Chapter Six - Djinn

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"So what's going on?" Dean asked, stood by the kitchen island back at his house.
"We don't know." Sam sighed, leaning on the counter top. "But whatever it is, it goes way past a couple of Djinn acting off."
"Nocturnals attacking in broad daylight, werewolves out on the half-moon, creatures that I've never even seen before." Elizabeth continued.
"We're knee-deep in half-eaten Human hearts and exsanguinated ten year olds and... It's all making me uneasy." Samuel finished.
Elizabeth couldn't help but flash back to the time she'd watched Sam kill the little girl possessed by a Demon months back. The first time she was sure of his soulless status.
"So... What's the theory?" Dean cocked a brow.
Samuel shrugged.
"You tell me." He said. "All we really know is it's all hands on deck. We're counting on each other right now. That's how it is with the Campbells. We need you, Dean."
"Look, I hear you, but..." Dean began.
"You don't know what you're a part of, Dean. You know, you had ancestors hacking the heads off Vamps on the Mayflower. What I'm saying is that we're your blood. And we're out there dying, trying to get in front of whatever this is." Samuel sighed.

Dean didn't really know what to make of all this, so he simply walked outside, trying to focus on the job in hand.
"Do you think he's ready?" Elizabeth asked.
"Far from it." Samuel groaned, wiping his hand over his face in frustration.
"He'll get there. I know him." Sam nodded.
He and Elizabeth shared a look. Sam knew Dean, but Elizabeth had known John. And she'd seen what Sam and Dean were like enough to know that they were both more like him than they'd been willing to believe. They'd both be fine. Especially if she had anything to do with it.
"Those Djinn are just sitting out there, watching us. Everybody's gotta clear out." Dean said, walking back into the house.
"What?" Christian asked, coming from somewhere in the back of the house.
"They're not gunna come in here until me and Sam are alone." The older Winchester explained.
"So, what, I'm supposed to leave you here with no back up?" Samuel scoffed.
"Dean's right. They're smart. They'd wait 'til they weren't outnumbered." Sam confirmed.
"I'll stay." Elizabeth nodded, grabbing everyone's attention. "I'll stay upstairs or something - be there first line of defence. They won't be expecting a Vampire on the boys' side."
Everyone thought for a moment.
"All right. We won't be far. You call when they come, you hear?" Samuel sighed, moving to address his other family members. "All right, pack up. We're out of here."

The three remaining Hunters stood around the kitchen island, waiting for the inevitable.
"You okay?" Sam asked his brother.
"Oh, yeah." Dean half-smiled in the least convincing way. "No... This is... This is crazy. I mean, you, Grandpa. Whoever brought you back..."
"They don't want to be found." Sam finished for him.
"Yeah, I get that. But who are they and what do they want? Why?" Dean frowned.
"We've had all ears to the ground since Sam and Samuel came back." Elizabeth told him. "We've had no leads; Bobby doesn't even know where to start. There are only a few people who have the ability to bring back people from the dead and all of them have either told us it wasn't them or we haven't been able to reach them. Castiel being one of those unreachables. He's been AWOL this past year."
"You think it was him?" Dean asked.
Elizabeth shrugged.
"I honestly can't think of anyone else. Except maybe God, but that doesn't explain why Samuel and the Campbell's are back as well, of all people." She sighed.
"What about you?" Dean looked to his brother. "Do you remember anything about it?"
"What?" Sam frowned.
"The Cage." Dean pressed.
"Yeah." Sam lied, earning a confused look from Elizabeth.
"You wanna..." Dean trailed off.
"No." The younger brother snapped.
"Well, if anyone can relate..."
"Dean, I don't want to talk about it. I'm back. I get to breathe fresh air, have a beer, hunt with my family, see you again. So why exactly would I want to think about Hell?" Sam raised a brow.
"And you really think..." Dean began, but trailed off when something caught his eye through the window.
Across the way, the trio saw Dean's neighbours on their lawn, freshly dead. The older brother broke into a run towards the front door.
"Dean, no!" Elizabeth shouted.
"This is happening because of me!" The older brother snapped.
"Dean!" Sam called after him, to no avail.
The older brother vacated the house with two huge syringes filled with a creamy white substance Samuel had concocted to kill Djinn. He ran into his other neighbour's house with Elizabeth trailing along behind in case anything happened.
But before either of them could do anything, a male Djinn attacked Dean, holding him back whilst a female did the dirty work.
"You made it through that last trip, so how about a big, fat double dose? Bad news - it'll kill you. The good news? At least you'll go fast. That's for our father you son of a bitch." She sneered.
"Dean!" Elizabeth yelled, yanking the male off him.
Dean sat up from his new position on the floor.
He looked entirely out of it as his eyes darted from something out the window to something next to him.
"No!" He screamed. "Lisa, no! Ben, no!"
"Dean, listen to me. You're hallucinating, it's not real." Elizabeth tried to calm him, but then he simply passed out. "Oh, bloody hell..."
Elizabeth picked him up, throwing him over her shoulder as she pulled out her phone, dialling the right number.
"Samuel? It's me. Dean's been dosed up good. I need you to bring the van round and take him whilst I go find Sam." She said, moving out of the house.

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