Dating Sam would include...

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Dating Sam would include...

Long nights with him and you talking and helping research about the case.

Him reading to you when you are down, or when you're sick

Moose hugs, warm, tight hugs

Sass wars and constant sarcastic remarks, also bitch faces

Him teasing you about your height

Him getting worried about you when you forget to call or text him back.

Cute nicknames including princess, sweet little thing, my girl

Him making you feel like you're the only girl in the world

Sam being, surprisingly, dominant in bed and also finding out his dirty preferences

Sam giving you gentle sex but sometimes rough sex as well

Comforting and reassuring him when he feels insecure

Cuddles every single night

Goodnight kisses and Morning kisses

Him letting you wear his flannels even if your naked underneath

Him feeling like you made him the luckiest man alive


Why do I feel like I prefer Sam over Dean, oh my god.

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