Chapter Sixty-One - The Book of the Damned

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Sam and Elizabeth were sat in the library doing research on their respective laptops when Sam's phone rang.
They frowned to each other when they saw it was Castiel.
"Cas?" Sam greeted questioningly.
"Can I just kill him now?" The Angel grumbled through the phone.
"You know I can hear you, right?" Metatron's voice was heard in the background.
"No, we need him alive." Sam sighed. "Look, after he gives you your grace back and gives Elizabeth the information he has on Eden, you can do whatever you want with him."
"Well, I would like to kill him slowly." Cas replied.
"I am like, two feet from you." The scribe protested.
"Anything on the Mark of Cain?" The Angel spoke over Metatron's continued ramblings.
"No. We've been digging for something – for anything, but I don't know, Cas..." Sam told him.
"There is an answer out there." Cas told him. "We will find a cure for Dean."
"I don't know why you'd wanna kill that little firecracker now, he's finally interesti-"
Metatron was cut off by Castiel punching him in the face.
"I think you've been spending a little too much time around us, Pigeon." Elizabeth giggled. "Hi, by the way."
"Yeah, hi." Cas grumbled. "We've just got to keep digging."
"Yeah..." Sam mumbled, hearing Dean heading towards them.
"Say it's me." Elizabeth whispered, quickly closing her laptop before zapping out of there.
"Yeah, uh, alright, well, have fun. Love you too. Bye." Sam stuttered, quickly putting the phone down.
Elizabeth appeared in the back seat of Cas' car.
"Hey, you." She smirked.
Castiel almost crashed the car when he saw her and Metatron jumped out of his skin.
"Elizabeth!" Cas shouted as he put the phone down. "Don't do that!"
"Sorry, Dean came in. Needed to think quick. So, before he saw me, I thought I'd zap here, help you keep the hobo in check and gets some answers of my own." She shrugged.
"You could've given me a damn heart attack!" Metatron shrieked. "I'm mortal now, in case you forgot!"
"No, dickbag, I did not forget. I'm almost disappointed you didn't."
"Likewise." Cas mumbled.
"So, since we've got a road trip to kill, how about you tell me what I need to know." Elizabeth smiled, resting her arms on the backs of their seats.
"How can I guarantee you won't kill me after I tell you?" Metatron grumbled, shrinking in his seat.
"Because Pigeon needs his grace back. Now talk." The Vampire retorted.
"But then he'll kill me after I give it to him."
Cas punched him again, not even bothering to look away from the road to do it. Metatron groaned out in pain as his face connected with the Angel's fist and his head connected with the car window.
"Tell her what she needs to know." Cas growled.
"Alright, alright!" Metatron cried. "God never told me how you got your powers, only that you had them. God was the one who kept you in that cave all those centuries. He took you from the Garden when he realised how useful you'd be. But then you started massacring villages and he realised he had to control you somehow. When that didn't work and you continued to kill and, even worse, escaped, he sent Lucifer to kill you. But Lucifer had been watching you from both Heaven and Hell since the Garden. He loved you. At first it was a caring love, but as you grew up, it turned romantic. And so, he refused. That's part of the reason he was put in the Cage. When he refused, God sent the other kids off to do what he wouldn't. Sure, he was on the verge of it way before that with the whole 'Eve' thing and the snake, but that was God's final straw."
"Lucifer was in love with her?" Castiel frowned.
"How ironic that she ended up falling for his one, true vessel, instead." Metatron smirked. "Coincidence? I don't think so."
Elizabeth sat back in her seat, taking all the information in.
"So, my love for Sam..." She trailed off.
"A little too perfect to be considered anything other than destiny, don't you think?" Metatron cocked a brow as he looked back at her. "Almost like your love isn't real."
Cas punched him again. Harder this time. Blood poured from his mouth and nose.
"That's enough." The Angel snapped.
Elizabeth phone rang in the back pocket of her jeans. Pulling it out, it read 'Impala 2'.
"What's up?" Elizabeth answered.
"You need to get back here. Right now." Sam said.
"Okay. Give me a second." She nodded, despite him being unable to see.
She hung up the phone, slipping it back into her pocket.
"Sorry boys, gotta cut this visit short. Pigeon, if you need me, text me. Otherwise? Elizabeth out." The Vampire disappeared.

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