Chapter Twenty-Six - The Bees

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"Clever bastard." Elizabeth smirked, weighing the vial up in her hands.
"Annoying bastard." Dean commented, causing the Vampire to roll her eyes.
"No, I mean he gave this to me on purpose." Elizabeth huffed, holding up the vial. She looked around, seeing nothing but confused faces, so decided to elaborate. "Crowley and I have been in a lot of fights together over the last century and a half. Both on the same sides and opposites. So... He knows I know what his blood smells like. He was just pissing you about to lead you on. He knows that one sniff of this, I can tell you if it's really his blood or not."
"So what are you waiting for? Get a whiff." Dean beckoned.
The room went quiet as Elizabeth removed the top from the vial and inhaled deeply. She smiled at the result.
"It's his, alright. I'd know the smell of his Craig Scotch anywhere." She chuckled, putting the top back on and handing it to Sam.
"Great. So now that's settled, we can get on with making the weapon, yeah?" Dean looked around the room.
Sam nodded.

"Well, one thing's for sure." Dean sighed. "We only got one shot. This thing don't reload." He held the vial of Crowley's blood.
After Meg and Cas had left, the remaining trio had gathered round the coffee table in the living area, which had on it a small bowl, the large copper bowl from Crowley's summoning spell, a big, shallow bowl with Sister Mary Constant's bone in it, a small jar of blood and two white candles.
Dean passed the vial to Sam, who poured its contents into the smaller of the three bowls.
"So do we, uh..." Sam trailed off, lifting the bowl.
"There's no magic words - nothing. You just go." Dean shrugged.
"Alright then..." Sam took a short but heavy breath, pouring the contents of the smaller bowl over the nun's bone.
Dean looked around, ominously, obviously expecting something to happen that was outside of the bowl. After placing the now empty bowl of blood down, Sam did the same. Elizabeth just gazed at the blood-soaked bone.
"Where's all the thunder and lightning?" Dean asked.
"Uh... Maybe it worked." Sam said.
"There's only one way we're gunna find out." Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow, folding her arms across her chest.
"Awesome..." Dean sighed.
Cas appeared behind the older brother, making them jump out of their skin. He looked among the trio with a slightly gormless smile on his face. Elizabeth looked down, spying two sandwiches on blue plates in his hand.
"So, none of this should cause you any ill effect. I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat and the lettuce and tomato, and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I... Slaughtered it for the ham." He said, handing the brothers the food. "Here. You need your strength."
He then reached into his pocket and grabbed a fast food cup, handing it to Elizabeth.
She opened up the lid, revealing blood. She stirred it a bit with the straw, sniffing it.
"Do I even want to know where you got this?" She asked.
"I found a man walking towards a blood bank in England. He's a raw diet vegan. We got into a rather lengthy conversation about it, which is why I took so long to get back - my apologies for that, by the way. But he thought, with the scrubs and all, I was his doctor when I followed him inside the bank, so he was more than happy to give me a couple of blood bag's worth." Cas replied, motioning to the white psych ward scrubs he was wearing under his trench coat before retrieving a blood bag from his other pocket. "I know how Dean gets funny when you drink straight from the bag in front of him, so I thought I'd grab you a to-go cup."
Elizabeth frowned, looking between the two brothers, who shrugged.
"Thanks, Pigeon. I think I might like the screw loose version of you the best."
"Yeah... Thanks Cas." Dean frowned.
"Hey Cas, why was Crowley so certain that you needed to come with us?" Sam asked.
"Crowley's wrong." The Angel replied a little too quickly. "I'll be waiting right here. But please, accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity."
Sam frowned, giving a small sigh as he took the sandwich from the Angel.

"So, Pigeon. I've got to ask..." Elizabeth spoke after finishing a mouthful of her blood, sitting forward on the couch. "Do you like the new you?
Cas frowned, thinking over his answer.
"I can't say I've really thought about it." He replied.
"What do you think about?" Elizabeth smirked.
"I think about bees a lot..." Cas' thoughtful face turned into a pure, innocent smile. "They're like brightly coloured sheep with wings that defy the laws of physics. Not to mention, life on Earth wouldn't be the same without them. It's amazing to me, how important to the ecosystem they are."
"I see..." Elizabeth nodded her head slowly, staring off into the distance, somewhat sorry she'd asked.
"Damn, Cas. That might've been the best sandwich I've ever had." Dean said as he chewed through his last mouthful.
"Definitely the freshest." Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow. "Though, I suppose you can never really know what goes into your food unless you prepare it yourself."
"Exactly my thoughts, Elizabeth." Cas smiled. "I was stood in the store for ages wondering what I was going to get for them when I just thought 'hey, why don't I just do it myself?'"
"Think I'm gunna save that other blood bag for when we make our move on Dick. It's getting late anyway. We should probably head to bed." Elizabeth sighed, getting up.
"You're right. I'll watch over you just in case." Cas agreed, getting up with a smile that could be misconstrued for hopeful.
Elizabeth paused her actions mid-movement, her eyes darting around the dimly lit cabin in mild shock and confusion.
"Okay." She simply said, continuing with her movements towards the bed to grab some night clothes.

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