Pie Bonding (ThomLiza)

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Requested by -_BlueTurtle_-

Eliza woke up slowly, she was in no rush for anything as it was Sunday and July so she had nothing to worry about. She stayed in bed for maybe half the day in a half awake half asleep state but at about noon she got up and glanced at her arm, gigging at the notes. They weren't hers, they were her soulmates, they wrote quick notes on their and her arm so she guessed they were forgetful; not that she minded.

Eliza got up and grabbed a gel pen, writing a small note down for her soulmate Good morning She added a small blue heart and filled it in.

She felt writing appearing on her arm and put a hand on her cheek as she blushed It's noon but thank you. You just woke up I assume? How did you sleep? The blue from your pen was a nice touch to a stressful day.

When she finished reading she felt a small bit of concern so she wrote down Stressful day? What happened? You can talk to me :)

Thanks babe They called her babe! They always did but it still made her squeal each time, Just lost a debate in class is all, felt so embarrassed, but talking to you seems to change my mood~

She giggled and then remembered her mother's birthday was coming up so she wrote down, I have to go out so just write down whatever you want to rant about and I'll read it and respond when I'm back. Promise. Have to go buy my mom's birthday present.

She then watched them write once more, Nah I don't have much to rant about, just an annoying classmate. Wish your mom a happy birthday for me!

I will. She pulled her pajamas off and then a blue dress on, slipping her flats on and feeling her soulmate writing as she headed out into the world. She skipped on her way to an antique store to get her mom a lamp, it would complete the set she was working on and she checked with everybody getting her a gift to make sure she was the only one getting a lamp.

She entered a store and looked around, glancing at her wrist to see it was just another note he wrote about getting milk and eggs. He checked with her once about him writing those things on his arm and she assured him she didn't mind.

Eliza picked out a lamp and bought it, smiling as she handed the man two twenties for the $30 lamp, "Keep the change." She told him kindly, she liked to give employees of any place an extra tip for everything.

She grabbed the lamp and walked out, wishing she had a car but knowing she liked walking so she wouldn't call a taxi. Did she look weird walking down the sidewalk while holding an ornamented lamp? Oh well. It didn't matter, it was a short walk from her small house to most stores anyway so she didn't have to worry for long.

Eliza jogged up the few steps to her place and balanced the lamp against her body and the wall as she fished for her keys in her pocket, she had one small one on her chest that she put her wallet, keys, and phone in. She felt a tug and turned but barely got a glance at the person's face when he pushed her down and the lamp got ripped from her arms.

It took her a moment to realize he was digging in her pocket for her wallet and phone so she fought back, grabbing the lamp, "What-What're you doing?!" She yelled at the man, she barely caught a glimpse of green eyes and blonde hair before her attention was grabbed by a pocketknife.

She stiffened and heard him say something but she couldn't understand him as panic came over her senses. It didn't last long though because before she knew it another man appeared and threw punches at the one robbing her making it so Eliza could grab the lamp back. She just hugged the lamp to her chest and struggled to her feet, watching the men grapple and fight basically on her front porch. She felt like screaming but she couldn't.

The fight was one-sided until the new man, he had an impressive afro, got the pocketknife and threw it, "Ain't so tough now, are yah?" She heard him say before giving the other man a bloody nose before the blonde boy ran off.

The afro boy turned to her and she flinched but he smiled softly beside having a busted lip, "Hey are youuuuuu..." He trailed off and stared at her arm as she tilted her head in confusion.

"What?" She asked, holding the lamp tighter while thanking her lucky stars it was undamaged so she could still gift it.

Instead of answering the man took his jacket off which confused Eliza until she saw his arm, her sparkly blue gel pen glittering. She glanced at her arm just to be sure and saw the exact same writing so she just stared at him before blurting out, "So glad I shaved last night." The man just burst out laughing and she blushed.

He put his jacket over his shoulder and held his hand out, "I'm Thomas Jefferson." The way this soulmate thing worked was anytime they wrote their name, age, or where they lived it didn't show up on the other's arm so this was an amazing moment.

"El-Elizabeth Schuyler," She said and shook his hand securely. She looked at her door and felt inside her pocket, "My-"

"I've got a wallet, phone, and keys." Thomas said and pulled them from his pants pocket, opening the door and putting her phone and wallet on a table by the door, "I assume I'm invited in future Mrs Jefferson." Eliza's blush deepened, "Been waiting to use that one for awhile~" He admitted.

Eliza nodded and set the lamp down on her dining room table, turning to Thomas, "I made pie if you want it. Oh! And did you get your milk and eggs? And get your mom those apology flowers?" She asked.

"You remembered all that?" She nodded and he grinned, "Aw but yeah I got the groceries and the flowers already gave them to her." Eliza took her jacket and hung it up in the hallway closet, "Thanks."

"No problem," She looked at him before nervously approaching him and stiffly wrapping her arms around him and he laughed before hugging her back, "Stay for the night or you got something to do tomorrow?" She asked quietly.

"Whatever I have tomorrow can chill for my soulmate~" Thomas replied and picked her up as she laughed before he took her to the kitchen, "I heard something about pie."

"Oh yeah! Apple!" She said and ran to the kitchen to get it. She took the pie to the dining room and cut it, putting it on two plates.

Thomas took his gratefully, "Thanks." He took a small bite, "This tastes great! Did you make this? I remember you like to bake." He said with a grin.

Eliza nodded, "Yeah. My mom taught me. Oh! I can't wait for you to meet my mom and dad and sisters!" She then realized that might be a bit rushing, "I mean it can be whenever doesn't have to be like tomorrow but I'm just...really excited to meet you..." She mumbled.

Thomas put an arm around her shoulders so she looked down bashfully before leaning into them, "You've got a cozy little place, don't you?" He asked and she nodded, "I like it."

"Thanks. My little sister, Peggy, she's studying interior design so she did the decor and stuff." Eliza told him and he nodded.

They stayed like that, just talking and eating pie together, it was what Eliza wanted with her soulmate and more.

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