Chapter Three - Heart to Heart

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"Sam's gunna do it." Dean said, approaching Bobby and Elizabeth.
"He's going to say yes to Lucifer?" Bobby gasped.
"Has he completely lost his mind or is this just another Tuesday for you?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
Dean simply shrugged.
"I'm gunna let him do it." He sighed.
"You're what?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, going to walk past the older brother in search for Sam, but Dean grabbed her arm, drawing her attention back to him.
"Don't. We have a plan." He said.
"Oh, you mean letting your brother burn in the Cage for all eternity? Yes, good plan, Dean. Absolutely flawless. Where the Hell is Sam?" She snapped.
Bobby sighed, walking over to the pair.
"If this is what Dean's agreed to, you can't stop it. This is obviously the best plan they've got." He uttered.
Elizabeth looked between the two men with mild panic, but then that panic turned to annoyance. She ripped her upper arm from Dean's grip and stormed off in a huff.
"Why do you Winchesters make it so bloody impossible to look out for you?" She growled as she went.

The Vampire found herself back in her Camaro with her forehead on the steering wheel when she heard someone approach the car and get in the passenger side.
When she looked up, she saw Sam.
"Hey." He simply said.
"These could be some of your last words whilst you still have control over your body and 'hey' is all you have to say?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
Sam shrugged.
"Guess I didn't have anything better." He replied. "Though, I did want to say thank you."
"What for?" She frowned.
"For taking care of Dean in Chicago. I wouldn't have trusted him to go with Crowley alone."
Elizabeth scoffed. "I can handle Crowley. And he knows it too, no matter how much he hates to admit it."
Sam let out a small, breathy chuckle.
"Are you really going to go through with this?" Elizabeth continued, looking at the younger Winchester with pained eyes.
"I have to." He sighed.
"There has to be another way. I promised your father I'd look after you two. I've already screwed up that promise by not being there the second I heard he died." Elizabeth turned her head, resting the side of it back on the steering wheel so that she could still look at Sam.
"If I knew of another way, I'd take it, believe me." Sam replied, taking a few moments to pause before continuing. "Could you tell me a memory you have of you and my dad?"
Elizabeth gave him a small smile, sighing heavily as she leaned back in the driver's seat.
"I suppose..." She began, thinking back to the moment.

"You made it." John smiled brightly as Elizabeth walked into the bar in the ass crack of nowhere, Delaware.
"You call, I come. It's kind of our thing." The Vampire grinned, embracing the man in a tight hug. "Now, what seems to be the problem?"
"Does there have to be one?" John asked, inviting her to sit with him at the bar.
"I suppose not." Elizabeth shrugged as she removed her black leather trench coat and slipped it on the back of the bar stool.
They were silent for a few moments, enjoying each other's company, but it didn't last long.
"I'm worried about Sam." John sighed, taking a sip of his beer.
"Oh?" Elizabeth frowned. "What about him?"
"He's thinking of scrapping hunting and going off to college." The man explained. "Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of him for that, but I'm afraid he'll be too out of practice when the world goes to crap and he needs to be a Hunter again."
Elizabeth let out a small sigh, turning to face him.
"John, Sam's growing up. He's got his own ideas and his own plans for life. You can't control him forever. He's got to make his own choices otherwise he'll spend his life miserable and resenting you." She told him.
John gave a humourless chuckle.
"I'm pretty sure he's already resenting me."
"So let him go." Elizabeth replied. "Let him go and do whatever he wants his own way. He won't be able to thank you enough for that."
John looked at Elizabeth, finding himself studying every detail of her expression.
"You'd make a great parent, you know that?" He gave her a small smile. "A better one than me, anyway."
"You're not a bad parent, John. You've just had a whole bunch of crap come crashing down on top of you and you've dealt with it the best way you can with the resources you have." Elizabeth protested.
John sighed, taking a sip of his beer.
"Would you do me a favour?" He asked, earning a nod from the Vampire. "When I'm gone, will you look after my boys for me?"
Elizabeth was a little astonished by his question, but didn't take more than a few seconds to answer.
"I swear on my life, John Winchester. I'll protect those boys until my last breath."

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