Pheobe's weird friend (4)

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2 weeks later


"A dance?" Pheobe repeated as the two 15 year olds walked through the halls of their high school.

"Mhm! I really wanna go, and you're coming too." Y/n said to her friend who groaned. "I don't like dances, they're filled with.. people." Pheobe made a face of disgust.

Y/n laughed and looped her arm around Pheobe's and continued their walk. "Think about it, there's free food. There's music, and extra credits if we attend." She squealed.

The two girls were freshmen, and they would be attending a dance the school is having to help some fundraiser for animals or whatever.

And y/n was ecstatic to go, not just only for the extra credit because she needs it, desperately. But because this would be her first dance ever. Back at her old town, the schools were mediocre nothing really interesting happened.

No dances, no fun, no sport games no tournaments, nothing. Just go to school learn and go back home. Which isn't a great influence on kids.

"Jeez, it's almost as if they're begging us to go." Pheobe said in a plain bored voice. "What do you mean?" Y/n questions her friend intently. "Free extra credit? Come on. They're desperate."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Pheobs. I'm telling you this could be great! You just don't wanna go because you don't need the extra credit." Pheobe looked at y/n and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm serious, your grades are like the most perfect thing to ever exist." Y/n admitted and Pheobe thought about it. She did get straight A's while y/n was kind of stuck on B's. Pheobe side and mentally face palmed herself for what she's about to say.

"Fine, I'll go with you to the dance.." she said plainly. Y/n basically jumped for joy and clapped her hands. "Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!" She lunged onto her best friend and hugged her tight.

"Alright, alright. Don't make me change my mind." Pheobe laughed as she hugged back. Seeing y/n happy was always a pleasure for Pheobe. She deserves the world.

Pheobe has been there for y/n since she moved to SummerVille and she was so glad that they met eachother. They honestly can't since of a life without eachother and would never do anything to harm one another.

The two stopped hugging and y/n looped her arm around pheobe's again and the two girls made their way outside since school was over.

The two sat down on the steps waiting for their ride from Mrs Spengler home. She always offered to drop y/n home after school so now it just became a habit.

"Hey guys!" They heard a voice and both girls turned their heads. "Hey podcast, Noah." Y/n greeted. Podcast waved and sat next to Pheobe with a laptop.

Y/n grew confused and looked at Noah. "He's been busy with his.. podcast?" "Yeah?" Podcast answered but then looked backdown at his laptop when he realized Noah was referring to his show.


Noah sat next to y/n while Pheobe and podcast had their own conversation. "So.." Noah started trying to engage in a conversation as well. "So..." y/n added on being just as awkward as he was being.

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