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Summary: Boris gets you pregnant when you're 14 and he's 15.


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I sat on the toilet seat patiently waiting for the results on the test.

I've been feeling really sick these past few days and I thought it was nothing. I didn't want to think the worst but I had no choice.

I got a pregnancy test from my local drug store, took it and now I'm waiting for the results to come in. I'm so scared because I'm barely even a teenager and I can't even afford food for myself.

My parents died in a plane crash when I was 10 and I was left to stay on the streets since there wasn't a shelter here where I lived.

But boris found me when I was 12 and told me I could stay with him and his dad. His daddy didn't care since he was barely home anyways.

I heard a beep and I was too scared to look at the test. But after a few minutes I gained the courage to look. I grabbed it off the counter slowly, and opened my eyes looking at it.

I started tearing up as I saw what it read.


What am I going to do. We can barely afford money for food, and now we have to raised a whole child. I can't even afford abortion either.

I placed the test back on the counter and took a few deep breaths shedding a few tears at the same time.

Then I heard someone knocking on the bathroom door. "Detka, are you in there?" Boris. How the hell was I supposed to tell him this. "Uhm yeah!" I yelled.

"You okay?" He asked and Al thought I wasn't I still replied with. "Im fine!" I could tell he sighed from the other side and just let it go.

I heard his footsteps but I didn't hear a door open meaning he just went back to bed.

I took the test and put it in my pockets and threw the box away before walking out. "Baby.." Boris stood up running over to me and placing his hands on my cheek.

"Why you cry? I don't like to see you cry." Just that made my tears flow even more. "Boris I have to talk to you about something." I placed my hands on his arms.

He nodded and we sat down on his mattress he put his hands on my knees as I took a deep breath. "Boris I-" I sighed and he looked at me with loving eyes gesturing for me to continue.

"Im- pregnant." I said slowly. Boris loos like he had just seen a ghost. He stood up and pi
nched the bridge of his nose with his other hand hugging his body.

"How- But! we were so careful! I-" he threw his arms up and sat back down and put his hands on his head. "I'm sorry.." I said lowly and he turned to me and brought me into a hug.

"No, do not apologize it is my fault. Condom must have broken and I did not notice." I nodded and he wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"It will be okay." He assured me and I shook my head. "Boris we don't have any money- and- we're still so young! We can't even afford and abortion." I cried and he shushed me.

"I will find job, and we can raise money and save." That honestly didn't sound like such a bad idea. "Why are you staying with me?" I asked and Boris scoffed.

"Why would I not?" He responded and I shrugged. "I heard most teen moms don't raise their kids with the dad" boris brought me into another hug and patted my back. "I would never leave you alone during a time like this, I love you and I will stand by you through whole way. Understand?" I shed a few more tears but nodded.

"And think of it." He pulled away from the hug and held both of my hands. "We will be parents." He placed one of my cheek and I smiled. "I guess I never really thought of it that way. "

"We maybe young but that does not matter. We will love him or her.. uh what is word" he snapped his fingers trying to remember. "Unconditionally?" I told him and he smiled. "Yes, unconditionally."

"But Boris how will your dad react?" He frowned and looked down. "I do not know. Maybe it is best we do not tell him, for now" I agreed with him becAuse is Boris's dad found out that boris got me pregnant this young he'd beat the crap out of boris and then kick me out and I would be left on the streets again this time with a human growing inside of me.

The thought made me feel sick. But me and Boris have been planning on running away for a while now but Boris made a new friend. Theo. And as much as I love theo, he needs to let go of boris.

We have a hard enough life as it is and we need a way out of this hell hole and the only way is to run away and start a new one. Away from here.

Boris put his hand on my stomach and smiled. "I'm going to be a dad." He whispered as his voice cracked and I could tell he wanted to cry. He looked up at me with teary eyes.

"You'll be an amazing one." He shook his head and I looked at him confused. "What if I become like my father." He cried and I placed my hand on his head playing with his hair.

"Hey.. listen to me. You won't ever and I mean ever. Turn out like that guy. You'll be a great father to our baby and he or she will love you to bits." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Thankyou принцесса." He said quietly and I placed my head on his shoulder and we just sat there enjoying each others company.

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A/n: I wanna make an angst imagine so bad but my friend told me I'm one of those soft cute writers and now I feel like I won't ever be able to make an angst imagine😭😭😭

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