Run Away Fan

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Summary: you ran away from your home and bumped into one of the most famous teenage actors in the world.


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How long has it been? About 2 months or 3 months? I don't know I wasn't keeping track. I ran away from home a while ago because of my mom and step dad.

My mom doesn't do anything but she just watched my step dad beat me over the smallest things.

I hated it.

But I couldn't say anything.

Neither could mom. It's almost as if she was brainwashed not to but I did notice that she also had bruises but often told me not to worry about it.

I love my mom. But I couldn't continue that life back at home. Constantly going to school with a face full of makeup.

And coming back home to an alcoholic smell in my house. And I would often come back and see that some things. Priceless things from my childhood and of my dad. Broken.

My dad died just 2 years ago and I'm still coping. When I ran away I grabbed anything that reminded me of him. I still have the hairpin he gave me when I was 4.

It's very pink and looks like it's for a little girl but I don't care. I wore it everyday and I still wear it every day.

When my mom met my stepdad at first I was excited to meet him and he was a nice guy at first but then when they got married things became different.

My family has a lot of money so he took advantage of that and spent everything.

The only savings we had left were from me and I made sure he never got to that.

But those savings only got me to last 3 days in hostel. After that I've been practically staying on the streets and traveling day by day.

By now I must be somewhere in Canada I'm not too sure cause I'm not seeing any American flags with Biden anymore.

Right now it's about I think 8 am. I got to sleep on a perfectly good mattress someone threw out so my back doesn't hurt as much. I saw 30 dollars that fell out of somebody's wallet and I know it sounds horrible but I didn't return it.

Instead now I'm walking inside a store in my worn out clothes hoping to buy some food.

I took a couple packets of Doritos, water and two sodas. When I went to pay the cashier looked me up and down.

"You good kid?" He asked me and I didn't know whether to respond or stay quiet.

I chose to respond.

"I'm okay was just camping" I answered and he nodded giving me all of my stuff. I payed for it and I only had a couple dollars left and the most this would get me is candy.

I walked out of the store and went back to the mattress which was 3 blocks away the same store I came out from.

I sat there and literally ripped the bag open and started eating like an animal.

The last time I had food was probably 4 days ago and it was just a couple of half eaten apples that people threw away in a trash can.

I know it sounds gross but you take what you can get when you're living on the streets. Believe me.

I heard someone walking over but it sounded like they were running.

I sat there confused and the closer the person came I realized who it was.

Finn Wolfhard.

He's in my favorite show stranger things but I can't really watch that now.

It looked like he was tired but he turned to me and I was about to speak until he put both his hands on my mouth.

"Shh.." he shushed me and looked around and behind him before sighing in relief and removing his hands from my face.

"I'm sorry I just- was- it doesn't matter now." He explained barely and I nodded.

"Sorry Uh I'm Finn I was just trying to get away from-"

"Paparazzi I know." I cut him off. "Yeah sorry."

"It's fine." I took out another chip and ate it. He sat down next to me. "What's your name?" I didn't know if I could trust him but this is a worldwide actor I'm talking to so might as well.

"Y/n L/n"

He stared at me as if he was thinking about something. "You're the one with that fan account of me On Instagram with over 100k followers?"

I just remembered that I used to have a fan account of him.

"Yeah I am. finnswife2002, it sounds so cringey now that I think about it." I chuckled and he laughed. "I mean I do look decent." He praised himself.

I laughed and so did he until we quieted down. I could tell he hesitated but he still asked. "You haven't posted for 4 months. What happened? Why are you here I saw on your story once you lived in the us?"

"I know. I-" I paused for a second "uh it doesn't matter" he interrupted me again.

"Yes it does. Why is one of my biggest fans sitting in the back of an apartment building in Vancouver, over 20,000 miles from where she's supposed to be. It may be weird. But I looked at each one of your posts and stories." He admits.

"And I always thought you never noticed me" I looked down at my feet.

"I always did."

We stayed in a comfortable silence for a moment before I started talking.

I explained everything that happened and everything I went through at home and on the streets.

It was hard to talk about so by the end of it I was in tears.

"Sometimes I think why I ran away from home and I think about how horrible it was. And it makes me never want to go back there ever again." I finished and he didn't say anything.

He just brought me into an embrace with my head was laying on his chest. "On your posts you always seemed so happy." He whispered and I sniffled.

"Magic of social media I guess." I say up and wiped my eyes.

"You can live with me" he said plainly.

I looked at him and shook my head. "No I wouldn't want to be a burden-"

"You aren't a birder and you won't be. You need help so you can live with me and I'll help you. you won't see them again." He grabbed both my hands and another tear rolled down my cheek.

"Of course I'll come with you."

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A/n: I wanna make a part 2 🫠

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