Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six - An Unlikely Team

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A few hours later, they received a call from Dean telling them not to bother with the spell, as he and Castiel had found Lucifer. He'd last been seen heading towards a faith healer named Sister Jo, under the impression that she wasn't as Human as she led people to believe.
Leaving Nala, Donatello and Father Costanello in the Bunker for their safety - and to work on the Demon tablet - Sam and Eden zapped over to the older Winchester's location.
It was a tiny town hall in the middle of nowhere.
"So, what's the play?" Sam asked.
"Guns a'blazin'." Dean shrugged, taking out an Angel Blade from his jacket.

The large double doors to the building revealed a short corridor, littered with God-fearing pamphlets and local news, another set of double doors up ahead of them. As they hesitantly walked on high alert, they heard a crash coming from the room in front of them.
Dean kicked in the doors, only to reveal Arthur Ketch, who let out a bemused chuckle, lowering his weapon.
"Oh, it's only you." He narrowed his eyes.
"What the Hell are you doing here?" Dean grumbled.
"Do we really have to do all of this again?" Ketch sighed. "Last time we were together, I saved your lives and you shot me. Doesn't that make us even?"
"No, I guess not." The older brother shook his head.
"Dean asked you a question." Sam reminded him. "What are you doing here?"
"My sources tell me Lucifer's back. He's weak and is- or was in this wonderful slice of Americana." Ketch looked around the dimly lit hall. "I was going to try and kill him."
Eden let out a high-pitched sarcastic laugh.
"Good bloody luck."
"As were you, I assume." Ketch huffed.
"Great. Who are you working for?" Sam pressed.
"I swear if you say his name, I'm going to shove a willow tree so far up your-"
"Isn't it possible that I'm simply trying to strike a blow for the good of humanity?" The Englishman cut Eden off.
"No." Cas spoke up. "That's not possible."
"Truth be told, taking out Lucifer would be an enormous feather in the cap." Ketch shrugged. "My business model is very, um... Word of mouth."
"Alright, so if Lucifer isn't here, where is he?" The younger brother asked.
"Ah! Excellent question! I propose we team up." Ketch held out his arms, slowly walking towards the four.
"I propose I kill you permanently and the rest of us go back to the Bunker so I can finish that bloody spell." Eden mumbled.
"Yeah, I'm with her." Dean pointed to the girl with his Angel Blade.
"Ah, ah, hear me out. We can share intel, cover more ground, work that spell of yours together. Hm? Hazaar!" Ketch held out his hands defensively.
Castiel spun his Angel Blade between his fingers, pointing it behind him as he reached out and touched Ketch's forehead, instantly putting him to sleep.
"But it's no fun when they don't scream..." Eden pouted.
"We're not killing him." The Angel grumbled. "Not yet, at least."
Dean reached down, picking the unconscious man up and throwing him over his shoulder to take him out to the Impala, dumping him in the trunk without much care.
"Alright. I say we take dickbag here back to the Bunker, find out what he knows, let Eden do her thing, burn his bones and flush his ashes." Dean proposed.
"I second that." Eden held up her hand.
"I like that plan." Cas nodded.
"Hey," Sam started, looking down at the tablet he'd brought with him. "Check this out."
He flipped the tablet around so they could see. It was a video of a young, copper-haired Caucasian woman with her hands on a man in a wheelchair.
"That's Sister Jo? The faith healer?" Dean asked, earning a nod from his brother.
In the video, she gently helped the man get up from his wheelchair, raising the brows of everyone watching.
"No, that's not-" Cas cut himself off. "She's an Angel. Her name is Anael."
"Alright, so..." Sam sighed, turning the tablet back round to face him. "Say Lucifer drained her and killed her... Where's her body?"
"You boys go ahead, I'll meet you back at the Bunker." Eden frowned up at the building.
"What are you gunna do?" The younger brother asked.
The Dark Angel gave a short-lived smile, reaching into the pocket of Sam's jacket to pull out a small flashlight.
"See if I can find a shortcut to this spell." She replied, already walking off back towards the town hall.

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