In the now parenting

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Summary: You, Finn and your kids go to spend a week at your moms place in your home country.


Elliot, 5 month old girl
Isaiah, 10 year old boy
Mellow (Mel) 14 year old girl

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"Y/n I love your family but I'm pretty sure they hate me" Finn said as he was driving us to my moms house. "Finn my family doesn't hate you"

He looked at me before looking back to the road. "I'm serious, it took them a while to refresh on my sisters husband too." I told him as I patted his head.

"I just think everytime I'm there they judge me. That's all." He explained and I frowned. "Dad do you think grandmama will like this hat, or this hat" my son Isaiah peeked through the front seats holding towo hats.

"Uh. The blue one" Finn said still looking straight at the road. "You didn't even look" I told him and he shrugged. "I don't want us in an accident I'll look at the hats when we get the Izzy" Isaiah groaned and sat back in his seat.

"How long are we gonna be at grandmama's for?" Mel asked looking up from her phone. "About a week" I responded. "A week?!" She complained and I laughed. "You can live without your friends for a week Mellow" Finn told her and Mel glared at him.

"Dad, unless you didn't get the memo, everyone's going to the back to back party on Sunday we have to be there by Friday night so I can go shopping on Saturday morning, and then do my nails at 2 then do my hair at around 7."

I felt dizzy just listening to all of that. "Honey, we're going on Saturday night and that's final." Finn said and Mellow groaned. "Mom!" I just pretended I couldn't hear her. "Ugh!" I saw her put her headphones on and look outside the window.

"Mom the baby won't let go of my hat" Isaiah complained and I rolled my eyes. This is going to be one hell of a week.

"We're here." Finn said stopping the car and parking it in the drive way. I unbuckled my seat belt and Finn went to go get Elliot in the back seat. I took a look at the house I grew up in.

It feels so great to be back. I remember all the fun times I had here with my cousins and my siblings. I sighed and walked on the porch knocking on the door as Finn and the kids followed behind with our stuff.

The door opened and my mom smiled widely when she saw me. "My baby! Come here sweetheart!" She said opening her arms for a hug and I gladly hugged her back. "Hey mom" I said pulling away.

Then she saw the kids. "Oh my grandbabies! Come over to grandma" Mellow and Isaiah ran over to her and hugged her but I noticed Finn looking a little down as he held Elliot.

I went over to him and tapped his shoulder. "It'll be fine" I whispered and he nodded. "Finn, deary how are you" my mom came over to us patted finn on the back.

"I'm good, thankyou just been a little occupied with work." She nodded and welcomed us all inside. "Now you kids get to your rooms you know where they are." She told them and they raced upstairs.

"Here let me fix Elliot up some carrot mush" my mom walked over to the kitchen before I could stop her. I ran over to her with Finn following behind. "Oh actually mom, Ellie doesn't eat baby food" my mom looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why, vegetable mush is good for growing babies if you want them healthy" she explained I nodded. "Who's idea was this" she asked and Finn spoke up. "It was my idea, uh i think if we introduce her to something more nutritious and fun it would be great for her health it would also mean she's enjoying what she's eating"

My mom looked at finn and dropped her napkin. "Yeah uh, so no vegetable mush I'm afraid" I said and my mom glared at me. "Oh well alright ." My mom gave up and then Mellow came running into the kitchen.

"Grandmama! What's the wifi password?" She asked. "Oh hunny, I'm not telling you" Mel made a face like she just saw a ghost.

"Why?!" She yelled. "Because this week is about connecting with eachother not connecting on ya phone" my mom explained and Mel rolled her eyes. "Oh mom it's fine, here give me your phone I'll put the password" Mel gave me her phone and I typed in the password.

"Here" I handed mel back her phone and she hugged me before running back upstairs. "Child, why on earth did you give her the password" my mom blinked at me.

"Oh well Finn and I find that if they're communicating with their friends at one time and connecting with family at the other it doesn't make them feel forced to do anything." I said standing next to Finn as he prepared the baby formula for Elliot.

My mom rolled her eyes and we walked back to the main room. "I'm gonna put her to sleep" Finn said as he went upstairs.

"I think these white folk are corrupting your mind" my mom talked sitting down. "Mom, don't say that I think Finn's way of parenting is great and I find it great too"

"Oh please, who doesn't feed they baby carrot mush, it's healthy" she proclaimed. "I agree with you ma, but Finn's right the baby needs more nutritions apart from mush." I said sitting down across from her.

"Do ya even spank (discipline) your kids?" She asked and I shook my head. To which she tsked. "Mom we do discipline them in different ways, it's called we want a healthy relationship with our kids, Finn thought of it." I shrugged.

"Oh well, I can't tell you how to raise your kids, but please at least get them used to the culture." She said and I nodded. "Of course, I want to give finn a chance to learn all about where I grew up and the kids would adore it, remember tik tok mama?" I asked her and she groaned.

"Don't remind me those little dances are still stuck in my head" I laughed and stood up. "Ima go check on Finn see you in a bit mom" I kissed her head and went upstairs to Where Finn and I will be sleeping. My childhood room.

"Oh my god it's still the same from how I left it only cleaner." I stepped in and looked around."Mhm" Finn said in a low voice sitting down at the edge of the bed.

I sighed and sat next to him. "You heard the conversation didn't you" he nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Do you think my way of parenting is bad?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Finn I love our style of parenting, although I love my mom but she can't tell us how to raise our kids." Finn turned to me and I smiled at him to which he smiled back.

"I love you" he kissed my forehead. "I love you too Finnigan" I stood up and started looking around my room. "Oh my god my old stranger things posters" Finn got up and stood by me looking at the posters.

"Yeah you have all 5 seasons." He said wrapping his arm around me. "I remember how obsessed I was with you, I was your biggest fan." I turned to him. "And look where I am now" I smiled at him.

"Right here with me, where you belong." He held me closer and I laid my head on his chest. "It's too bad Netflix shifted to another company that's more expensive." I folded my arms. "At least stranger things is still there. The kids love it" he said.

"I miss those times." I said quietly. "I miss filming them too, I mean I love being in my own shows and movies now but it was so different filming stranger things, nothing can replace the moments I had with those guys"

I hugged him and patted his back. "When we go back we'll have a little reunion for the cast members, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled. Who would have thought moving away from here would change my whole entire life. And that I would have a family with my celebrity crush.

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But uh how was it?😭

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