Chapter Forty-Six - Staged

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It was barely two weeks before something else exciting happened.
"Yo, bros, what's kickin'?" Elizabeth sauntered into the library with a glass of blood, sitting down next to Sam and shoving her feet up on the table.
The younger brother scoffed out a laugh.
"'Yo, bros, what's kicking?'" He frowned, unable to hide his amused smile.
Elizabeth shrugged, gulping down a mouthful of blood.
"Trying something new." She replied.
"Please don't." Sam sniggered.
"Yeah, that was weird." Dean mumbled. "Even for you, Vampy Pants."
"Weird is my middle name." The Vampire smirked. "Actually it's Mary, but I guess that's weird considering who I'm sat with."
"Anyway..." The older brother frowned. "We've got a case. But big lugs over here didn't want to wake you because apparently, the last time he tried, you tried to shoot him."
Sam gave a hesitant smile in the Vampire's direction.
"No one ever warned you guys not to wake a sleeping Vampire, huh? Well, I'm glad we've gotten passed me aiming a gun at both of you now and not just dick for brains." Elizabeth smirked, sipping her blood. "Let me finish this, go throw on my party gear and we can pump some gas."
"Okay, seriously." Sam chuckled. "Stop. You're starting to sound like Dean and its freaking me out."
Elizabeth and the older brother glanced to one another with an amused glint in their eyes. The Vampire got up, placing her glass down on the table.
"Well, fear not, my beloved and beloved's special case brother, for I will draw the line at the brotherly nickname that shall not be mentioned by anyone but said brother on pain of untimely demise." She said in an overly posh version of her accent, waving her hand regally before bowing and backing out of the room as she did so.
Sam laughed, shaking his head as he went back to reading whatever article he was looking at on his computer.
"Your girlfriend's a basket case." Dean commented.
Sam looked up at him from over the laptop screen.
"Did you really think either of us would find anyone normal with the lives we have?" He asked.
"Touché, Sammy. Touché."

"A teacher in an all girl's school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was headed to her car and disappeared. Nobody's seen her since." Dean said as they got on the road.
"What makes you think it's something supernatural?" Elizabeth frowned, looking over the newspaper article the older brother had supplied her with.
"That's what I said..." Sam sighed.
"What makes you think it's not something supernatural?" Dean countered.
"Probably the bit where there's nothing here that suggests there is." Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow at the driver through his rear-view mirror.
"Just... Go with me on this. I want to get back to normal - our normal." Dean sighed.
Sam turned to Elizabeth in the back seat, giving her a look and earning one in return.
"Fine..." She mumbled, throwing the newspaper down on the seat next to her.

Sam spent most of the drive through Flint on the phone to the local police department. By the time they got to the school, he was only just hanging up.
They got out of the car, smoothing out their suits.
"So, the last place Mrs Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium." Sam told the other two. "Turns out, she's the drama teacher."
"Ugh, theatre kids. Great." Dean mumbled as they walked towards the entrance.
"Hey, what's up with theatre kids?" Elizabeth protested.
"They're so damn... Dramatic." Dean replied. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, walking on ahead. "Case and point."
"I was a theatre kid." Sam said.
"Barely. You did 'Our Town'. Which is cool, but then you did that crappy musical." Dean mumbled.
"Oklahoma?" Sam cocked a brow. "Hugh Jackman got cast off Oklahoma."
"You ran tech, Wolverine." Dean retorted as they got to the school entrance.

The school principal led the way to the auditorium, telling them that, if they needed anything else, they would be sure to let her know.
The room was large - for a high school theatre.
As soon as they entered, their attention was immediately drawn.
"Idjits." Someone to their right called out.
The trio looked over, seeing a girl dressed in typical hunting gear, a false beard, a trucker's cap and a script in her hand.
They looked between each other with deep set frowns.
"Ya Idjits." The girl continued. "You are Idjits."
"Hey, assbutt!" Another female voice came from down the auditorium stairs. "Hey, assbutt!" This girl was dressed in a suit and trench coat, fake throwing a prop Molotov.
Then a pianist started up and a girl dressed in jeans, flannel and a brown leather jacket started singing about 'John and Mary'. She also sang her introduction as 'Dean'.
Dean looked between the two in mild horror.
As the musical story of Sam and Dean's childhood progressed, a plywood Impala rolled out just as a girl called 'cut'.
"What in the Holy..." Dean trailed off.
"If there is a case," Sam nodded. "It probably has something to do with all this."
"Ya think?" Dean scoffed.
"This... Is freaky." Elizabeth commented, staring at it all in awe. "I'm out."
She turned to walk out with her hands in the air, but Sam grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her back around.
"Nope. No. If we have to stay through this, so do you." He kept his voice low as the girl - assumingly the director for the show, walked up the stairs towards them with another girl on her heel.
They were both wearing the matching school uniforms, complete with red berets.
"Hey, hey. Oh, my gosh. Are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, the writer slash director, this is Maeve, my stage manager and this was just a dr-"
She was cut off when the three pulled out their FBI badges.
"I'm, uh, Special Agent Smith, these are my partners; Special Agents..." Sam trailed off.
"Smith." Dean cut in.
"And Lennox." Elizabeth gave a half-second smile.
"Smith - no relation - and Lennox." Sam repeated. "We're looking into the disappearance-"
"There is not singing in Supernatural." Dean huffed.
Sam and Elizabeth looked over to him with equal frowns.
"Well, this is Marie's interpretation." Maeve informed him.
Dean let out a laugh, nodding his head awkwardly.
"Well... If there was singing... You know - and that's a big 'if' - If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber crap."
"Andrew Lloyd Webber." Sam corrected under his breath.
"Yeah, you know, we do sing a cover of 'Carry on Wayward Son' in the second act." Marie told them with a rather pretentious smirk on her face.
"Really?" Sam scrunched up his nose.
Marie's eyebrows raised at his reaction.
Dean and Elizabeth simultaneously shot their heads round to look at him.
"'Carry on Wayward Son' was Kansas' masterpiece." Elizabeth protested.
"It's a classic." Marie and Dean said in unison.
"Right. Anyways..." Sam shook it off after a glance in surprise at Elizabeth's reaction more than any one else's. "We're here to talk about the disappearance of Mrs Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?"
"Um, yeah. She left around like, what, nine thirty?" Marie frowned, asking for confirmation in the form of a nod from Maeve.
"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?" Sam pressed.
"A bar." Maeve answered. "Or liquor store... Both..."
"Mrs Chandler liked her go-juice, huh?" Dean commented, earning a elbow to the ribs from Elizabeth.
"Wow... Really?" Sam nodded.
"She had a nasty divorce last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her... Grown-up juice or passed out. Usually in that order." Marie told them.
"Well, I don't blame her. I'm gunna need fifty jello shots and a hose down to get this stink off me." Dean grumbled, looking around the place.
Sam gave a nervous chuckle.
"Maeve, right?" He asked, pointing to the girl with a headset microphone over her hair. "You're the stage manager?"
"And I understudy Jody Mills." Maeve nodded.
"What?" Dean looked disgusted.
"That's great." Sam said. "Jody Mills, that's great. So, how about you give Agent Lennox and I a behind-the-scenes tour whilst your director shows my other partner Mrs Chandler's office? Deal?" The girl nodded. "Great."
"Where's Elizabeth?" Elizabeth frowned, looking around at all the actors in costume.
"Who's Elizabeth?" Marie retorted.
The Vampire gasped, a horrified look on her face.
"This is the TV show all over again." She uttered in an inhaled breath.
"Could you guys give us a moment, please?" Sam gave a nervous chuckle as he grabbed Elizabeth's upper arm and pulled her to face away from the stage.
The girls nodded, walking back towards the front of the auditorium.
"Can you get a grip?" Sam whispered to Elizabeth.
"Easy for you to say, you're the star of the freakin' show." Elizabeth hissed. "Who is this Carver Edlund moron and how many times am I allowed to punch him?"
"Well, his real name is Chuck, for a start. But, either way... I think I'm gunna throw up." Dean grimaced.
"I mean, I gotta say, it's kind of charming - the production value the..." Sam cut himself off, seeing the look on his brother's face. "No? N-no." He cleared his throat, putting on a serious face. "Elizabeth and I are gunna check for EMF. You look for, uh, cursed objects."
The pair left Dean standing in disgusted awe over the whole situation.

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