Remedy (1)

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Hey community

Remedy by Adele

Not Requested

Finn + Plus Sized oc



I watched her sit alone at the lunch table, she was at the very back, pretending to look at her phone, but I could tell she was having a tough time fitting in here, the majority of females at this college were pretty thin.

I've noticed how hard it is for her to make friends, I've seen her try. Every-time she'd sit at a table with people, they would either ignore her or just straight up leave. Often times it was the second one, which is incredibly sad.

What makes it sadder, is that I'm probably no different than them. I have never even made the effort to go up to her in the first place. Because I'm not scared to admit it, but I am ashamed to admit it. I'm scared my friends will dump me if I be-friend her.

It's been 3 months into the new school year. She is a freshman and I'm a sophomore, which means I'm more likely to bump into her at certain places than juniors and seniors are. I couldn't tell you her name, because I, quite frankly, don't know it.

"Finn." Calvin called my name, which immediately caused me to turn my head back to him. He has one brown up like he was analyzing what I was doing. "Sorry, kinda zoned out there for a second." He scoffs and ate a piece of his sandwich.

"I can see that." He says moving his eyes over to the girl at the table. I shook my head, dismissing anything he was about to say. "Don't even start dude, i just zoned out." He placed his sandwich down on the table and glares at me from across it.

"You can do way better than that." No idea I was friends with a fucking jerk but to be honest am I even surprised. I felt bad for her but I don't think I like her, I don't even know her name for Christ's sake, I know nothing about her. "I wasn't even thinking that way but sure, whatever you say cal."

I looked down at my food and grabbed a grape, throwing it into my mouth and ate it, repeating the same act with every single one on my tray of food. "I'll make a bet with you." My attention was caught. "No." I answered quickly. Calvin chucked and placed his water bottle down.

"There's this gala the college is planning for students who are interested in scholarships, it's coming up in 6 months." I can already see where this is going. And I don't like it so I say.. "No." again while chewing these delicious ass grapes. "I didn't even finish—"

"You don't need to." I look down at my tray and grab a piece of the pancake and bite it a little bit while cal glares daggers at me. "I'll pay you 1000 bucks." Now I was listening. College definitely wasn't cheap so I took what I got.

"What's the bet."

The next day was the same, she sat in the same empty table and ate the same food. But this time was different, because I joined her. I placed my tray on the table and sat right next to her. Which seemed to confuse her, rightfully so.

"Can I help you?" She said silently, looking around as if to see if I'm lost. I shook my head and ate my apple. "Can I not sit here?" She immediately shook her head and gave me 'space' "Yes of course you can, sorry that was so rude." I shrugged it off and took another bite of my apple as she continued eating her food.

I glanced over at to realize she wasn't even eating, just playing in her food. "Watcha got there?" I asked with a smile on my face, she turned to me and gave me another confused look. "Uhm.. well, peas and chicken soup I guess." I nodded and looked down at my food, she was staring at it. I had a tuna sandwich, two apples, 1 brownie topped pancake.

She didn't look like she was enjoying her food so i offered something. "Wanna switch?" Her eyes lit up and she looked like she was about to say yes, but she didn't. Instead she said "It's alright." And kept playing in her food. "Why?" I asked as I took another bite of my apple. 

"Why are you here?" She finally asked, I knew she'd ask sooner or later. "Uh, it's a table, and I can eat on it?" I shrugged, putting the apple down, she repeated the same but instead out her soup spoon down. "No I mean why are you specifically sitting next to me. I see you sitting with your friends over there all the time so why are you here and not over there with them."

Shit that was specific, I didn't even know she knew who I was. I mean, granted, Calvin and the rest are quite loud, and I have made eye contact with her before, only for like a couple seconds, not longer than that. "Just thought you needed someone to talk to." She blinked, I offered my hand. "Finn Wolfhard." She looked at my hand for a few seconds before hesitantly putting her own in mine.

"Empire Athanese." I shook her hand and smiled at her. "Thats a very pretty name. And I love your last name." She giggled and let go of my hand. "Yeah, I get that a lot, it's not very common." Figures. Because I have never met someone named empire before. It made her  more interesting.

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞 - 𝐅.𝐖 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon