My Fault

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Warning, this contains the use of drugs and sensitive language and loss

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"Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck!"

I paced around the apartment trying to find some sort of substance, a pill, a shot, cocaine anything. At this point I'd settle for weed.

Finn threw it all away.

Fuck I hate his guts. I hate him with every piece of me. He threw everything that was mending my pain away.

I looked under the bed where my secret stash used to be, nothing.

I looked in the hidden safe behind the painting, nothing.

Nothing. What the fuck was I meant to do.

Finn expects me to just live like this? No it's not going to work out.

I picked up my phone and dialed my dealer knowing that I have no cash on me right now.


"Carson! Oh thank god you fucking picked up, listen to me very closely play? I'm going to need you to drop off some OC for me and some Cocaine."

"Y/n Finn already beat my ass for dealing you, get over it I'm not giving you anything."

"Carson, if you don't deliver my fucking oxy right fucking now I will-"

"Do what y/n? You're already fucked, can't you see?"

"I really fucking need it! I'm dying over here- I'll give you 5 stashes for it in cash"

"... alright fine, I'll be there in 10"

"Good, good, good- just perfect. Thankyou."

I hung up the phone and kept on searching, just in case there was a baggie that I forgot about or something.

I got tired of looking for it so I went into Finn's money drawer and unlocked it.

Finn always keeps that damn thing locked so I had to improvise.

Once I got it open I started looking through the money to see if it was enough.

"1, 2, 3, 4.. 5! Yes!"

5 grand. Surely Finn won't notice it's gone.

He's loaded anyways.

I found a rubber band and tied together the money so I didn't lose any.

Pretty soon I heard knocking and I immediately knew it was Carson.

I ran to the door and opened it, my theory was correct, he was dressed in a grey sweatshirt, black jeans and had sunglasses on.

"You have it?"

I nodded and gave him the cash. He looked around before putting it in his pockets and giving me exactly what I needed.

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞 - 𝐅.𝐖 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu