Chapter Fifty-Six - Teenagers

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Dean hadn't done much else other than read up every ounce of information he could find about the Mark of Cain. And when the well ran dry with that, he'd even resort to looking at tattoo or scar removal.
It was getting worse. He'd barely slept all week. He was eating, at least, but he never stopped reading in the process.
"I'm worried about him." Elizabeth sighed. "More than I was before, anyway."
"Yeah, me too. But what else can we do? Researching seems to be the only thing even remotely useful that we can think of." Sam replied, nudging his cereal around the milk with the back of his spoon.
They sat in the kitchen just thinking of anything they could do to help.
"We haven't had a case since Charlie. How about we find one?" Elizabeth suggested, sipping from her blood glass.
Sam nodded, chewing on his mouthful.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan – give his mind a break for a while, do some good in the process." The Winchester nodded after swallowing his food.
"Alright. Well, I'm gunna go have a scout around on the internet." The Vampire replied, getting up from her chair across from him, taking her blood with her.

She'd found a case on the tablet and instantly showed it to Sam, who took it to Dean. There was a few people in Oregon who had gone missing leaving only their clothes. It took some persuading on Sam's part, but he finally managed to get him to agree to come out on the case.
They'd spoken to a homeless man outside of the bar where the latest disappearance had occurred, who'd described a bright white light. He'd also smelled flowers. And then he'd proceeded to blame it on aliens.
Sam had suggested Dean go into the dive bar and ask around whilst he and Elizabeth went to check out the victim's house.

The house had come up with nothing. No sign of break in, no sign of anything even remotely supernatural. Just a crappy paying job and poor sense of cleanliness.
Sam phoned Dean.
"How we looking?" The older brother asked as soon as he picked up.
"Not great." Sam replied, walking down the stairs that led to the front door. "Turns out, JP was about three days from getting evicted. His landlord said the guy blasted Neil Diamond twenty-four/seven and that his bathroom was, quote; 'like staring into the Devil's butt.'"
"I can attest to that." Elizabeth said, walking passed Sam to the car with her nose scrunched up in disgust.
"That's... Vivid." Dean replied.
"Yeah, and accurate. I saw it too." The younger brother said.
"You saw the john or..?"
"Don't." Sam grumbled. "So, you got anything?"
"Yeah, I got jack and two scoops of squat. I don't know, man. I think we ought to just call it a night and, uh..." Dean trailed off.
"And what?" Sam asked. "Dean."
"Sammy, I think I got something." The older brother said, hanging up the phone.
"We gotta head back to the bar. Dean thinks he's found something." Sam announced, walking towards the Impala.
Elizabeth was leaning against the passenger door with her arms crossed.

When they got back to the dive bar, Dean was nowhere to be found. Sam had tried to call him. It rang and the pair heard his phone at the bar.
They turned around, seeing the bartender with it and Dean's jacket.
"Hey, buddy." Sam grabbed his attention. "Where'd that jacket come from?"
"My Bar Mitzvah." The man retorted, moving round the bar to collect glasses. "It was a magical night."
Elizabeth grabbed two fistfuls of his white undershirt and shoved him against the bar.
"Try again." She growled.
"What the Hell." He groaned. "You're strong, little girl."
"Strong enough to break you in ways your worst nightmares would quiver at. Now answer the bloody question. Where did you get the jacket?" The Vampire sneered, wrapping her fingers around his neck.
"The dumpster, alright! The friggin' dumpster round back. The clothes were just sat there on the floor." He cried out.
Elizabeth shoved him as she let him go.
"Thank you for your co-operation." Sam mumbled, grabbing Dean's jacket and walking out behind his girl.
Elizabeth was already behind the dumpster when he caught up with her, flashlight in hand.
"You smell that?" She asked without looking at him.
Sam inhaled.
"Flowers. Yeah." He nodded, spying something in the torchlight on the floor underneath one of the dumpsters. "Hey, what's that?"
Elizabeth followed his gaze, seeing a boot.
They walked over and crouched down, Sam picking it up.
"This is Dean's." He said.
"Look-y here." Elizabeth sighed, picking up Dean's gun. She frowned, seeing something covering the handle.
She brushed it off, sniffing her fingers.
"Pollen." She mumbled.
"Flowers." Sam nodded.
Elizabeth took another sniff, frowning at the familiarity of it.
"Smells like... Yarrow. It's been used in medicines for centuries – used it, myself, more times than I can count."
"Let's go find out what it was used for in this case, then." Sam sighed, getting to his feet.

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