Chapter Forty-Two - Gadreel

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Elizabeth had been sleeping when it all went down.
The Bunker had been visited.
Gadreel had come for a peaceful talk. Dean had attacked him with the First Blade.
When Elizabeth woke and saw there was seemingly no one home, she went outside to check if the Impala was there.
It was.
She frowned as she lifted the skirt of her black cotton night dress, moving back down the stairs.
She checked everywhere until she finally found them in the Bunker's cell.
"The Hell if you think I'm riding the pine on this one, guys." Dean said as she entered the room.
"What's going on?" She asked, wrapping herself in a black lace shawl she'd grabbed from her room.
"Gadreel's here. Dean attacked him." Castiel explained.
Elizabeth's eyes widened.
"Gadreel's here?" She repeated through gritted teeth.
"Not only did Dean attack him, but he attacked him with the First Blade." Sam informed her.
"Dean, what the Hell is wrong with you? He's obviously here for a reason. You didn't think to ask questions first, stab later?" Elizabeth frowned.
"The Hell I am. You know what he did to Sammy. And Kevin. The bitch deserves to die." Dean growled.
Elizabeth sighed.
"Whilst I'll agree with you on that one and I'd happily join you in any other scenario, as I said, he's obviously here for a reason. Why the Hell didn't anyone wake me?"
She looked to Sam, who appeared exceedingly frustrated about the whole thing.
"I know you haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately." He said. "So when I woke up and you were still out, I thought I'd let you get the minutes in."
The Vampire closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
"Fine. Dean? No more stabbing or I'm confiscating that bloody Blade and launching it into space. Got it?" Elizabeth warned, earning an annoyed grunt from the older brother. "And you're staying here whilst we see what Gadreel wants." Dean was about to argue, but she held up a finger. "Don't test me. I haven't had breakfast yet and I will eat you if you get on my nerves. So, stay."
Dean looked to Sam and Cas, who shrugged.

Elizabeth, Sam and Cas walked out of the cell and into the library.
"So Gadreel said he could help us against Metatron?" Elizabeth frowned after having the situation explained.
"Pretty much. After everything, I at least think we should hear what he has to say." Sam replied, walking over to her. "Good morning, by the way."
Elizabeth smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips.
"Good morning."
They went out to the War Room, seeing a trail of blood.
"Where did he go?" Sam asked.
"You just left him here?" Elizabeth exclaimed. "Dean practiced his butcher skills on him and you expected him to just stay put?"
"We need to find him." Cas said.

Gadreel hadn't gotten far.
His car was parked on the side of the road less than five minutes from the Bunker.
Elizabeth, armed with her beloved Camaro, pulled up behind it.
She looked in her rear-view mirror at Cas, who had his hand on his temple.
"Pigeon? Are you okay?" She asked.
It took him a second to register that she was talking to him, but he nodded.
"I'm fine. Let's go." He said.
Elizabeth gave Sam a concerned look, but got out of the car nonetheless.

Gadreel wasn't in his car. It was only a puddle of blood on the driver's seat. The steering wheel also had a fresh coat of the red liquid.
Fortunately, there was a fresh trail leading into a tree line. So the trio wasted no time in following it.
It was only a few feet before they found him lying in the grass.
"Please." He choked out, scrambling to try and get up. "I'll leave you alone, I swear."
"We're not here to hurt you." Cas told him, crouching down and putting his fingers out to heal him.
Gadreel moved away.
"No. Your grace." He protested. "Healing me will only weaken you."
But Castiel did it anyway, placing his fingers on Gadreel's forehead.
Cas stumbled, stabling himself with a hand on the grass. He panted heavily, clearly feeling more than a little dizzy.
"Pigeon?" Elizabeth pressed, placing a hand on his back.
"I'm fine." Cas mumbled.
"Did you hear him?" Gadreel asked his fellow Angel.
"Metatron. Yes." Cas replied. "Where is he going? What does he want?"
Sam and Elizabeth looked to each other with identical frowns.
"I'm afraid... Humanity." Gadreel replied, his breath heavy still from his healed wound.
Castiel looked up at his company.
"Well, that's not going to happen." Elizabeth frowned.
Gadreel looked up at her, seeing her properly for the first time.
"I know you..." He furrowed his brows, wracking his brain.
"You're the Angel who guarded the Garden of Eden, right?" Elizabeth asked, earning a nod. "Well, I'm Eden."
The Angel's eyes widened in unadulterated shock.
"But, you... You were lost... Eve was beside herself..." Gadreel stuttered.
"Oh good, you know more. We can have a chat when this is all over." Elizabeth smiled, holding out a hand to help him up.

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