Chapter One - Calling in a Favour

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A few years later in 2010, Elizabeth found herself standing on the roof of an apartment complex in Savannah, Georgia, watching over the city when her phone rang in her pocket.
She shoved her hand into the inside pocket of her floor length leather trench coat to retrieve it. Recognising the number instantly, she smiled and answered.
"Bobby? It's been a while. How the Devil are you?" She smirked.
"It's funny you mention the Devil. Because I'm in need of his right hand man and I can't seem to summon the slippery little bastard." Bobby replied.
Elizabeth laughed, crouching on the edge of the building.
"What on Earth could you be wanting with Crowley?" She frowned, the smile from her laugh still widely present on her face.
"It's a long story. But do you have a way to summon him that I don't know about?" He asked.
"Do you have his number?" Elizabeth asked.
"Then yes, I have a way to summon him that you don't know about." She smirked. "Give me a few hours, I'll grab Crowley and come to you."
"Alright. Thanks, 'Liza." Bobby sighed, swiftly hanging up the phone.

Elizabeth got right onto her latest mission, clicking Crowley's number as she made her way back down to ground level.
"Elizabeth Smythe, as I live and breathe." He answered.
"Hey Crowley. Need a favour." She replied.
"Now, now, Miss Smythe. We both know I don't just hand out favours like candy." Elizabeth could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Look at you, getting all native with the Americanisms. But call it less a favour and more a catch up road trip if you must." She chuckled.
"Road trip, huh? Well, tickle me intrigued." Crowley responded.
"Text me where you are and I'll come get you." Elizabeth said as she reached her 1969 Chevy Camaro.
"See you soon." He chuckled, hanging up the phone.

When they reached Bobby's, they heard people talking – one of them being Bobby.
"Yeah, you make it sound so easy." A male voice said.
"Hell, I'm just trying to put a spin on it." Bobby replied.
"Well... Bobby, how'd you put this all together anyways?" Another male voice asked.
"I had, you know..." Bobby sighed. "Help."
Crowley simply strolled in and walked straight to the bottle of whiskey on a nearby table, pouring himself a drink.
"Don't be so modest. I barely helped at all." He said, turning to the two people Elizabeth hadn't seen before. "Hello boys. Pleasure, et cetera. Go ahead. Tell them. There's no shame in it."
The boys looked back to Bobby, who looked more than a little displeased.
"Bobby?" The second strange voice spoke up. "Tell us what?"
There was an awkward pause. Elizabeth watched from the corridor as Crowley appeared to stare Bobby down.
"World's gunna end. Seems stupid to get all precious over one little soul." Bobby grumbled.
Elizabeth appeared from down the corridor, looking over the two boys.
"Bobby, what the Hell did you do?" She demanded, instantly grabbing the attention of the two boys, who were sat between Crowley and Bobby at Bobby's overly-cluttered table.
"You sold your soul?" The first strange voice Elizabeth had heard came from the shorter-haired one of the two.
"Oh, more like pawned it. I fully intend to give it back." Crowley shrugged.
"Hold up... Rewind a little bit here. Who the Hell is this?" The second strange voice owner asked, pointing to the only female in the room.
"This is Elizabeth. She's an old friend of mine." Bobby explained.
"And an even older friend of mine." Crowley smiled smugly.
"Elizabeth, this is Sam and Dean Winchester and their friend Castiel." Bobby introduced.
"She looks a little young to be considered an 'old' friend, don't you think?" Dean cocked an eyebrow, his lips decorated with a flirtatious half smile.
Elizabeth's face had lit up as soon as she heard their names.
"So you're Sam and Dean. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your father and I were very close." She smiled.
"That's great but, Dean's got a point." Sam frowned. "You don't look old enough to be close to our dad."
"Normally I wouldn't say anything..." Bobby spoke up, looking awfully confused. "But the boys are right. You haven't aged a day since I last saw you."
Elizabeth sighed, leaning against the archway to the kitchen.
"I was wondering when this was gunna come up." She breathed. "But can we save it for later? I'm sure there's more pressing matters at hand right now."
Everyone looked around at everyone. Bobby, Sam and Dean still remained confused, Crowley was smirking at those not in secret circle of those who know about Elizabeth's Vampirism and Castiel simply scowled at the woman, not saying a word.
"So Bobby." Elizabeth shared in Crowley's smirk. "Did you kiss him?"
All eyes except Castiel's shot to the man on the far side of the room.
Bobby was hesitant in his reply, looking around at everyone as though he wasn't sure on how to answer.
"No!" He eventually protested.
Crowley cleared his throat, holding up his phone.
On it, was a picture of Bobby and Crowley locking lips.
"Why'd you take a picture?" Bobby asked, clearly more than a little vexed.
"Why'd you have to use tongue?" Crowley countered.
"Can you send me that?" Elizabeth asked the Demon, pointing lazily to his phone.
"Alright. You know what? I'm sick of this." Dean growled, turning back to Crowley. "Give him his soul back now."
"I'm sorry." Crowley shrugged, tucking his phone back into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "I can't."
"Can't or won't?" Dean argued.
"I won't, alright? It's insurance." Crowley sighed.
"What are you talking about?" The older brother scoffed.
"You kill Demons." Crowley said as though it were obvious. "Gigantor over there has a temper issue about it. But you won't kill me... As long as I have that soul in the deposit box."
"You son of a bitch." Bobby and Elizabeth said simultaneously.
"I'll return it. After all this is over and I can safely walk away. Do we all understand each other?" Crowley's eyebrows raised.
"How about you give Bobby his soul back and if Sam kills you, I'll kill him." Elizabeth suggested.
Everyone's eyes snapped to the girl, who simply shrugged.
"Nobody's killing anybody." Bobby raised his voice.
"I was kidding anyway..." Elizabeth mumbled. "I don't make a habit out of killing Humans."
"Great. That's wonderful to know." Dean replied, sarcastically.
"Can someone please tell your pet Angel to stop glaring at me?" The Vampire sighed.
There was a moment of silence, Sam and Dean looked around at the other three suspiciously.
"How'd you know Castiel's an Angel?" Bobby asked.
Elizabeth's eyes widened slightly.
"Because... Uh, I mean look at him. The stance, the posture, the holier-than-thou stare." She replied, stumbling over her words.
"Try again, Brit stick." Dean growled.
Elizabeth gave a confused look to the older brother.
"Brit stick? That's a new one." She tipped her head to the side. "But if you insist... It's because he smells so bloody... I don't know... Heavenly?"
"How the Hell can you smell him from the other side of the room?" Sam asked.
Elizabeth pulled her lips together into a thin line.
"Bobby... Don't freak out on me or anything, but there's been something I've been meaning to tell you for a while." She grimaced at the thought of how this was going to go down.
Everyone in the room remained silent, waiting for her to continue.
Crowley appeared awfully entertained by the whole thing.
"I'm a Vampire." Elizabeth blurted out. "But it's okay because I'm not the eat people kind of Vamp, I'm more the... 'Drink from a cup, leave them alive and well' kind."
Dean instantly drew his gun, Bobby and Sam looked as though they didn't know what to do, Castiel continued his one-Angel glare party and Crowley just slowly moved to the side, out of the way of the possible fight about to go down.
"There's only one kind of Vampire." Dean stated.
"That's what your dad used to think before he met me." Elizabeth smirked. "Go see for yourself. There's a whole mini fridge filled with blood bags in the trunk of my car."
"If you're looking for someone to vouch for her, I can attest that she's never killed a Human in the century and a half that I've known her." Crowley finally spoke up. "In fact, it's been quite a nuisance..."
Everyone seemed to settle down a little at that. 'A little' being the operative terminology.
"Sam, go check her story. See if there's really blood bags in her car." Dean instructed.
Elizabeth chuckled, reaching into the pocket of her leather trench coat to throw Sam the keys.

Roads Untraveled ~ Sam WinchesterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora