In the now parenting pt 2

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Summary: read and find out.

TW racism, discrimination.


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3rd day

"Honey" my mom called and I looked up at her. I was sitting down and feeding Elliot in the kitchen and my mom was cooking food for us.

"Could you ask one of your kids to go to the store for me and get some flour, I ran out" I nodded. "MELLOW, ISAIAH COME DOWN HERE!" I yelled and my mom looked at me like I was crazy.

Finn did too but went back to doing his work on the laptop. A few seconds passed and both of them came downstairs. "You know you could have texted" Mel complained walking and standing next to me. "I was in the middle of a game." Isaiah complained as well.

"Yeah uh now that both of you are complaining you're both gonna go to the store to pick up some things for grandmama" I said wiping Elliot's mouth. "I'm not going out with this" Mel pointed at Isaiah and he glared at her.

"Hey. You're going together whether you like it or not." Finn warned and both of them rolled their eyes. "Maybe it'll give you a chance to hang out together on this family trip instead of just staying in your rooms and playing video games and chatting with your friends all day" He told them looking up from his laptop.

"Fine" Mellow said dragging out the "i". She went over to my mom and she told her what she needed and gave them the money and pretty soon they were off to the store.

"Jesus." Finn sighed and I looked at him. "What happened honey?" I asked him. "The sub-director got sick he's not gonna be directing the movie for s couple days."

"Oh damn." I went back to feeding Elliot who was playing with her food like a maniac.

- -
Mellows Pov

Isaiah and I got done at the store and we were walking back to grandmas house while he was rambling on about something. "This place isn't so bad. It's beautiful I mean the culture, just look at everywhere" he said.

"Yeah I know, but I wouldn't move here. Dad has work at home and I wouldn't leave my friends behind." He looked at me and shook his head rolling his eyes walking faster. "Do you think dad will mind that I bought new headphones? I mean mines broke" I asked him.

"He won't care, as long as he checks your old ones are broken." I nodded and we got home. I was about to open the door but it was locked. "Weird, the doors locked" I said. I took my phone out and checked my messages "mom texted that she's going with dad to drop off something at the airport and that grandma took Elliot on a walk."

"Great, we're stuck out here." Isaiah complained and I thought of something. "Grandma always keeps a spare key outside somewhere, let's check." He nodded and we started looking around the porch for the key.

"Police! Put your hands in the air" two police men pointed a gun at me and Isaiah and I dropped the bag of groceries and my head phones putting my hands up. Oh my god.

"Get on your knees" since I was already outside I got on my knees slowly. I could hear Isaiah crying. "Mellow what's going on" he cried. "Isaiah- just get on your knees" my voice cracked as I told him not looking away from the ground once.

"But-" "GET ON YOUR KNEES NOW!" The cop yelled pointing the gun directly at his head and he got down on his knees in fear so fast. Why is this happening to us. By then I started crying.

"We have suspects, at Oak street, male and female." I heard one of them say in their Walkie-Talkies. I can't believe this is happening.

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Y/n's Pov

Finn and I were driving home and we saw two police cars outside of my moms house. "What's happening" I whispered trying to get a closer look.

"I don't know.." finn said next to me. We pulled up in the drive way and that's when I saw what was happening. What. The. Fuck.

Finn and I quickly got out of the car and saw a cop pointing a gun at our kids heads and one of them writing something down on their flip book. "Oh my god" I heard finn say and I ran over to them ."Mellow?! Isaiah?!" One of them stopped us from going any closer.

"Mom! Dad!" I heard both of them call out to us and clearly they've both been crying. Isaiah looked scared to death. My poor babies..

"Officer what is going on here?" Finn asked and the officer examined his face. "You're Finn wolfhard! Big fan" the cop said and Finn didn't look amused. "Thanks. What are you doing to my children" he said sternly and the officer cleared his throat.

"We heard of a robbery going on in the neighborhood, and we saw these two trying to break into this house." I scoffed. "These are kids!" I defended. "We're here to visit. This where her mother lives." Finn said and the officer looked at me. "Y/n, you're back?" I nodded like I was saying duh and he looked at the other officer and gestured him to put the gun down and let them go.

They knew me because my dad was in the police force, he was the chief but one day on the run to catch a murderer he got shot and died.

The kids both got up and ran to me and finn, isaiah hugged me and I held him tight kissing his forehead while mellow hugged both me and Finn. "Let's go inside my babies" I held their hands and brought them inside,
Isaiah still crying.

- -

Finn's pov

I was furious. What the hell. How could they do this to my two innocent kids. I tapped the officer on the shoulder and he turned to me. "Why did you do that to my kids." I asked him sternly and he shrugged.

"Just protecting, that's what we do." He said. "Those were children you were pointing guns at." He nodded and started walking away.

"Oh yeah, they had this with them." He stopped and gave me a bag. I glared at him before I looked inside. I glared back at him and scoffed. "These were things they went to buy for their grandma for dinner tonight, the headphones are because they probably broke theirs."

The cop shrugged. "I was just doing my job." He's lucky he's a cop or I would have punched him right then and there. "No. You see- your job is to protect" I argued.

"Yes and your kids looked suspicious." He defended turning all the way to face me. "Why because they're half black." The officer stayed silent and walked away but before he did he turned around. "They're dangerous people." he tipped his hat before he walked to the police car.

I stayed speechless and watched the car drive off. I looked at the bag again and scoffed before walking inside. I saw Isaiah cuddled up to Y/n in the couch crying while she tried to calm him down. And Mellow leaning her head on y/n's shoulder trying to calm down as well.

I sighed and sat next to them and Mel dove right into my arms. I held her close and rubbed her back. "I was so scared dad.." she cried quietly. "I know.. sweetheart i know.. you're safe now." I kissed her forehead.

"T-They were pointing a gun at us.. a-and told us to get d-down.. I didn't know what to do.. b-but Mel told me to calm down and get down- I was.. confused. So it took me a second to put the cop pointed the g-gun directly at me and yelled at me to get down.." I heard Isaiah say in between cries and I felt so bad.

"I just wanna go back to Vancouver.." mel muttered and I patted her back.

I can't believe there's people even here going through this and I honestly didn't even expect it for my kids this early on in life. "Well baby, tomorrow we're getting on the first flight back home." Y/n said and I nodded agreeing with her.

No one should have to go through this. And especially not kids. But unfortunately this is the reality. Dangerous? How could he even say that.

Honestly fuck them, I'm going to sue that policeman. And to think he said that he was my fan.

What kind of world do we live in.

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A/n: the fact that incidents like this happen disgusts me. Discrimination against race should have stopped and should never exist to begin with.

This made me sob.

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