Chapter One Hundred and Seven - There's Something Wrong With Mary

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It was dark by the time they reached the play park.
They approached the sandbox, engraved with the markings of Heaven's gate.
"This is it?" Kelly asked.
"This is it." Cas repeated. "Kelly, are you sure?"
"Yeah..." She breathed, nodding her head. "As long as you're both here, I know it's going to be okay."
The gate opened up, causing a blinding white light to be clouded by a slow, spiralling tornado in the sand.
When it lowered again, there was a Caucasian male standing there with a polite smile on his face, which faded when he saw Eden.
"Castiel, Kelly." He greeted. "And the abomination."
"Here we go again..." Eden sighed, rolling her eyes. Kelly looked to her, confused. "The Light Angels don't much like the only Dark one."
"Hello, Joshua." Castiel nodded.
The latest Angel addition stepped out of the sandbox, approaching the Human.
"I know you must be scared, but don't be." He told her.
But then, he exploded into dust, revealing Dagon behind him.
"Hey, girl." The Asian-American woman smirked.
Eden stood in front of Kelly, protectively.
"Dagon." She hissed.
"Mother Eden. You're still alive." The Prince of Hell didn't exactly look surprised. "Daddy sends his love."
"Whoopee for him." The Dark Angel glared.
"Wow, you three got so close. If I hadn't have made it here at the last possible second..." Dagon shrugged. "J.K. Flipped your pal Calvin ages ago, then smoked him. I've been here for hours."
"You stay away from her." Cas growled, taking his Angel Blade from the sleeve of his trench coat.
"What, no Colt?" Dagon faux-gasped. "Wait, you don't even have it anymore? Hilarious."
Castiel lunged at her, but she caught him, breaking the Angel blade from his grasp as Eden backed Kelly out of the way.
Dagon punched Cas to the ground.
"Look at him, your angelic defender." The Prince of Hell shook her head. "You really thought he was gunna save you? This sad, fluttering, aimless little moth?"
She leaned down, picking Cas up from the floor by the neck as Sam and Dean turned up in Cas' pick-up truck.
The Demon disappeared, reappearing next to Dean, who had the Colt. She took it from him, throwing him across the play park.
"Let's take this out of the picture, shall we?" Dagon smirked, heating up the gun in her hand until it melted into two pieces.
"No!" Dean cried out from the floor.
"Cas wouldn't have been able to stop you." Eden growled, stalking over to Dagon, who appeared back where she had previously been, holding Cas up by his throat. "But I made you. I can un-make you just as easy."
She placed her hand on Dagon's forehead.
The Prince of Hell dropped Castiel, gasping out as black smoke vacated through her eyes and mouth.
Dagon, punched her hand through Eden's chest, releasing her grasp.
"No!" Sam, Dean and Castiel all shouted.
"We'll see about that. Won't we, Odana?" The Prince sneered.
Kelly took Castiel's hand and ran up to Eden, taking her's too.
Kelly's eyes lit up gold and so did her hands.
Dagon frowned, removing her fist from the cavity in her maker's chest.
"What is going on?" She asked as the golden light travelled up both Cas' body and Eden's, healing her chest as it did so.
Dagon went for Castiel, but Cas grabbed her arm as his eyes and Eden's lit up gold. Eden took the Demon's other arm, creating the black smoke from her eyes and mouth again.
"How..?" Dagon gasped through the smoke.
"Call it a miracle." Castiel retorted.
Dagon's arm burst into flames. She screamed out as the Angels released her.
Eden absorbed the black smoke as the rest of Dagon's body ignited. The Demon screamed out, flailing until she succumbed to nothing but a few specks of ash.
The Winchesters steadily walked over to them.
"What was that?" Sam asked, breathily.
"It was us." Cas replied. "But, it was also..." He trailed off, looking down at Kelly's bump as she placed her hands on it. He looked to Dean with a frown. "You're hurt."
He walked over to him, placing his hand on Dean's arm, healing it.
"Thank you for coming to fight for us." The Angel continued.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked.
"I am. I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power." Cas nodded.
"You can't actually mean that." Sam frowned.
"Yes, I do. I have faith."
"He's right..." Eden panted, staring off into space. "He gave me back Dagon's piece of my soul, Sam. I won't be soulless if we kill Asmodeus now. This child... He's shown us a way to fix everything."
"We have to go." Cas said.
"Wait, Cas, wait a second." Sam protested as the Angel began to walk off.
"You have to just trust us." Castiel smiled.
"No, no, no, wait." Dean frowned. "Whatever that thing did to you two, we're not just gunna let you walk away."
"Yeah." Sam agreed. "That's not gunna happen."
"Yes, it is." Castiel replied, walking over to the younger brother.
He placed his fingertips on Sam's forehead, putting him to sleep instantly, then doing the same to Dean.
"I'm sorry." The Angel uttered.
"I am so going to get the arse-end of that later..." Eden groaned.
She snapped her fingers, making both the brothers and the Impala disappear, back to the Bunker.
The remaining trio went back to Castiel's pick-up truck.
"What did he tell you?" Kelly asked as Eden slipped in next to her.
"He didn't tell us. He showed us." Castiel replied. "The future."
"We were right - you and me." Eden smiled to her. "Nothing is born evil. And your son definitely reinforces that notion."

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