aaron and Thomas had left for work while he had taken the next week off to try and soothe his stress from the build-up of paperwork he'd undertaken. As he lay in bed he regretted neglecting his health for work as he could feel the hotness in his head and sickness in his breathes. He knew he needed to hide it or they would find out and worry and go over the top so he forced himself to get up as he went into a coughing fit.

When James recovered he realized there was no way he was going to hide this so he let himself collapse back with a wheeze as he waited pitifully for one of his lovers to come home. He felt terrible, granted he has felt worse but that didn't make the present any less uncomfortable. He wanted to choke or cough but he couldn't as he felt like there was something in his throat that no matter how much he swallowed would not go away.

James heard the front door open followed by Thomas and Aaron's voices speaking to each other before they called for him. James tried to yell out that he was still in bed but it ended in a violent coughing fit that made him curl up as he held his elbow against his mouth, he felt that at this rate he would cough his lungs up.

"Aw babe," He looked up with small tears from coughing as Thomas cooed and sat next to him, "You're sick." He stated the obvious and hugged James lightly, "Aaron and I'll get you medicine and you'll feel better I promise."

James nodded and sniffed before he sneezed and a whine escaped him as he felt his throat go raw, "It hurts." He told them, putting a hand over his esophagus.

Aaron left to get the medicine as Thomas massaged James's shoulders and he relaxed against Thomas's fingers as they seemed to magic his stress away. James closed his eyes and listened to Thomas hum, he loved it when Thomas hummed or sang because he just had a way with words and melodies and timing. Thomas broke off from his beautiful humming when Aaron returned.

"So..." Aaron sorted through everything he had gotten, "Coltsfoot for the breathing, right? Feverfew and juniper too."

Thomas shook his head instantly, "No because he needs tansy and thyme! Not to mention blessed thistle and bramble twigs. He probably also needs ginger, Hawthorne berries, and ivy. Obviously."

Aaron huffed, "That's way too much, it'll mess his system up. Just stick to the basic ones, only an extra idiot tries to use literally every single herb he can think of for something so simple." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Simple?" Thomas asked before getting defensive, "Idiot? Extra? I just want James to be healthy again so I'm sooooo sorry if that gets in the way of you playing doctor rather pitifully if I do say so myself. I remember each herb and what it does which is why I listed those specific ones while you just got the most basic ones because that's all your feeble brain could remember." He said with the amount of sass you should always expect to come from the man known as Thomas Jefferson.

James watched as Aaron and Thomas bickered about what was best for him and how to heal him best. He tried to cough softly to gain their attention and maybe stop their fighting by making them pity him but the soft cough turned into an actual violent coughing fit that made him want to die. Though it did make his lovers stop fighting and instead comfort him until he stopped coughing, accepting the water Aaron handed him and drinking it gratefully.

He didn't catch what they said after because his ears were ringing but soon Aaron and Thomas handed him medicine with a smile and he realized they must have compromised, "Thanks." He whispered as he took the meds and then drank the water again.

Thomas left the room and Aaron got all the extra blankets he could find, throwing them over James who accepted the heat without a moment's hesitance. He yawned and snuggled into Aaron when he sat next to him, "Give me your body heat." He mumbled.

"Oh," Aaron replied and they both laughed softly, looking up as Thomas entered the room with hot chocolate. He handed James and Aaron a mug before sitting down with his own and wiggling under the covers.

"Sick days kind of suck," James told them as he drank slowly so as not to burn his tongue. He relished in the taste, Thomas was really good at making hot chocolate and it was always drunk fast enough that it never went cold.

"They do," Thomas replied honestly, resting his hot chocolate in his lap as he moved it in a circle, "But they give us a chance to stay inside all day by your side and drinking hot beverages." He added and clinked his mug to James's and then to Aaron's.

"Maybe we can get tomorrow off so we can look after you," Aaron suggested, drinking his mug as James blushed from the attention, "Besides," He smirked, "Alexander is basically doing the work for us with his social suicide."

"The article basically is writing itself," Thomas agreed, finishing his hot chocolate and setting it aside, putting an arm around Aaron's shoulders and since James was in the middle around his too, "But let's enjoy our sick day instead of worry about tomorrow."

"Okay," Both James and Aaron answered.

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