Peach (Malex)

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"Banana," Maria says out of boredom, currently she was laying down on the bed she and Alex shared. She's been staring at the ceiling for an extremely long time and was just...rather bored at the moment.

"Peach?" Alex asks, his nickname for her was a simple one yet it was sweet and caring too. Maria had never particularly liked peaches but after that was given to her as a pet name she suddenly had a very keen liking to them.

"That is me," Maria replies, sitting up and looking at him. Alex chuckles and walked over from the mirror where he was getting dressed, he pecked her cheek and Maria asked, "Why do you call me peach?" While tilting her head.

Alex shrugged, "When I first saw you your face was flustered and shocked and you reminded me of a peach for some reason." He told her, sitting next to her.

"Oh yeah..." Maria blushed slightly as she remembered knocking on his door that night, never before had she ever praised her past self before as hard as she did for going to Alex's house that night. Alex kisses her cheek again and she quickly said, "You keep kissing my cheek but I have a perfectly good mouth."

Alex laughs, "That, Mrs. Hamilton, is true." He told her before kissing her and she, of course, kisses back. Alex then scooted away and flopped onto their bed, laying down and letting a rare feeling of content and peace floor him.

"You ran away," Maria says with a pout, wishing he hadn't stopped kissing her.

"Better catch me," Alex says into the sheets, too lazy to move his head to see her.

Maria rolls her eyes and then rolls on top of him, "Nah. You'll have to move my fatass first and I don't see that happening." She told him. Alex laughs again and rolls over, picking her up, swinging him above his head as he got up from the bed. Maria screams as she became terrified quickly, "Don't drop me!" The panic reaches her eyes.

"I'd never," Alex said, spinning in circles with her high about his head, playfulness reaching his eyes as he didn't notice Maria's genuine fear.

"Holy shit!" She yelled and grabbed his hands which were on her hips, "Put me down!" She demanded.

Alex puts her down quickly, "Hey...I'd never ever drop you, Maria." He said as comfortingly as he could

"That's what you're supposed to say," Maria replied cynically, "Nobody says 'I'm gonna drop you' they say they won't and then they do." She, of course, was speaking from personal experience.

"Yeah, well, everybody else is a weak ass bitch whereas I am strong as fuck," He flexes and Maria holds in the eye roll, "And I'd never drop the woman I love." He put his arms around her, trapping her in a kiss that she quickly responded to.

When they separated Maria put her forehead against his, "I love you, Alex, but if you ever pick me up like that again I will cut you." The last thing she needed was to be dropped as she had been earlier in her life, it hurt, she landed all sorts of wrong and broke her wrist, never again.

"Then I promise I won't ever do it again." Alex said sincerely and Maria looked him over to determine if he was lying or not before nodding slowly to show she believed him, "Now...let's go eat!" He took her hand and lead her from it as she followed.

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