Poetry (Thomgelica)

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Trigger Warning: Very Slight Dickery

Angelica sat in the library of the college right before her work shift with her friends, Theodosia Bartow and Sally Hemings, discussing their plans to go clubbing on Monday as it was the only day all three of them could go with their conflicting schedules, currently, it was Saturday.

"So many more places are open on Saturday though," Theodosia whined quietly, "Why can't Sally and I just go? it's not like you even like going out, you're always talking about leaving or about how lame it is." Sally piped up her agreement as she smiled in what she probably thought was a sweet way.

Angelica waited for them to start laughing or to say they were joking but neither did and she furrowed her eyebrows, "Wait...you're being serious?" When Theo confirmed what she had asked she had to restrain herself from slapping her, "Well shit, I'm just over here wondering how you're going to celebrate my birthday without me." She said sarcastically reminding them they were going out for her in the first place.

The two of them were rendered speechless and Angelica narrowed her eyes before grabbing her things and leaving them there as she decided she needed new friends, better friends, friends who wouldn't make plans with her and then try to exclude her from them.

Just as she was trying to decide which of her sisters to visit this time somebody sent her to the ground and she turned and groaned as she saw Charles Lee AKA The School's Biggest Dick as well as his little entourage of assholes, "Why're you out here?" He asked, "Shouldn't you be having sex with your boyfriend?" He was stepping on her recent breakup with John Church, she was about ready to hit him with a hammer at this point.

"Oh wait," Samuel Seabury AKA Charles's gay thing spoke up, "She doesn't have one!" For some reason that was funny? They all started laughing and one person even took a picture of Angelica covered in mud.

"Wait!" Somebody yelled making them stop and turn to see Thomas motherfucking Jefferson...basically the richest bitch in the school that everybody was trying to friend or fuck and that Angelica was trying to boyfriend, "Did we break up? I don't remember breaking up?" She didn't know what he was doing but soon he had crossed the distance to her and pulled her to her feet before kissing her, letting her melt into it as her feelings were finally rewarded.

You know when you're six and you want that perfect prince charming? Then when you're fifteen you get into bands and you want the lead singer or the drummer? Then at twenty-one, you cry and think you'll never find love? Well...as Angelica kissed the man of her dreams she wondered how she could ever want anything else besides him.

They separated and Angelica blushed slightly and was only comforted by the fact that Thomas had an identical blush, they turned to see the group of boys had disappeared before Angelica looked back up at him, "So was that...a serious thing?" She asked hopefully.

"Only if I get to be your boyfriend," Thomas replied as he moved her hair from her face, "I'm not going to lie...I have been waiting until you broke it off with John to do that, I would never make a move on a taken person but I knew you and John were too different and would break up and so I waited patiently."

Angelica smiled and kissed his cheek, "Then I guess we're dating now." She said and took his hand, continuing on his path and letting him lead her to wherever.

As the two of them passed a random boy that Angelica knew was in her liberal arts study group he stopped and asked, "Hey, why are you so sad? Give me a smile~I bet you'd look a thousand times better with a smile." Before Thomas could defend he Angelica put a hand up to him and then handed the boy a card before grabbing Thomas's hand and continuing their walk.

"What was that?" Thomas asked once they were far enough away that he wouldn't hear them. Angelica could detect jealousy in his voice and was confused until she realized he probably thought she handed him a business card or something like that.

"It's a card that says 'This is what my face looks like. Deal with it' because I'm sick of getting that same exact line over and over again." She replied and squeezed Thomas's hand, "This one right here is mine and I don't need anybody else. I've made mistakes and I have regrets but I wouldn't change anything because everything I did led me to you." Thomas chuckled and she rolled her eyes, "I like poetry, sue me. What are you passionate about?"

"Mac and cheese," He replied honestly and Angelica shoved him playfully.

"Only five minutes in and I want to jump out a window," She says making him laugh, "But seriously mac and cheese is amazing though." She added, "And easy to cook so hey, two birds with one stone."

"You said you like poetry?" Thomas asked and Angelica nodded, "Can you make one up on the fly?" He asked curiously.

"I can try," Angelica said and first chose a topic in her head before saying what came to her mind, "My drive cannot be found, pages and pages, endless scrolling. Search for schools, search for jobs, search for life. Not now not now not now. Let me find peace, home, security, something. Help, help, help, help, help. Stop. Compose. What's on your mind? Loading...no results found, quit." She bit her lip after realizing it went very edgy there and she didn't know if he would like it.

Thomas hummed and she looked at him confused before he said, "There are certain things that I adore. There are certain things I ignore. But I'm certain that I'm yours." He tells her and looks at her with a smile, "It wasn't as good as yours but I tried." He said shyly.

Angelica stopped them and pecked his lips, "It's fine, Thomas, you're a pretty good poet...surprisingly..." He pouted and she chuckled, "Okay, you're an amazing poet." He smiled and kissed her making her laugh before kissing back.

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