Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Four - The Nephilim Siblings

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With Jack on Sam's laptop and Dean trying not to fall asleep on a pile of books in the library, Eden had been trying to help Sam with translating the book.
Michael walked into the library with a book in hand, skimming through a page as he approached the back table Dean was sat at.
"How's Sam and Eden doing? Any progress?" He asked.
"I hope so. They've been in there a long time. So either they're busy with that or busy making the kids another sibling." Dean replied with a voice half-asleep. At that moment, the couple appeared from the War room. "Oh hey, why don't you ask them yourself?"
"Sorry, it's slow going, but I think, between us, we were able to piece it together." Sam announced.
"'It?'" The Archangel repeated, closing the book in his hand.
"The spell. There's a spell." The younger brother nodded. "Eden figured out that it has to be done at a particular place, at an exact angle from the sun. But, it will release an unstoppable force that will find Chuck and finish him."
"Michael, I need a word with you. We've figured out a plan and you're going to end up being a pretty important piece of it." Eden motioned behind the Archangel towards the corridor.
Michael nodded, placing his book down on the table by Dean before following her out.

At the designated location – a lakeside in direct sunlight – Sam placed God's open book on the ground, its pages flat against the sandy shoreline. Dean proceeded to place three copper bowls in a triangle around it as Eden placed the correct ingredients into them.
The Winchesters, Eden, Jack, Jorden and Michael stood in a circle around the spell.
"Let's light it up." Dean instructed, looking to Eden.
She nodded, flicking her hand out towards one of the bowls, making all three burst into a light blue flame resembling that of the celestial eyes of an Angel.
The four had to step back as the flames shot up as beams of light into the sky, having to squint to see anything.
As they gazed back down to the bowls, they and their ingredients exploded, flinging the materials every which way.
"Wait. What happened? What's wrong?" Dean asked.
Eden saw him first.
A few feet behind Michael, stood Chuck, dressed in an off-white suit.
He nodded, his signature smug smirk clear on his face.
The deity waved a hand, sending Sam, Dean and Jack flying.
"Jorden, go make sure they're okay." Eden urged, giving her daughter's back a gentle push towards them.
The little girl scampered off quickly, checking Dean first for any injuries she could heal.
"Father." Michael greeted.
"Son." Chuck took a few steps towards the Archangel. "And listen, I appreciate the head's up about all this."
"It's always been my destiny to serve you."
Chuck's face turned almost annoyed.
"Yeah, the thing is... It's kinda late in the game. You did side with the Winchesters. I can't forgive that."
"Father, no." Michael protested, holding out pleading hands. "That was a lapse of judgement, I admit, but I swear I-"
"Save it!" Chuck yelled.
His eyes glowed blue and he threw out his hand towards his son.
Eden took her stand, and zapped over to take Michael's hand.
As the Light Archangel's eyes turned blue, the Dark's switched to their black and red. They held out an arm each, looking as though they were holding an invisible shield that deflected Chuck's magic, sending it right back at him.
Chuck cried out in his pain, hunching over and falling backwards a few paces.
"How?" He seethed.
"You took her daughter away, Father." Michael growled. "In fact, you have systematically taken away every family member she's ever had. So as I searched her mind and hid away her grief, I let her in, too. I was only too happy to help lure you here after what you put me through. After you abandoned your children and left us to clear up your messes."
"Turns out, Amara didn't trust you nearly as much as she claimed." Eden added, giving Sam and Dean the chance to recover from Chuck's blow. "She had a feeling you might do something like this in the end. So she gave me a fail-safe I could share. That little bit of God power she gave me all those millennia ago? After she brought back Mary Winchester, she took most of it away. Except the bit I needed if this day were to ever come about. She gave me a piece of herself to use against you. Granted, she never counted on it being quite this powerful, but I don't think she ever anticipated you consuming her either. Or maybe she did... Because my piece of her and the rest you have inside you connected. Made that blow so much more powerful."
"How are you feeling, Father? Winded? A little powered down, perhaps?" Michael chuckled. "Imagine that, the power of a Light and Dark Archangel united as one to tear you down."
"There will only be one casualty today and I was going to make damned sure it wasn't one of us." Eden replied, her glaring eyes still fixed on the deity. "Game's over, Uncle."
"I don't know about the rest of us, but there's something I've wanted to do for years now." Sam stormed over to the man and punched him so hard, everyone heard at least three of his hand bones break.
Chuck turned his head back towards them from the force of the punch, smirking.
"Cute. But what the heck?" He stood up straight, flicking out his hands. "I can get my hands dirty."
"We've got this." Dean growled to Eden, who nodded and pulled Michael's hand to take him out of the way.
Chuck went for Sam first, punching him to the floor. When Dean went to fit in his own blows, the God back-handed him with a headbutt to follow.
With Sam scrambling to his feet, he went for another punch. Chuck blocked it with one hand and jabbed him in the throat with the other, broke the Winchester's knee with force from his and kicking him in the crotch.
"Should we intervene?" Michael asked on the sidelines.
"Just go with the plan." Eden shrugged. "We only get involved if one of them stops moving."

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