Only love can hurt like this

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(Ft Aidan Gallagher)

It's been 5 months and 24 days since Finn went to New Mexico to film stranger things 4. And honestly I miss him like crazy. I've been extremely lonely these past 5 months and I don't know what he may be doing, Because guess what? He hasn't even face timed me in over a month.

He's only sent dry texts like "Goodnight" or "morning" or "Gtg" And it pisses me off but it also makes me sad and overthink a lot. Has he found someone better than me? Maybe he has because before he would call me every single night and tell me how much he loved me. And I know that he might be busy and tired but at least make some time right?

Well I'm laying on my bed right now scrolling through Tik Tok as I try to ignore all of these negative thoughts in my head. I came across an edit of me and him when I visited him on the set of the turning a few years ago. I smiled lightly at it and added it onto my favorites list. I decided to download it and send it to him.

After I sent it maybe like a few hours later all he replied with was. "That's cool" and I could tell he didn't watch the video. I was starting to get really insecure of myself, I started dieting and exercising more. Then I posted a picture of me at the gym because I was feeling really proud of how much effort I put in that day.

Finn, of course, didn't even like it. I went onto Sadie and Millie's instagram and to see that he has liked Millie's post that was only 37 minutes ago and Sadie's which was 2 hours ago. When I posted mine about 3 hours ago. I felt a pang in my heart. Did he think I was ugly?

I scrolled more through instagram and I saw that he liked Elsie's post. His ex-girlfriend. And her post was an hour ago. I turned off my phone and grabbed my pillow and just sobbed into it. What was going on. I thought Finn loved me. But maybe I am overreacting because of he probably didn't even see my post.

Well whatever was going on with Finn, I didn't like it. I grabbed my phone again and decided to call him so we could talk. And for once. He actually picked up, "Hey y/n what's up?" He called my by my name. He almost never did that but I ignored it. "We need to talk" I said "Oh uh yeah what about?"

I took a deep breath in "Finn are you ashamed of me?" I heard silence until he spoke up "W-why would I be ashamed of you?" I scoffed "Finn you haven't been liking my instagram pictures, you barely talk to me, you don't want to call me and you're even liking Elsie's pictures now."

"Y/n I haven't seen your instagram pictures, I've been busy and Elsie and I are friends I wouldn't get back together with her again and you know that." He said sounding pissed over the phone and I couldn't help but let tears flow down my cheeks. "Y-You're right I'm sorry I'm just being paranoid" I spoke and he scoffed "Yeah whatever, I'm busy I'll see you this weekend" He hung up and I fell back onto my bed.

He talks to me so coldly now. As if he got tired of me or something. A few hours later I called Aidan and asked him to come over because I was really hurting right now and Finn wasn't helping at all.

I was still laying on my bed holding on to a pillow and sobbing into it and I heard someone walk in which I guessed was Aidan. "Y/n/n! What's wrong are you okay?" He ran to me and pulled me into a hug. And I sobbed into his chest while he caressed my head and patted my back. "Finn again huh?" He asked and I hummed not wanting to remove my head from his chest.

He sighed and pulled me to face him. "When are you going to realize that he's not good for you?" I looked him in the eyes "Aidan I love him-"

"This isn't love y/n, no offence but you're a mess, he's doing this to you every single day why can't you see that?" He was right, when I wasn't at the gym I was in bed crying and looking at things about Finn online that would tear me to shreds. And every single time I did Aidan would be there for me. He would comfort me and try to get me to forget what was going on. And when he left I went back to being a mess again.

A few days later I was with Aidan on the couch watching a movie, It was another one of those "help me forget finn days" And I was honestly having a really great time so far. Him and I had a popcorn fight and well we sort of made a mess in my living room.

"You're cleaning this up by the way" I told him and he gave me a fake offended expression. "It's your house" good point "Mmmm but you made the mess and you're supposed to be taking care of me soooooooo" He rolled his eyes and threw a couch pillow at me making me throw one back.

"Oh my god stop it you're going to end up throwing one of them to something that'll break" I laughed. I haven't been this happy in a while. And for the first time in over 6 months, Finn was off my mind. Until the door unlocked making me and Aidan stop and face it. And there stood Finn.

"What's going on here?" Finn asked looking pissed. Aidan's happy mood changed into an angry one as he stood up making me stand up and hold him back, I knew exactly how this would end and honestly I wasn't in the mood of finding out. "Aidan calm down" I quietly told him. "This idiot has been gone so long and has been hurting you and you expect me to calm down?!"

"Get away from my girlfriend bitch" Aidan looked back at him and I stood between them. "Guys stop, Finn Aidan was just hanging out with me, you know he's my best friend" Finn grabbed my arm and dragged me towards him. "Y/n what are you doing? this idiot has been hurting you since he left the fucking country why are you trying to take his side?!"

"I'm not taking sides Aidan" I told him "Y/n would you like to tell me what the fuck is going on here?" Finn asked me and Aidan took a step forward "Don't talk to her like that you bastard."

"You shut up and get the hell out of my house now before I have to make you get out" Finn threatened Aidan and I was getting scared for both of them at this point. Aidan is a short guy and Finn is really tall and could probably easily beat the crap out of him. "I'm not gonna fucking get out because I have been here for her every single day while she was a mess because of your sorry excuse of a boyfriend"

"Aidan!" I shouted "What? it's true, tell him all the times I had to reassure you, tell him all the times you would cry in my arms until you couldn't breathe, go ahead! tell him Y/n!" Finn's face expression softened as he looked down at me. "Is that true?" I couldn't say anything so I just looked back at Aidan "Please leave I'll call you tonight, me and Finn have to talk." He nodded and me and grabbed his bag giving Finn a death glare as he walked out.

"I don't want him coming here anymore y/n."


part 2?

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞 - 𝐅.𝐖 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant