Chapter Eighty-Nine - The Gift

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"Wait, so now you wanna kill the Darkness?" Dean asked after being caught up with everything. He pointed between Chuck and Eden. "You're cool with this? 'Cause, you know, last time-"
"Look, Chuck's dying. Uh, no offence, God." Sam said.
"Yeah, no, I'm dying." Chuck waved a dismissive hand.
"And Eden?" Dean pressed.
"Sam's going to try and find a way to kill Amara without me dying too, but let's be honest here, if the universe as we know it is going to end either way, then there's not much point in worrying about her only creation." Eden shrugged.
"Don't... Don't say that." Sam sighed, resting his hand on her thigh.
"Well, it's true. For all we know, this could fail and kill us all. So, worrying about the safety of one life that - let's face it - has lived way too long as it is, is pointless." She replied.
"She's got a point and you know it, Samantha." Crowley spoke up.
"We'll talk about this later." The younger brother told her before going back to addressing the whole group. "So... We don't really have a choice - on the Amara front, I mean. Look, you've got darkness and light. You take one side away and-"
"It upsets the scale." Cas butted in. "Destroys the whole balance of the universe."
"Exactly. You take both away and now both sides of the scale are empty, so..." Sam trailed off.
"Of course, it's balanced." Cas nodded.
"Right, yes, okay, and hey, I'm game. But how exactly are we gunna do this?" Dean pressed. "I mean, Lucifer hit her with a Hand of God and, well, we saw how that turned out. Eden hit her with God's pure energy and all it did was send her who-knows-where."
"Yeah..." Sam mumbled.
"She does seem impossible to destroy." Castiel agreed.
Eden frowned, looking over at Chuck who appeared to be deep in thought.
"Is she?" Sam asked him.
"Well, I..." Chuck sighed. "Well... I mean, I..."
"Chuck!" Dean shouted.
"Alright, fine." The deity huffed, getting to his feet. "The Darkness might - might - have a weakness - light. I don't think the light energy Eden threw at her touched her at all. I think she got out of there in the last second."
He walked over to Crowley, grabbing the bottle of Scotch from him.
"He tells us now..." The former King of Hell muttered.
"What? I just wanted to trap her, I didn't wanna murder her!" Chuck protested.
"Okay, but now that we're trying to end her, how much light are we talking about?" Sam asked.
"I don't know. Ten thousand suns?" Chuck replied, sitting in a deep red leather armchair in the corner of the room. "Set to supernova. About a billion times the amount Eden wielded."
"Well, you're God, so... Just 'God' 'em up." Dean shrugged.
"Look at me. I'm not in the best shape right now."
Sam glanced over to Eden, seeing her deep in thought.
"Baby?" He frowned, giving her thigh a small squeeze.
"What about if I gave you some of my power somehow? Channel me and charge you up a bit or something." She suggested.
"I appreciate the offer, but it wouldn't be enough." Chuck sighed.
"Okay, that's alright. We just need... Other ideas, um... Rowena, what about the Book of the Damned?" Sam asked.
"This is beyond..." She held her hands up.
"Okay. Crowley?" Sam urged.
"Oh, I got nothing." Crowley uttered from his corner of the room.
"What about souls? They fuel your Demon deals. Souls are living batteries; they're full of energy, they're full of light. Each one is as powerful as, I dunno, a hundred suns?" Cas said.
"He's not wrong." Rowena pointed out.
"Okay, so, if we've got this kind of juice, then what?" Dean asked.
"You get me enough souls, I can build a bomb." The Witch said.
"Would that do the trick?" Dean looked over to Chuck.
"Uh... Maybe." He replied.
"Alright." Sam nodded. "Plan B."
"Okay, how many souls are we talking here?" Dean wondered.
"The more the better." Rowena replied.
"Even if you could get that kinda fire power," Crowley started, getting up from his armchair. "You really think it would work?"
"If it doesn't, then we're just back to the end of the universe and it wouldn't really matter." Eden shrugged.
"I could ask the Angels. Heaven is full of souls." Castiel offered.
"Okay, uh, what else we got?" Sam asked.
"Ghosts." Dean suggested. "They're just souls with baggage, right?"
"Yeah." Sam nodded. "But we would need a whole lot of 'em."
"Waverly Hills." Dean smirked.
"Are you nuts? That place is a murderous ghost hot house." Eden frowned.
"Exactly. Thousands died there. Go in, scoop 'em up, get out." The older brother replied. "Tonne o' ghosts."
"This is desperate." Crowley commented. "And stupid."
"Well, desperate and stupid's pretty much all we got right now, so..." Dean trailed off.
"Fine." Crowley uttered, sitting back down and putting his feet up. "I'll go raid Hell, see what's left."
"Yeah, alright. Let's get to work." Sam smiled, clapping his hands together. As everyone dispersed, he looked to Eden. "Me and you need to have a chat."
Eden frowned as he got up, taking her hand.

Roads Untraveled ~ Sam WinchesterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora