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(This one was actually requested by one of my best friends and yeah enjoy! they're engaged in this btw he proposed to you in private not like my preferences i'll make a second version of this later on)


Today me and Finn decided that it would be fun if we go out instead of staying in all the damn time. So right now we are walking around the mall looking for some outfits for us because the  MTV movie/show choice awards are in a week and stranger things 4 and Ghostbusters: Afterlife was nominated so naturally Finn invited me.

We walked into a store and Finn sat down at a seat while I was looking for an outfit to wear I saw someone with a camera taking pictures of me. I ignored it at first but then I felt a little bit uncomfortable. "Finn can we go to another store I'm not sure this one fits my style" "Of course bub let's go" I grabbed his hand and we walked away to another store, I didn't want to tell him that I saw people with camera's taking pictures of me.

Finn is very protective of his personal life and doesn't like the paparazzi one bit. So if I told him that someone was taking pictures of me he would have called the police and it would have been all over social media. We walked into another store and Finn started looking around with me. "What do you think about these" he asked me holding up an outfit (like he wore at the stranger things 4 premiere) "It would look good with a loose bow so we'll see if we can find a black scarf" He nodded and took the outfit.

I on the other hand was having trouble picking outfits because I was more worried about the paparazzi and I guess Finn took notice from my strange behavior "Are you good babe?" he asked and I hummed "O-oh yeah I'm fine I guess I'm just nervous for the awards" I nervously giggled and he smiled "You don't have to be, it'll be fine I promise you." I smiled at him and went back to looking for an outfit while he went to pay for his.

While looking for an outfit I saw people taking pictures of me, again. I didn't want to tell Finn so as soon as he was done paying for his clothes I grabbed his hand and walked us to another store. "Woah woah babe, you've been acting really weird since we got out of that one store are you sure you're okay?" I nodded and was looking for heels that I could wear but Finn obviously did not buy it. "C'mon, tell me what's really bothering you"

Should I tell him? I thought then I decided not to and just made up another bullshit lie "Yeah I'm just stressed because I can't find any good outfits and I want to look good yk?" He seemed to believe me. "I don't think people will notice bub" he said while putting a hand on my bump. Yeah I forgot to mention I'm 4 months pregnant and me and him are engaged but people don't know that. "I know but if they do they're going to make a big scandal about it, you're the celebrity not me" 

He chuckled a bit and dragged me to a clothing section. "How about I try to pick an outfit for you, I know your style well enough to so you don't stress yourself too much because of the baby" I smiled at how sweet and understanding he was even though I lied to him, he pulled a white sort of loose dress from the clothing rack and gave it to me. "Try this on it looks nice and I bet it'll look even more beautiful on you" "Thanks babe" I grabbed the dress from him and went to the changing room, I put the dress on and wow, it hides my bump, and it's super fashionable.

 "Try this on it looks nice and I bet it'll look even more beautiful on you" "Thanks babe" I grabbed the dress from him and went to the changing room, I put the dress on and wow, it hides my bump, and it's super fashionable

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I walked out and showed it to Finn and he had a big smiled plastered on his face. "You look gorgeous my love, and see! it hides the bump, nothing to worry about" "I still feel fat" I pouted and he faced me towards the mirror of the changing room. "You look amazing y/n stop stressing" He kissed my shoulder.

A few hours later we bought our outfits and we were now starting to head home. We were in the parking lot when suddenly a bunch of people with camera's started taking pictures of me and Finn.

 "Hey stop it leave us alone!" I yelled and mine and Finns bodyguard that has practically been following us everywhere today tried to stop them. "Y/n over here, are you pregnant? are you two expecting a child?!" "Finn are you two getting married is that true" "Y/n, Finn, over here!" They were bombarding us with questions and I was starting to have an anxiety attack.

"Please leave us alone or I'll call the police!" Finn yelled as we were trying to walk away from them. The bodyguard was still trying to push the paparazzi away. But they kept following us until eventually we reached Finn's car. He let me in the passenger seat and the paparazzi were still trying to get pictures of us. Luckily, the windows on his car are tinted so we don't have to worry about that and we drove off.

"Is that why you were so nervous all day? because there were paparazzi taking pictures of you at the mall?" He asked and he seemed pretty mad. I looked down and played with my ring, "Answer me y/n." I sighed and looked at him "Yes it was, but I didn't want to worry you too much of it, I've actually been seeing them everywhere since we went to the mall" Finn groaned "Please, the next time you see them tell me." "I will I just wanted things to go normally I don't know" I looked back down and started to play with my ring again.

"They're an invasion of privacy and you know that babe" he told me his eyes still focused on getting us home. Finn really likes his privacy which is why on his instagram he only posts about his partnership with brands, his band this aubreys or anything to do with his work. It's also the reason why we haven't told anyone that I'm pregnant and that we're engaged. "I know Finn, I just don't want them bothering us again" 

"They won't, I'll try to find a way to have these paparazzi people leave us alone."


lmao this is so bad but i tried lol

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