Belonging Set

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Summary: Behind the scenes of my book "belonging" its stranger things but yk you get the point.

This is a long one lol

If you haven't read "belonging" it's a mike wheeler book please read it before reading this or you can just read this one on its own it's fine


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Before filming stuff
"So we're kinda getting ready to do the hellfire club episode, here's my outfit" y/n said showing off her outfit.

She ran over next to Mike, Gaten and Joseph who were sitting at the tables. "Say hi guys!" She turned her phone to all of them. "Hey!" They all said and y/n sat down next to Finn.

"Look at his shirt!" Mike looked down at his hellfire shirt then looked back up. "Custom made" he widened his eyes jokingly.

"Okay so the scene right now I'm gonna have to, brace myself for, cause I'm gonna get water spilled all over me" she spoke to Finn. "Yeah, took you a while for the makeup too" Joseph added.

"Yeah! The duffers did me so wrong on this one but uh you know poor twen" she placed her phone on a stand. Gaten made faces at the camera.

"Babe c'mere" she said to Finn. "Look at this. Jawline is perfection" Finn playfully glared at her. "You guys ready?" Someone came asking them and they all said yeah.

"Okay uh I'll see you at the next break!" She turned recording off and gave her phone to them before everyone got up and went to their positions.

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Hair in the chair

"Hey." Y/n said peaking in and sitting down at her station. "Damn this mirror is big" she said making everyone laugh. "I'll never get used to it" she added.

How's it like playing 21 so far?

"Uhm, I don't really know how to explain it, I'm new to the show I'm new to everything but playing Twen is just- you have to really get into the emotional part of her mind and it's just she's really emotional really sensitive and you just kind of have to activate that sensitivity and really know what she's feeling most of the time but uh other than that playing her is awesome I love it" y/n answered while her stylist did her hair.

How long does it take to become Twen?

"I don't know I would say about 10-15 minutes?" She asked her stylist. "Yeah I think it would take about that long" her stylist answered. "Cause the hair is the part that takes the longest for me and the makeup is just kind of covering up some things on my face cause my skin really isn't that great" she joked.

Who makes you laugh the most on set?

"Oh it would be a tough pick between Eduardo and Noah, They just always know how to like lift up your spirits, Noah's always like making sure I'm not nervous and we joke around a lot it's really fun I have most of my scenes with both of them, and they are so hilarious to me"

Did you know anyone before joining the show?

"Yes I knew Charlie and Finn and sometimes Millie, me and Finn met 1 year ago after the MTV awards. I saw him and as a fan I went up to him which probably sounds really desperate and I asked him for a picture. We hit it off since then and became really good friends and started dating 4 or 5 months ago then he introduced me to Charlie because it's who he was heading out of the awards with. I kinda knew millie cause of a meet and greet but uh not that much now we're like super close friends."

Were you expecting to get the role of Twen?

"No." She said plainly and everyone laughed. "No really! I wasn't because when I found out that they needed another person in the show that described me perfectly and I was like ok why not let's audition for fun, and I actually got in." She laughed. "How did Finn react to that?" Her stylist asked. "He didn't know I auditioned until I got the part, I told him and he was like ecstatic for me to join the show and I also didn't know it would be this big of a role so- yeah."

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