Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven - The Other Archangel

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Eden woke up to the sound of Sam's alarm clock buzzing repetitively. She sighed heavily, looking over at her love. His head was twitching slightly, his closed eyes blinking as his expression turned to a frown. Before she could see what dream he was having, Sam shot up with a gasp.
"You okay?" Eden asked, turning off the alarm.
Sam took a deep breath, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Uh, yeah. Just... Weird dream." He replied.
"Good weird or bad weird?" Eden frowned, running a hand up his back as she propped herself up on her elbow.
"Good weird, definitely. Mom and Jack were back and Dean ate seven slices of pizza." He chuckled, leaning back to give her a kiss. "Good morning."
"Hmm, good morning." Eden smiled. "Seven slices of pizza, huh? I think your brain was trying to tell you that you're hungry."
"Yeah, maybe." Sam laughed, turning it into a groan as he swung his legs from out of the bed sheets and stood up.

"Shh!" Eden hissed, stifling a giggle as she duct taped an air horn behind the door to Dean's bedroom.
"I'm sorry! I can't help it." Gabriel sniggered.
"If you blow our cover, I'm gunna ram this horn where the grace doesn't shine." The Dark Angel smirked, fixing one more piece of tape to the horn. "Perfect. When Dean opens the door, the air horn will go off and he'll need a new change of underwear."
"E and G, back at it again." Gabriel grinned, holding his hand up.
Eden high-fived it before skipping off down the hall, eager to get out of the bedroom without Dean noticing.
Together, they wandered into the kitchen, grabbed a blood bag and a coffee, then went to sit down in the library until Dean got back from his grocery run.
"What are you two lookin' all shifty about?" The older brother asked as he came down the stairs with a couple of bags in his hands.
"Shifty? Me? Never." Eden gave an innocent raise of her brows as she sucked some blood from the bag.
"Uh-huh. Stopped by the blood bank on the way, got you and the other two a top up." Dean replied, walking out into the kitchen.
"Other two?" Gabriel frowned.
"Ah, yes. Tobias and Willow. Tobias is a friend and Willow I've... Sort of adopted. They're both Vampires, currently out and about somewhere. In fact, they should be back today. Told them I needed them back here for when we go and get Jack and Mary." Eden frowned, instinctively looking towards the door.
Gabriel gave a knowing nod.
"Are they coming with us?" He asked.
"No." Eden scoffed, swallowing down the mouthful of blood. "I told them I needed them here to help Rowena and make sure nothing bad happens while we're gone."
As if on cue, the Bunker door opened once more, revealing the Scotsman and the teen.
"We're back!" Tobias called.
"So I see. Come down, there's someone you need to meet." Eden replied, looking up at the little balcony at the top of the stairs.
"Who's this?" The older Vampire asked as he trotted down to their level.
Gabriel and Eden rose to their feet to meet the other pair.
"Tobias, Willow, this... Is the Archangel Gabriel." The Dark Angel smiled, waving a hand in his direction. "One of my oldest friends."
"Any friend of Eden might just be a friend of mine." Gabriel greeted, shaking Tobias and Willow's hands respectively.
"It's an honour to meet you, Gabriel." Tobias said, smiling eagerly.
"Eden told me about you. You used to play games. I like games." Willow grinned.
"We've actually just played one." Eden smirked to her Archangel companion, tapping the side of her nose. "But, wait for it. You'll know it when you hear it."

Later on, Sam arrived back home with Rowena, almost entirely ready to do the spell to open the rift.
Not long after that, a loud horn echoed through the corridors, shortly followed by Dean yelling out in surprise.
"EDEN! GABRIEL!" He bellowed. "Son of a bitch!"
"Oh, crap." The Dark Angel giggled.
"What did you do?" Sam asked.
"Gabriel and I got back to our old ways. Laid out the perfect jump scare trap for Dean." She smirked. "He just found it."
Sam gave a breathy chuckle, shaking his head.
"Is this gunna be the new thing with you two?" He asked.
"Oh, hell yes."
After greeting Dean, Eden and Castiel - who had also arrived, Rowena began to lay out the ingredients as the Winchesters prepared and packed for the mission.
"You and that friggin' Trickster are assholes, you know that?" Dean grumbled.
"Thank you." Eden smirked.
"Fruit from the Tree of Life, blood of a most holy man, and, uh..." Rowena plucked a hair from Dean's head, making him let out a groaned 'ow.' "Something from the other side."
Castiel walked in from seeing the others, who were keeping themselves occupied in Willow's room.
"Hey. How's Gabriel?" Sam asked.
"He said he needed a minute alone. He wanted to extract his grace by himself, 'in private.'" He used air quotes that made Eden giggle from her spot in the corner of the room. "So, I left him alone in Dean's room."
"What? No!" Dean whined.
"I hate to interrupt," Rowena spoke up. "But, I can't be the only one who's noticed the rather glaring hole in this plan. We open up the rift, it gives us a day to find and save your mum and the boy and it's a very big world over there and you're not even sure where they are, so..."
"She's right. The clock may run out on us." Cas agreed.
"Yeah. It might." Sam said, cocking his gun.
"Yeah, well, we don't have any better ideas." Dean huffed.
"Mm, that's inspirational." Rowena commented.
"We've got this covered. Once we're over there, I can track Mary and fly us all-"
"All four of us... Together..." Dean cocked a brow, cutting Eden off. "Look, Vampy Pants, I know you're strong as Hell and all, but that's just impractical."
"Then, I'll make return trips. We need to make this mission as short as possible." Eden replied. "You know I'm right, Dean."
Dean glanced up at Sam, who shrugged.
"She is right." Cas nodded.
"Alright, fine." The older brother nodded. "Quick in and out. No room for screw ups. And what if, for whatever reason, you can't track mom? Or what if she's not with Jack? Or what if they're with Michael? We know what you being on the wrong end of Archangel juice looks like."
Eden scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"If we run into Michael, don't you think that it would be better to have me there than to not? I'll just be another suped up weapon against him. We already have Gabriel and Pigeon; maybe Jack if he's there. But I will die on that God-forsaken wasteland before I leave without him... Or your mother." Eden's tone was low, expressing her seriousness. "If I can't track her, then we'll go the long way round and we'll think of a plan B for getting out if we can't keep the rift open long enough. If she's not with Jack, then maybe she'll know where he is. Either way, we're coming back through that rift with both of them and not a single soul less. Got it?"
Dean nodded, shoving his gun into the back of his jeans.
"Here it is!" Gabriel announced, walking in with a vial of grace. "The final ingredient - a fresh serving of Archangel grace."
He placed it down on the table where the other ingredients were laid out. The vial had the tiniest portion of grace inside that made everyone else in the room frown. Rowena picked it up, shaking the vial a little.
"This is what you call a serving?"
"That is the jet fuel of divine emissions." Gabriel pointed to it. "It'll be more than enough to get the job done."
"Oh, you do this often, then?" Eden cocked a brow. Gabriel gave her a look, accompanied with a sigh. "Whatever... I'll go get Tobias and Willow, you lot get ready to go."

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