Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five - Loki's Sons

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Eden had finally got her wings back. However, Gabriel had done the inevitable and warded himself against her; so, they were back to square one until he made an appearance somewhere.
With the help of Rowena and a powerful tracking spell; Sam, Dean and Eden had ended up in Colorado.
After bickering about why they were there and how they'd even begin to try and find him, a knock at the motel door shook them from their conversation topic.
"Hey, fellas, Munchkin." Gabriel nodded, leaning against the door frame, clutching a bleeding wound to the right side of his ribcage. "Looking for me?"
He groaned, staggering his way through the door.
Eden grabbed him, helping him to the nearest seat - a couch on the left hand side of the large motel suite.
"Good job I'm at full strength again, huh?" Eden commented, placing the Archangel down on the sunset orange couch. "Let's get you healed up."
Gabriel simply nodded, lifting up his white, blood stained dress shirt.
Eden placed her hand over the wound, allowing the black smoke from her magic to do its work.
"How'd you know we were here?" Dean asked, stood with his arms crossed, leaning against a room divider a few feet from them.
"Come on..." Gabriel groaned, pulling his shirt back down once Eden's magic had finished up. "Felt your Witch's tracking spell the second she laid it on me - tasted like haggis."
"She's Scottish." Eden commented, getting back up to her feet.
"So, now you're in trouble?" Sam pressed.
"What gave you that idea?" Gabriel frowned.
"Well, you show up on our doorstep bleeding like a stuck pig." Dean retorted.
"This?" The Archangel scoffed, waving a hand over his midsection. "Oh, you know, you roll into town for a little 'R and R', stumble into the wrong poker game, take a guy's money, his wife... Things get messy."
"You're trying to tell us you came here for R and R?" Sam replied sceptically.
"Yeah, this isn't exactly the Riviera." Dean added.
"I know, right?" Gabriel smirked to the Dark Angel stood in front of him. "We had so much fun back there."
"So much fun." Eden giggled.
"Yeah, so anyway, I don't suppose you guys have any more of my grace laying around, right?" The newcomer continued. "'Cause, uh, the tank's a little low."
"The last of it was what I gave to you after you killed Asmodeus." The Dark Angel sighed.
"Damn it..." Gabriel breathed, tipping his head back on the back of the couch. "It'll recharge eventually, but, until then..."
"Whatever we didn't use on you, we used to open up a rift." Dean told him.
Gabriel hesitated with his response, his eyes darting around the room.
"Cool... Super dupes. Well, okay, in that case, gentlemen, Munchkin, I must bid you a fond- ow..." He groaned, sitting back down. "Yeah, maybe after a little siesta."
"Yeah, you'll still be a bit stiff for a few hours. Best rest up and then maybe we can find a way to help each other." Eden suggested as he laid down on the couch.
Gabriel nodded, closing his eyes with a mumbled 'oh, crap.'

The trio spoke quietly as the Archangel slept, trying to figure out a plan to convince him to help them despite his low grace levels.
Like coming out of a nightmare, Gabriel shot up, mumbling something inaudible. He looked around, remembering where he was.
"Oh, right... You." He frowned.
"Gabriel, look," Sam started, getting up from his seat at the small round breakfast table in the centre of the suite. "We don't really know what's going on here."
"We need your help." Dean added.
"Uh, yeah, not a big joiner." Gabriel gave a breathy chuckle as he sat up properly on the couch.
"Oh, so you have better things to do than save the world?" The older brother retorted.
"Exactly." Gabriel nodded, rising to his feet. "Look, this has been... Great - a real thrill, but, I just came here for the silver stuff and since you three are all fresh out, it's time for me to say-"
His goodbye speech was interrupted by someone crashing through the door - or rather, two someones. In the doorway stood two Caucasian men; one balding, tall and burly, the other small, slim with a full head of dark brown hair, a forest green tartan suit and a cat-o-nine tails whip in his right hand.
"Raspberries..." Gabriel sighed.
"We're here for the Angel." The larger one said in arough, thick Scandinavian accent.
"Light or Dark? We have both. Take your pick." Eden cocked a brow, crossing her arms.
The pair's faces lit up a light green, the bigger one's turning into a skull around his head, the other a horse.
"The Hell are you guys?" Dean asked. "The Hell are these guys?"
"Oh, just a couple of Norse Demi Gods." Gabriel shrugged.
"Sam, Dean, meet Narfi and Sleipnir; Loki's children." Eden motioned to the large man and the smaller one respectively.
"Are you kidding me?" Sam exclaimed as Dean drew his gun.
Sleipnir charged at Dean, knocking the gun from his hand as it fired. Narfi went for Sam, throwing him to the ground before picking him up by his throat, holding him against the wall.
"I don't bloody think so, you oversized brat." Eden growled, grabbing him by the collar of his black leather jacket, throwing him to the other side of the room, being forced to release the younger brother in the process.
Meanwhile, Gabriel hid behind the motel room door, ready to escape if the other three didn't have this handled.
Eden stalked up to the Demi God and shoved her palm down on his forehead. Black smoke poured from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth as he screamed out before his lifeless body dropped to the floor.
Dean was fending off Sleipnir's whip attacks with a chair before it broke.
"Hi, handsome." Gabriel walked back into the room with a weapon that resembled a katana with a wooden blade. He aimed it at the remaining attacker. "You ready to die?"
Sleipnir quickly made his exit, staggering out of the room.
"I'll go after him in a sec, I just need a minute." Gabriel held up a finger, clutching his still stiff ribs.
"Wrong." Dean panted, holding up a set of Angel cuffs. "You're not going anywhere."
"Seriously?" Gabriel sighed, looking between the trio.
"Sorry, Gabe, we've got family at stake and we need you." Eden shrugged as Dean approached him.
The Winchester slapped a cuff on the Archangel's right wrist, attaching the other end to a railing in the room divider.
"If it makes you feel better, we'll uncuff you as soon as you tell us what's going on and why they were after you." Sam looked to Gabriel, who rolled his eyes.
"Right, Sammy and I'll go ditch the body and see if we can find pony boy. You okay to watch him?" Dean asked.
"Of course. Try not to die." Eden nodded.
Dean picked up Gabriel's wooden sword before he and Sam made their way out.

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