Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two - Back to the Fifties

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"Hey, Eden?" Jack caught the Dark Angel as she walked towards her piano room, the Gorgon's snake coiled up in his hands.
"Hey, Jack. What's up?" She asked, swinging her body round to address him.
"I think I might need your help. My snake. I don't think he's feeling well. He's not eating. Cas said I should talk to you so you could maybe find out what was wrong." The boy looked down at his new pet, who flicked his tongue in the direction of the kitchen.
Eden smiled, walking towards them.
"Of course. He's probably missing Noah. I'll talk to him whilst we're trying to feed him. Sound like a plan?"
Jack nodded, smiling back before turning to go to the kitchen.

"Looks like we were right." Eden said, switching back to English from her snake speak as she looked up at Jack. "He misses Noah and he's moved house and owner. It's really no wonder he's not eating. But, he'll get better in time."
"I can't believe you're letting him keep that thing." Dean mumbled through a mouthful of sandwich, stood behind the kitchen island.
"The company and responsibility will do him good." Eden retorted as Cas walked in. "And it's nice to be able to actually talk to my scaled friends again. After Nala..."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just don't have it anywhere near me. Thing creeps me out." The Winchester uttered. "You seen how Sam's doing?"
"He says he's fine." The Dark Angel replied, her gaze fixed on the snake in Jack's hands.
"Do you believe him?" Cas asked.
"Not for a second. He took those Hunter deaths hard. Especially Maggie's. He just needs time." Eden side-eyed him as he nodded.
"He's not gunna have time if he keeps shoving all of his energy into finding cases. Three this week and he's searching for more." Dean huffed.
"Hm. Remind you of anybody?" Eden cocked a brow, arching her neck to look at him with an accusing glimmer in her eye.
"I thought you were going to sleep until the cows dragged you home." Cas frowned at the Winchester.
"That's... Not the saying..." Dean mumbled through his latest bite.
"Hey. Found us a case." Sam said, walking in with his tablet in hand.
"Told you." Dean uttered, shoving some more sandwich into his mouth.
Sam gave him a frown before continuing.
"It's in Arkansas. If anyone wants to join, I'm leaving at ten."
"Sam, you need to rest. You both do." Cas argued, looking between the brothers.
Dean wagged an agreeing finger at the Angel, swallowing down his sandwich.
"Like I said. Leaving at ten." The younger brother sighed, leaving the room.
"Maybe Eden and I should go with him." Cas offered, walking towards Dean. "You can stay with Jack and Willow."
"Why?" Dean asked.
Castiel looked over at Eden and Jack, silently asking the Dark Angel for assistance.
"Jack. Come on. We can go round the Bunker, see if the snake likes anywhere in particular as a warm spot. I know Nala liked it in the laundry room. It might make him feel a bit better." Eden got up from her spot at the kitchen table as Jack smiled up at her.
"That sounds like a great idea." He said, following her out.
"Okay, so I've tried with Jack..."Cas continued.
"Why do you think he'll listen to me? Eden seems to be doing the best job with him." Dean shrugged, shoving more food into his mouth.
"Because I need Eden to help me with Sam and Jack looks up to you. And his soul, I mean... You've seen this before." Cas replied.
"No. No, no. See, I was... I was not great with Sam. Again, Eden lasted a whole damn year with him when he was soulless. She's better suited to this than anyone." Dean defended.
"Jack's soul isn't completely gone - at least, I don't think so. We just don't know how much is left."
"Well, how am I supposed to figure that out?" The Winchester scoffed, washing his sandwich down with a mouthful of beer.
"I've got Willow giving me text updates on what she thinks is going on, I just need you to play the adult here." The Angel huffed. "Just talk to him. Get him to open up. And then... Sleep until the cows come home. That's the saying..."
He walked off, mumbling to himself.

After a small bickering match between which car they were going to take, Sam, Eden and Castiel began their drive in the Angel's car to Arkansas.
They pulled up outside a Gas 'n' Sip, where a man's head had exploded for seemingly no reason.
"So, we're looking for a Witch?" Cas asked, closing the driver's side door.
"Exploding heads? Sounds like a Witch." Sam replied, looking around the place. "Or a Demon, maybe."
His mouth opened wide as a yawn took him over.
"Sam..." The Angel sighed.
"I'm good. I'm good, honestly." The Winchester argued.
"Yeah, I know. Everybody's good." Cas mumbled. "But, after this, maybe... Dean's right. You need to rest."
"Can't. Just because I'm tired doesn't mean the monsters are gunna stop, you know? It doesn't mean anything. Plus, we don't have as many Hunters as we used to."
"That's what beings who don't need sleep are for. Like Pigeon and I." Eden retorted. "We can handle a few cases on our own while you tend to your Human needs."
"Look, guys, I appreciate the concern, but I'm-"
"Fine. Yeah. We get it." Cas mumbled as they entered the store.

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