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Summary:Finn is your date to prom :)

Requested <3

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"Sweetie are you sure Finn will come." My mom asked me as she sat on my bed while I was busy picking between 3 prom dresses.

"Mom Finn maybe famous and all that but he always makes time for me" prom was tomorrow night and my mom was having 2nd thoughts. She thinks Finn wolf be too busy to show up because he's occupied with filming for st5 and directing his own movies.

And the more she brought it up the more frightened I became. Everyone at my school knew I was dating him. One problem though, they thought I was lying and making the whole thing up.

Mostly because Finn doesn't post me and I don't post him. We try to keep our relationship lowkey because he doesn't want any paparazzi after me.

"I know honey but he's a pretty big celebrity won't kids at your school swarm him?" I rolled my eyes and turned around facing her. "Mom. Finn's body guard will be with us, we'll be fine trust me."

My mom sighed and got up. "I'll get dinner started while you pick out something for tomorrow then" she walked out and my annoying brother came in through his room. Yeah. Our rooms our connected. Don't know who's idea that was.

"Yikes did you see what your boyfriend posted" he said as he walked and sat on the couch in my room. I made a confused face. "No? I didn't let me see." I put the dresses down and grabbed my phone going on Finn's story on Instagram.

"Yeah, he's at the ysl premiere" I looked up at y/b/n "what about it?" He shrugged and turned his phone off. "Isn't the premiere in New York this year?" He asked and I nodded folding my arms.

"Sis there's a big chance y'all aren't going to prom together." Here we go. "You know everyone keeps telling me that, even mom" I said walking over and sitting down next to him.

"I don't know, maybe you'd want to re-think going to prom with him" I shook my head and stood back up. "He promised he'd come to prom since last year, and he said he would and he also said he would come to my graduation so he's. Coming." I walked to my closet. Putting the dresses back inside.

"You know maybe you should date someone that isn't famous then you wouldn't be under pressure"he chuckled ruffling my hair before walking back to his room.

I soon got very worried grabbed my phone proceeding to call finn. When he picked up i could hear people talking in the background.


"Finn! Hey, uhm I was just wondering are you still coming to prom with me tomorrow?" I asked biting my nails.

"Of course I am, I'm about to leave for my flight right now, I already checked out of the hotel I just needed to go to the premiere after." He explained and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh okay, good."

"Why did you think I wouldn't come?" He snickered on the other line and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes, everyone's been saying you wouldn't make it." I bit my nails again and I heard him scoff.

"Don't listen to them I'll be there okay? Now I have to go I'll see you tomorrow babe I love you" he told me and I giggled.

"I love you too, bye" he hung up and I immediately went y/b/n's room. "He said he's coming" I yelled at him. "That's great sis! Oh yeah could you tell mom that I need my uniform ironed for work tomorrow?" He yelled again still with his face buried into the game he was playing.

I just ignored his request and walked back into my room laying down on my bed and scrolling through my socials.

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"Mom you've taken enough pictures" I complained. I decided to go with a long sleeved dress with a slit at the bottom and a pair of ysl heels finn gifted me when he visited last time.

"I'm just capturing the moment prom doesn't always just happen" she backed away and took one more picture. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone looking at the time.

I sighed and folded my arms. "Sweetie are you sure-"
"He's coming mom." I glared at her and sat down on the stairs playing with the sleeve of my dress. My mom sighed and sat next to me on the stairs.

She rubbed my back and pulled me into a side hug. "I know he didn't make it to your birthday last time, that's why I'm worried sweetie, Finn is a very busy boy."

"Mom you aren't helping" I faced her and she rolled her eyes. "If he doesn't come I don't want you to hide in your room like last time, you'll go to prom and have a fantastic time, okay?" She smiled and I returned the smile.

"Okay." I said. And a few minutes later the doorbell rung. My mom patted my back and got up. I kept playing with the sleeve of my dress and I was about to go upstairs when I heard my name being called.

"Y/n!" My mom called and I turned around and saw Finn there with a grin on his face. "Finn!" I ran downstairs and hugged him to which he hugged back.

"I was getting worried you wouldn't come.." I said as I pulled away from the hug. "I know I missed a lot of things, but I promised you I wouldn't miss this for the world" he smiled.

"How adorable let me get a picture of both of you!" My mom said pulling her phone out. I rolled my eyes playfully as Finn chuckled. He put his arm around my waist and I did the same as we posed and my mom took the picture.

My mom took plenty of pictures and by then Finn and I got ready to leave. He had his bodyguard drive us to school.

When we got there he rolled us inside and before we actually stepped into prom I stopped Finn and he looked at me confusingly.

"Are you sure you wanna go in?" I asked him and he smiled. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked and I shrugged. "You're an actor. Everyone knows you and loves you here."

He nodded and placed his hand on my cheek. "That's not going to stop me from making us have a great time, okay?" He assured me and I smiled and nodded.

I opened the door and the loud music was being played followed by so many different colored lights. I looked at Finn one last time and I he looked at me and gave me an assuring look.

The minute we walked in all eyes were on us and some kids even dropped their drinks. About half of them attempted to come over to us to meet Finn but his bodyguard took care of that and so did the teachers.

Finn and I laughed and we went over to my best friend who was at the punch table nodding at us as we came to her. "I never doubted that you were dating him for a second" she patted my shoulder and turned to Finn.

"Hey Mike wheeler" she waved. Finn rolled his eyes and greeted her back. I took a chance to look at her outfit. "Nice suit" I complimented and she shrugged. "I'm not one for dresses nor proms I just came cause I wanted to see wheeler" she gestured to Finn and he laughed.

"You're funny" he complemented. "And you're tall." She states the obvious. "Where's your date?" I asked her and she peaked her head up looking somewhere at the crowd. "She's there.. somewhere" she squinted her eyes and stood back down.

"So you guys gonna dance" she asked us and sipped some of her punch. "If you're up for it I'd love to." Finn said as looked at me. As if on queue a slow song started playing.

"Well catch ya later, ima go find Cassie" y/bsf/n said as she walked away. Finn held out his hand and I gladly took it.

We went to the dance floor and slow danced to the song and the rest of the night was amazing.

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A/n: I started this a while ago and it's been sitting in my drafts and I didn't know how to finish it. So enjoy lmao😭

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