Hospital Madness

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Okay.. okay.. breathe. We're almost there. We're almost there. I sat in the car playing with the sleeve of my button up shirt.

My bodyguard in the front seat and my driver in the other. And my  pregnant wife next to me.

Y/n didn't notice my irregular breathing because her eyes were glued to the road.

Everything felt fine up to this point. I was scared that I'd do one wrong move getting out of the car, or trip in front of the photographers that would be swarming outside the hospital.
Can't even get the decency to respect our privacy.

Oh god what will happen when they see that ill look like a complete mess next to y/n. Wait what will happen to y/n?

"Babe, are you okay?" I didn't even notice that I started breathing really hard and that I was crying.

"Finn? Finn, look at me." Y/n held my hand with one and turned my head to face her with the other.

"Calm down, calm down."

Everything was blurry, my vision, even my hearing. "Babe. C'mon look at me finn please focus on my voice." I did just that I stopped my thoughts for one second and looked at her.

"You're okay, I'm  safe. I'm right here."

She brought up both her hands and cupped my face gently wiping my tears.

She started steadying her breathing and I followed along with her. My vision became a little less blurry.

My thoughts calmed down.

"Please promise y-you'll be okay."

"Ill be fine, okay? I'll do great." Y/n leaned over and kissed my cheek then brought me into a tight hug which I fell into.

Words can't explain how lucky I am to have this girl.


"What do you mean she'll have to undergo surgery? Can't she just do natural birth?" I yelled at the doctor who clearly looked terrified.

"Mr Wolfhard I apologize but she's only 8 months pregnant she'll have to do surgery to make sure the baby is out on time and the health conditions both of them are are critical you have to remain out here until we have to undergo the surgery if you'll excuse me."

The doctor sped away leaving me in a halt. Surgery? They never said anything about surgery. When the hell will she get out?

Will my baby girl be okay?. Oh god please let Fiona be okay. And y/n. I can't live wi

I paced around the waiting room over and over trying to steady my breathing.

I couldn't concentrate on anything. They haven't even started on the surgery yet and I'm a nervous wreck. I was chewing on my finger nails and sweating like crazy.

"Mr Wolfhard?" I heard my name being called and looked behind me. A nurse.

"She's ready." The nurse smiled and handed me (one of those things doctors wear during surgery idk) and a mask.

"Thankyou." I choked out and put both of them on before following the nurse inside the operating room.

Y/n was under anesthesia so she was asleep. I felt even worse when I saw her laying there. The doctor and surgeons got prepared to start operating.

I went by her said and held her hand even though I know she can't feel a thing.

20 minutes passed and they were still operating. I was starting to get mad. This whole time I was trying to steady my breathing.

I swear to god I'm going to Sue this goddamn hospital-

Then I heard a baby crying. My head jolted up and I saw my daughter being pulled out.

I smiled to myself under the mask as all fear washed away.

They handed me a sterile scissor to cut her umbilical cord. And did the rest.


Once the got done cleaning her up and stitching y/n up again they handed me my daughter.

The surgery was a success. But they said y/n would wake up a few hours later due to the effect of the anesthesia.

"Hi.." I sniffled as I looked at her opening her eyes. She was so tiny and cute. I looked up and wiped my tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes.

"You were a big pain up the wrong end today but.. at least your here. I love you." I kissed her forehead. 

I went ahead and placed her in (the thing they put babies in at the hospital) and sat down on the chair next to y/ns bed.

For the next few hours Fiona slept soundly and managed to get some work done.

I called some people, including my parents and told them that she was here and I received tons of congratulations.

Although since we're so many cities away they couldn't come.

I heard a cough and I looked up from my phone and saw y/n waking up.

"Y/n!" I got up and watched as her eyes fluttered open.

"Ow.." she tried sitting up but I stopped.

"Don't move too much, give it time." She nodded and slumped back into the bed.

"Fi-Fiona.. where's Fiona." She tiredly asked. I went over and picked her up, she was still sleeping. I admired her for one second and brought her over to y/n.

I saw tears forming in her eyes and a smile creeping into her face as she reached out for our daughter.

I handed Fiona to her and watched as she looked at her with such love and admiration. "We made this." She said and I chuckled next to her.

"Yes we did.." I sat next to her on the bed, y/n laid her head on my shoulder.


A/n: another draft🧚🏽‍♀️

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