Chapter Eighteen - Strategies

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A rapid pounding on the door awoke the two the next morning.
Elizabeth groaned, rolling over onto her front to turn her head towards the offensive noise.
"Do you want me to get it?" Sam mumbled next to her.
"No, it's fine. I've got it." Elizabeth sighed, pulling the sheet from between Sam and the comforter to cover her naked body with.
She walked over to the door, smoothed out her bed hair and pulled the door open.
Dean took one look at the state of her and smirked.
"Well, good morning to you, happy campers." He said, walking in with a paper tray of to-go coffee cups in his hands.
"Dean, get the Hell out of here." Sam groaned into his pillow.
"Not a chance, get your ass out of bed, Sammy. We've got a suicide mission to plan." The older brother took one of the coffee cups from the tray and placed it on his sibling's hand, forcing it open to grasp the hot container.
He then walked over and handed one to the Vampire.
"I can't drink coffee..." Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
"Take a whiff, genius." Dean all but rolled his eyes.
Elizabeth put her nose to the mouth piece and sniffed.
"Ooh, O Negative. My favourite." She grinned, taking a sip.
"What time is it?" Sam rubbed his eyes, sitting up in bed.
"Eight AM. Near enough." Dean replied.
Sam gave a mildly confused look to the Vampire, who walked over to the older brother and held the back of her hand on his forehead.
"He feels a little warm. I think he may be sick." Elizabeth cocked a brow.
"Everyone feels warm to you, Vanilla Ice." Dean scoffed, shooing her hand away from him.
"Wow." Elizabeth spoke in monotone, throwing the older Winchester a bored look. "There ain't nothin' vanilla about me, thank you very much."
"I can attest to that." Sam commented, taking a sip from his coffee.
Dean visibly grimaced.
"I bring you morning refreshments and all I get is scarring images in return. Knock on my door when you're done." He grumbled, making long strides for the exit.
"Thanks for the drinks, Dean." Elizabeth smiled sweetly, closing the door behind him. She turned round and smirked in the younger brother's direction. "Why do I feel like that's going to come round and bite us in the arse one day?"
Sam shrugged.
"It probably will. But, it was definitely worth the look on his face."

Sat at a table in the hotel's restaurant, the trio waited for Alexander to show up.
"Good morning Elizabeth." The sire's voice came light, but soon turned rather monotonous. "Winchesters."
He took a seat next to Dean, sliding into the booth rather hesitantly.
"So what's the plan?" The older brother asked.
"Cutting to the chase, I see. Very well." Alexander sighed, pulling a rolled up piece of paper from his suit jacket.
He unrolled it, placing it on the table. Elizabeth grabbed the condiments, putting them on the corners as paper weights. On the paper was a map of the town.
"Welcome to Banner Elk, North Carolina, gentlemen... And Lady. Population was roughly fifteen hundred people. Now its home to some one hundred and fifty or so Vampires. From what I've seen, they convene in the Church of Christ for meetings when necessary; however, they have a weekly meeting every Friday at sundown. It is mandatory that everyone attends. I believe that to be our best opportunity to take them down." The older Vampire explained, pointing to a building marker near the centre of the town.
"And how exactly do you know all of this?" Dean cocked a brow.
"Because they tried to recruit me." Alexander replied. "But I don't do well taking orders - giving them is more my style. So a conflict of interest started this little venture, but as soon as I was made aware of how indiscreet they were being with their antics, I knew I needed to put a stop to it. For the sake of us Vampires who'd much prefer to keep a low profile. I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible and get back to my nest, if you please."
"So why stalk me for weeks on end?" Elizabeth asked. "This could have been dealt with ages ago."
Alexander smiled, rolling up the map to slip into his jacket again.
"What can I say? I felt nostalgic."

After Alexander had made his exit, the trio sat thinking of ways they could win this sufficiently.
"If Alexander's right about this Super Nest having a weekly meeting, this may not have to be such a suicide mission." Elizabeth commented.
"Make sure they're all inside, rig the place up with explosives and blow those mothers to Hell." Dean shrugged. "Sounds like a plan to me. We wouldn't even need to pull in favours with other Hunters. We could easily pull this off with just the three of us."
"The next issue is where we're going to get enough explosives to blow up an entire church." Sam said, leaning back in his seat.
"Show me the nearest high school chemistry lab and I'll make you more explosives than you could shake a snake at." Elizabeth smirked.
"Of course you're an explosives expert." Dean rolled his eyes.
"What?" Elizabeth protested. "I got bored in the forties."
"So we blow the place and then it's all hands on deck for the stragglers?" Sam confirmed.
"I'm liking this case a whole lot more than I thought I would." Dean smiled, patting the dining table in excitement.

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