Rediscovery (Lams)

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John held Alex's hand shyly, smiling at him as coy flirtations flowed from one man to the next as if they were just boys again and only now learning of a relationship. That description was almost accurate, neither of them had the courage to act upon their feelings for another man until they met each other. They weren't discovering love-but instead discovering that they could love whomever they wanted.

"I love you." Alex whispered, it hung in the air. The heaviness of those words wasn't an exaggeration, saying them took a lot of work on both parties.

After a few moments John absorbed the words and replied with an, "I love you too."

A light hue of pink overcame the two men, blushing heavily at such affectionate phrases being uttered as if it was natural, the discovery that something so foreign was so natural pleased them-especially Alex who couldn't go five minutes without finding something new or something to argue over.

It wasn't a verbal decision but John felt it in the air that it was what both of them wanted, he slowly put his arms around Alex, and Alex returned the gesture. The closeness sent him reeling, feeling Alexander's breath on him, being this close to his deep set brown eyes. It was almost too much, and he was sure Alexander was trying to count his freckles with the way those intelligent eyes were moving.

"John?" Alex spoke up, startling John out of his internal memorization of every curve and point on Alexander's face.

"Yes?" He spoke quietly, not wanting to damage the flirtatious atmosphere he had become most comfortable in.

"Can I try something?" Alex asked, a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth which gave John a pretty clear idea of what 'something' is. He nodded slowly and felt Alex cup his cheek with one hand while keeping the other around his waist, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

Most of the time when you rediscover something, you find things that weren't there originally. The feeling that exploded in John's chest was new, he'd never felt it before, but he loved every second of it. With this new discovery John felt...happy. As simple an emotion as happiness is, it is what he felt-what irony is it that the ever complicated Alexander Hamilton is the one to give him such a simplistic emotion to fall in love with?

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