Gone for good

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(Now I got this idea from another book but creds to them i forgot what their account is)

(I changed your daughters name to star she's 4 in this)

Finns Pov

Where is she? He thought while watching peppa pig with my daughter on her Ipad. He was laying with Star on her bed, They've been watching peppa pig for hours now and he wasn't complaining, he enjoyed being here with her small bean but something kept on bothering him. Y/n wasn't home and it was nearly 9:30 pm, she should have been here since about 8:30. 

Maybe she was running late? He doesn't know to be honest. "I'll be right back princess okay? daddy's going to get something to eat, meanwhile why don't you try to sleep" he asked his daughter while getting up slowly "But I want to wait for mommy daddy" finn smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy will be here soon, she's just running late okay?" she nodded sadly and put her ipad aside while finn tucked her in. As Finn was walking out and closed the door he grabbed his phone and tried calling his wife. No answer? that's strange.. y/n always answers the phone when she's coming home. He thought and tried calling her again, and again.. and again. He called her about  8 times all, no answer. 

He decided to call Millie to see if y/n was with her, luckily she picked up. "Millie! oh thank god you answered, I was just wondering if y/n is with you" 

"Hey Finn!, and no she's not here why?"

He frowned slightly and answered her "Because she's not here at the time she usually is and she isn't answering any of my calls" He checked the clock and realized that it was already 10 and sighed.

"Well maybe she's probably just busy with loads of clients today and maybe that's why? I'll try calling her and I'll text you if she answers"

"Thanks Millie that would be a big help" Finn's anxiety was starting to get the best of him because y/n never and I mean ever has clients at 10 in the fucking night it's just impossible. Millie cut the call and Finn went to text y/n when star came out and stood next to Finn holding her stuffed bunny looking sad. "What are you doing here angel I thought I told you to go to sleep?" He asked her softly while smiling at her.

She didn't answer him and just shook her head and hugged her dad's leg. Finn smiled at her and ran his hair through her black curly locks. She had y/n's personality but looked nothing like her, she mostly looked like Finn which he was proud about  but sometimes the similarity would scare them. "Daddy mommy's not home yet.." She said sadly.

Finn frowned at her and nodded "I know baby, she's coming home, I promise you. Then she'll read you your bedtime stories just how you like". Star kept on clinging to Finns foot so he picked her up and hugged her. "I know she's not used to coming home late like this but mommy has clients, she has to work overtime okay?" she nodded and Finn put her down.

"Head to bed angel, don't worry I'll tell you when mommy gets home okay?" he smiled a her and she smiled back and nodded happily. He chuckled a bit "Go on now" Star ran back to her room to go to bed leaving Finn so confused. Where the hell was y/n why was she taking so long to get here. He got a text from Millie saying that she didn't answer any of her texts or phone calls.

He ran his hand through his hair stressfully and started to panic a little but then he told himself to calm down and that she was probably just passing by a few stores and that her and her phone was probably dead. Yeah that was probably it.

30 minutes passed and Finn wasn't having it. He called Noah, Gaten, Caleb, Nick, Eduardo, Wyatt, Jack, Sadie basically anyone he could so he could reach y/n and they all gave him the same answer. "No, she's not answering."

He was sat on the couch reading the text messages from everyone when he heard police sirens. His heart dropped and he heard a knock on the door. He hesitated but went to open it. A police officer was stood there and he felt his heart break into a million pieces. "Hello Mr. Wolfhard" the officer spoke up. Finn didn't say anything which made the officer speak again.

"I'm here to inform you that your wife, y/n-" Finn cut him off "Don't." Finn was almost at the edge of a panic attack right about now and there were millions of thoughts going through his head like why is this happening. The officer sighed but he obviously had to continue because it's his job. "I'm here to inform you that your wife, y/n wolfhard has died in a severe car crash not too long ago."

The whole world stopped spinning suddenly. He felt as if it was a punishment from life but he didn't do anything to deserve a punishment. "Her body has been taken to (the place where bodies are put so that they can have a funeral a few days later) I'm really sorry for your loss Mr Wolfhard we're going to need you to sign this please" he handed Finn a paper.

"Get out of my house." Finn said "Sir we're gonna need that paper signed before I'm allowed to lea-" finn cut the officer off "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY HOUSE." he slammed the door in the officers face and slid down it sobbing so hard that he almost forgot how to breathe.

Y/n was gone, his wife, the mother of his daughter, his best friend and his life. Gone in the matter of seconds. He threw the paper away aggressively and started having a full blown panic attack. His wife, the love of his life was dead. Dead. The word kept spinning around in his head. How was he going to live without the absolute love of his life.

How was he going to tell star that her mother has died. How was he going to be able to take care of her. Then the thought popped in his head. It's only the two of them now. Y/n's not going to be able to watch her own daughter grow anymore.

She's gone for good.



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