viii) Potterwatch

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"This is ridiculous." Draco says as we enter the Room of Requirement for the first radio transmission. It's been a week since they told me about this and I was starting to get worried. So when I received a message about the date and time, I was beyond relieved.

"You agreed to it." I point out. "And you do it only if you want to."

"Who will be on air with us?" Draco asks. I shrug. Honestly I have no idea.

We sit down in front of the radio which has appeared along with everything else we will need. Soon the radio comes to life. "Phoenix, you there?" A familiar voice asks.

I scoff a little before answering. "This is Phoenix speaking." I answer. I look at Draco and he nods. "And I am with Dragon." We had decided to change his name because Snake was a bit revealing. No one will think Draco is Dragon. "What will I be calling you?"

"Call me River." The voice of Lee Jordon answers. "And you can call me Royal." Kingsley's deep unmistakable voice says. "I believe I need no introduction." The third voice says making me almost laugh in relief.

"Of course not, Moony." Draco says, the smile present in his voice too.

"River will start us off and then we will introduce you, Phoenix, as our leader. Be careful of what you say while we are on air. We don't know who's listening." Kingsley says.

"We know." Draco and I say at the same time.

There is a few minutes of silence before Lee's voice comes over the radio again but this time it is clear that he is on air.

"Welcome everyone to Potterwatch. Now while every other channel is telling you exactly what You-Know-Who wants, we will be giving you the true accounts."

"He still has that voice." Draco whispers to me and I nod.

"Now many are wondering what the real situation is. Well I won't lie, it's very grim. But there is still hope. We have hope as long as Harry Potter is out there and fighting."

Draco gives my hand a squeeze and I manage a small smile. I know they can't use my name but it still hurts a little on hearing that Harry is the only hope.

"And onto more important things. If you think that saying You-Know-Who's name is showing bravery then don't. The name has been tabooed. Anyone who says it is caught by the Snatchers and killed."

"River is right." Kingsley begins now. "A week ago I was almost caught too. I had used the name. We caution you to not use it."

Draco and I exchange a look. I had warned them to not use the name but Kingsley still did.

"And anyone out there who wants Harry to succeed, know that he will. And if he is listening, then I would like for him to know that he has more people on his side than he could have imagined." Remus says.

"And now let me introduce the person who is our leader." Lee picks up again. "We can't tell you the real name but we call her Phoenix."

Draco gives me an encouraging nod and I take a deep breath before leaning towards the mic. "Hello everyone." I greet. "And thanks for such a nice introduction, River."

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