Chapter Seventy-Nine - Angry Piano Music

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After stopping off at a blood bank to stock up, Eden waited for the boys in the library, her duffel bag on the floor by her chair. She would've put it away, but was unsure as to where she'd be sleeping that night – something she'd inevitably have to awkwardly talk out with Sam.
When they did eventually get back, Eden was looking through the Genesis chapter in the Bible with a red marker in her right hand, mostly to keep from planning a way to tell the boys about Lucifer without putting Castiel at risk.
"It's laughable how much they got wrong in this thing. I've never really bothered to check – just heard little snippets from God-fearing morons." She chuckled to herself as Sam and Dean entered the library.
"Are you annotating the Bible?" Sam frowned, an amused smile on his face as he looked over her shoulder.
"Of course. Might as well correct it with actual facts from a reliable source." The girl shrugged. "Plus, I was bored waiting for you – needed something to keep my mind active. Can you believe they thought God created that whole Garden by himself? That crap took work, you know. How dare he take all my credit. They barely even mention my parents' kids and, of course, I'm not in it at all. I'll wonder how much effort God had to put in to erase his biggest mistake from the so-called history books. Funny they still called it 'the Garden of Eden', though."
"Alright, that's enough reading for you." Dean chuckled, taking the book from in front of her.
"I wasn't finished." Eden frowned.
"Yeah, you are." The older brother shook his head, unable to hide his smile as he put the book back on the shelf behind her. "Alright, I'm gunna crash for a few hours. I'm beat."
"Sleep well." Eden called as he headed towards the bedrooms.
"Did you wanna go and get some sleep too?" Sam asked.
Eden's brow raised.
"I... Don't need to sleep, remember?"
"Never stopped you before. Come on, you can at least keep me company." Sam nodded over in the direction of the bedrooms.
"Okay." Eden remained a little cautious. Why, she didn't really know. But she got up anyway, grabbing her duffel bag and taking his outstretched hand.
Not as much of an awkward conversation as she'd thought, apparently...

In Sam's bedroom, Eden got changed into a black silk, floor length night gown and matching robe, then sat on the bed over the top of the sheets with her legs outstretched. Sam got changed into a grey t-shirt and red and black plaid pyjama pants before crawling in under the sheets next to her. His head found a pillow in her lap as he hugged her legs.
Eden frowned at the notion, but draped her arm over his ribs, running a section of his t-shirt between her fingers nonchalantly.
"Goodnight, Elizabeth." He mumbled, already half asleep.
Clearly, he hadn't realised just how tired he was until he laid down.
Eden's brows raised, looking down at the side of his face that was exposed to her.
"Goodnight, Sam." She whispered, turning off the lamp next to her.
She rested her head back on the headboard and sighed, closing her eyes as her mind filled with way too many thoughts to keep track of.

The week following had been rather dull, mostly consisting of getting Eden settled back into the Bunker. Though, she had bought a piano to go in one of the rooms they never really used. That had quickly become her 'chill out room'. Since they brought it in, Eden had spent the majority of her time in there, especially when she didn't feel like sleeping. She spent the nights playing soft lullabies that echoed throughout the Bunker. The boys had quickly gotten used to that, so much so that it had helped them get a better night's sleep.
But the peace had to end at some point.
Sam was sat at the table in the kitchen with a pile of books in front of him. Eden was sat next to him with her legs draped over his thighs, sipping her glass of blood whilst she watched his face contort beautifully with thought and, on occasion, confusion.
She gave Dean a nod as he walked in, going to pour himself a cup of coffee.
"We're out." Sam informed him.
"There was half a bag yesterday." Dean huffed.
"I killed it." Sam replied.
"I tried to get him to go to bed, but he wasn't having it." Eden shrugged.
"Hey, did you know the Nazis had a special branch devoted to archaeology?" Sam interjected.
"Little early for Nazi trivia. Especially without caffeine." The older brother retorted.
"It was called the 'Ahnenerbe'. There were sites all over Germany and then, as the Nazis increased their territory, they started popping up in Poland, Finland, Africa..." Sam trailed off as Dean roamed the kitchen in search of something to wake him up.
"Yeah, how is this more important than our coffee situation?" Dean asked.
"Because I found something. I mean, we need something – magic, a weapon strong enough to give us a shot against Amara." The younger brother retorted. "So, I've been looking outside the lore in history, and I found this – 'The Vichy Memorandums'. They were Nazi communications that puzzled historians even to this day. They speak of a 'super weapon' obtained by the Ahnenerbe, said to be strong enough to win the war."
"Yeah? What was it?" Dean sighed, walking over to the pair.
Eden looked up at him with an amused expression, waiting for his face to change when Sam gave him the answer to his question.
"Well, uh, these memos refer to it as 'the Hand of God.' I mean, that was sort of a catchall term for several objects he touched on Earth in biblical times, but, they're believed to contain traces of his power." The younger brother said.
"Yeah, well, the Nazis believed a lot of things." Dean shrugged, walking away. "Besides, by that logic, doesn't that make Eden a 'Hand of God' too?"
"Mm, no. I was never touched by God. No, he couldn't bear to show his face to the child he imprisoned." Eden replied, sipping her blood.
"Dean, Lucifer's caged. God's MIA. The only beings strong enough to battle Amara are gone." Sam pressed. "If we're gunna fight her, then what better way to arm up than with an actual dose of his power?"
Eden looked down into her glass at the mention of the Devil as an awful wave of uneasiness overcame her. She didn't like how lying to the boys made her feel.
"Okay, so you said the Nazis got their hands on one of these... Uh, 'Hands'. Well, if it was so powerful it could win them the war, why didn't it?" Dean asked, grabbing Sam's empty coffee cup to drain the last drop into his mouth.
"Because they lost it. En route to Berlin, it was stolen. The Nazis searched high and low for the thief, but they never found their prime suspect. Uh, here. Delphine Seydoux." Sam replied, grabbing the correct book to show Dean a picture of her. "French mistress to a high-ranking Nazi. Thought to be a French traitor until she killed her German lover and made off with the weapon."
Eden pulled her legs out from Sam's lap and got up from her seat. After running her glass under the faucet, she headed towards the kitchen door.
"I'm going to go and get some more coffee to appease the beast that is Dean Winchester before he loses it entirely. Watching him get that last drop just now was genuinely painful. You boys... Debate what we're going to do today." She said, disappearing off down the hall towards the bedrooms.

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