Chapter Fifty-Four - Dark Charlie

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They'd decided to grab some food and stake out the house, knowing that Charlie wouldn't be far behind them.
"What the Hell is kale?" Dean frowned with his mouthful of some sort of salad wrap.
"Good for you." Elizabeth replied.
"Yeah, well it sucks." The older brother retorted.
Sam was looking back over Charlie's file.
"Anti-authority disorder, clinical depression, violent outbursts... Charlie was..." He trailed off.
"Dude, if a shrink interviewed us at that age, do you think the report would be all kittens and rainbows?" Dean commented.
"They'd have a bloody field day with me." Elizabeth smirked, earning a chuckle from the older brother.
"Come on, she's a good kid. There's gotta be an explanation for this." He continued. "There's just gotta be."
Their thoughts were interrupted when the sound of glass smashing and a woman's scream came from the house.
"You're about to get that explanation." Elizabeth commented, getting out of the back of the car as quickly as she could.
The three ran across the street to the house, breaking through the side door with their guns at the ready. There were signs of struggle all down the main hall.
In the foyer, the Councilwoman stood with Charlie behind her, holding a knife to her throat.
"Should've known Rocket and Groot would track me down. Guessing this is the famous Elizabeth you guys wouldn't stop blabbering on about." Charlie smirked.
"Let her go." Sam told her.
"Who?" Charlie frowned, glancing to the woman. "Oh, her?"
With the hand that held the knife, she reared back and punched the woman, making hard contact with her cheekbone.
"Don't do this." Sam ordered.
"I just want answers." Charlie replied.
"Yeah, and since when did you start pounding on people for those?" Dean asked. "What the Hell happened to you in Oz?"
"Everything I wanted." The girl smiled. "An adventure. I even got my own little sword."
"Charlie..." Sam started.
"Oh, Sam... You're adorable. You're not gunna hurt me. In fact, that's your problem - all 'good guy code,' no bite. What a waste." She retorted before turning to Dean. "And you, always letting this albatross hold you back. Hot goth chick, here might be the only one here who has the balls to actually shoot me."
"Alright, you know what? I don't know what's going on here." Dean huffed, putting his gun back in the back of his jeans, motioning for the other two to do the same. "Okay? But this, this is not you."
"Oh, it's me alright." Charlie smirked.
"Charlie, put the knife down." Dean ordered. "Let her go. We don't wanna hurt you, kiddo, but we're not gunna let you do this."
Charlie threw the woman to the side and ran, Dean instantly in tow. Elizabeth used her Vampiric speed to cut her off.
"Sorry, kid. This way's blocked." The Vampire shrugged.
Charlie growled out in annoyance, taking a different path through the house, but Dean had caught up, shoving her to the ground.
"Stop!" Dean groaned.
Charlie flipped her legs around, gripping him between her thighs.
"Crap." Dean wheezed, unable to pull them apart to free himself.
Charlie twisted herself from that position to one straddling his chest, punching him in the face with every ounce of strength she had.
"Okay, that's enough." Elizabeth sighed, grabbing under her arms and pulling her back.
In one last attempt, Charlie used the pressure the Vampire had on her and launched her foot straight into Dean's mouth.
The girl's arms were thin. Thin enough for her to slip out of Elizabeth's grasp and make a run for it.
"Sam!" Dean called as he struggled to get up from the floor.
Elizabeth Vamp sped out the door, cutting Charlie off in the front yard, but the girl didn't even stop running, she just shoved the Vampire out of the way, making her lose her balance.
"You little..." Elizabeth grumbled, not getting to the girl's SUV fast enough to stop her again before she drove off.
"Charlie! Hey!" Dean yelled.
He looked down at the Impala's tires. Charlie had shoved her knife through one on her way out.
"Oh, you son of a bitch!" The older brother growled.
"When the Hell did she have time to do that?" Elizabeth exclaimed, slapping the sides of her thighs in annoyance.
And then a yellow car pulled up.
"What's up, bitches?" A smiling Charlie in a change of clothes greeted them as she leaned over to the passenger side window. She saw the confused expressions on their faces as Sam came running out to join them. "Right, um... We should probably... Catch up."
She parked up as Dean got a spare tire from the trunk of his car.
Getting out, she instantly ran up to Elizabeth, engulfing her in a hug.
"Oh my gosh, you must be Elizabeth! I'm so glad to finally meet you!" She grinned. "They never told me you were so cute."
Elizabeth glanced to Sam with a frown, hesitantly hugging the girl back.
"Yeah, hi... I'm sorry, is opposite déjà vu a thing? Ya know, where you feel like you've met someone before but in a totally different scenario?" The Vampire asked, earning a shrug from the younger Winchester.
"Yeah, I'll explain when I've got everyone's full attention." Charlie replied, pulling away from her to look at Dean replacing the tire.

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