Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Six - Tell Me Lies

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Jack and Willow were serving up hot food, speaking with Pastor Joe when the TV at the far end of the community centre, previously displaying the news, turned to loud static. After a second or two of that, came a white countdown on a black screen. It displayed only five seconds, counting down to zero.
"What is that?" One of the men in the room asked.
Just as it reached zero, the image of a woman, tied to a chair in a nondescript location popped up. She was unconscious, a white cloth acting as a gag tied around her mouth. In her right hand was some sort of machine, duct taped to her. Her left hand, however, had been tied down, her fingers caught in a rather nasty looking medieval torture device.
Within half a second, something on the contraption triggered, cutting the woman's middle finger off. At closer inspection, Willow noticed that her pinky and ring finger had already been severed.
The woman screamed in agony as the middle digit was lost.
The TV static returned, lasting all of half a second before the black screen took over, displaying in white 'YoU woN't sAVe hER.'
The woman came back on screen as Willow shoved the wheeled TV stand out of the way, Jack running over to unplug it quickly.
Pastor Joe and Sylvia; now known to them as his daughter, dashed to them as Jack found a USB in the back of the screen, home made with a large piece of motherboard, wires and some hashed soldering.
"Who could've done this?" Jack asked.
"I don't know..." Pastor Joe sighed.
"I do." Cas said, walking off in the direction of the Pastor's office.

Sam, Dean, Eden and Amara sat at a table in the middle of Pavel's Deli, the deity excited as a plate of fresh-made Perogi was placed in front of her.
"We want to take your brother down." Dean started, eyeing her every move. "And we need your help."
"What makes you think I'd do that?" She asked, slipping a slice of the pan-fried filled dough into her mouth.
"Because you've got beef with him – past and present." The older brother retorted. "Plus, he's already threatened Eden and the baby and showed how serious he is by killing Jack."
Amara chuckled.
"He can't kill Eden or Jorden. He didn't create them."
"No, but he created everyone and everything else. Which means he could leave our daughter without a family. And since that 'everyone' includes Sam, Chuck technically created half of Jorden." Eden added.
"So she'll be an Archangel of Darkness, just like you." Amara gave a small shrug as she slipped another piece of food into her mouth.
"That's... Not the point here, Aunty..." The Dark Angel sighed, rubbing the top of her belly.
"Amara, I saw into Chuck's mind. His memories. He asked you for help." When Sam spoke, the deity's attention snapped to him in an instant, her interest piqued.
"Refusing to help him isn't the same as betraying him." She pointed out.
"You know what he's been up to the past couple of months." Dean continued. "Snuffing out universes, one after the other."
"I know. I can feel it." Amara huffed, looking down at the table with just her eyes. "He's very nearly done with the others."
"And you don't care..." The older brother clarified.
"It doesn't matter. There's nothing you three can do."
"There is." Dean countered. "See, our pal, Jack; he's a Nephilim and he's getting stronger everyday and soon he'll be strong enough to overpower Chuck. Now, we have a way to trap him, but we can't do it without you."
Amara looked between the three of them, appearing to genuinely think about it.
"No." She said, simply.
"No?" Dean and Eden repeated.
"No. I won't betray him like that." The deity shook her head.
"Why? I mean, I get he's your brother, but-"
"My apologies, Dean. But you don't get anything." Amara scoffed. "You see me sitting across from you. You see a woman. You see Chuck as a squirrely weirdo. But you can't imagine what we really are. We came into existence together, we are the same."
"The former Death... He told us you were the first born." Sam frowned.
"Or he told you what you needed to hear." The deity looked at him with just her eyes, seeming unimpressed. "Chuck and I, we're twins. Creation and destruction, light and dark, balance. And when we split apart, all this was created."
"The Big Bang..." The younger brother half stated, half asked.
"Eh..." Amara dipped her head, looking away.
"When you split? So when... When he threw you in the Cage. When he betrayed you." Dean nodded, leaning forward towards her. "When he trapped you for an eternity."
"You can't play on that. Not with me." Amara smirked. "Maybe I'm a fool, but I believe caging me hurt him deeply. And I know for me, doing that to him would be an agony. I'm sorry. I can't help you."
Sam nodded, giving a strained, short-lived smile as Dean sighed.
"No." Eden shook her head. "I'm not having this. I'm not having us place every single bet we have on Jack alone. It's not fair to him. You would rather have Chuck destroy every universe in existence and everyone in them just so you don't have to put your brother in a box? Do you not care? Do you not care about Sam and Dean? Do you not care about me? Or my daughter? What about the happiness you said I deserved? The happiness Jorden deserves? She won't have a family. She will grow up knowing that two of the only people she has left in the nothingness played a part in killing her entire family."
"She will have you to guide her and be her family, even if she never forgives my brother and I." Amara placed a gentle hand on Eden's, resting on her bump. "I'm sorry, my Angel. But I won't have a hand in locking my brother up for all eternity. I can't. Even if it means I lose you."

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