Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One - Memories

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They pulled up outside the hospital not long after. As soon as Eden got out of the car, she felt calmer, which she found odd.
Sam was explaining Kaia's backstory as they walked up to the main building, but Eden wasn't listening, she was too focused on the feeling.
What broke her out of her thoughts, however, was the sound of metal snapping.
Her head darted to her left, following the sound.
"Baby? You okay?" Sam asked, already through the first set of double doors into the building, holding the door open for her.
"Jack's here." She stated, walking towards where she heard the sound. "Go through, I'll go round!"
Round the side of the building, she saw Jack grab a girl's arm; that girl most likely being Kaia.
"You will help me!" Jack demanded.
"Jack!" Eden called as Sam did the same thing, coming through the side door.
Kaia kicked Jack's leg, putting him on his knees before she punched him and made a run for it.
Eden Vamp sped over to Jack, helping him up.
"She hit me." Jack frowned.
"Yeah. Good." Dean growled.
"She's getting away, she can't-"
"No, no, no. We're not letting you anywhere near her until you tell us what's going on!" The older brother pointed an accusing finger at him.
"No, I need her!" Jack protested.
"You need her like you needed Derek?" Sam huffed.
"Yes." The Nephilim looked between the brothers. "I'm doing this for you." He stammered.
"You killed Derek for us?" Dean's voice was kept raised.
"Derek's dead?" Jack frowned.
"Wait a second, Jack, tell us what happened. Everything." Sam urged.
"I left to try to get a grip on my powers. After I killed that guard, I didn't want to risk hurting Eden on the island now that I knew I might. I wanted to prove to you on my own that I'm good - to do one good thing. To do the thing you wanted the most." Jack explained. "I experimented, opening doors to other worlds. I could almost do it - I could get right to the edge. But I couldn't see. I could only feel around in the dark. I needed eyes - a seer."
"A Dreamwalker." Sam sighed.
The boy nodded.
"So, I researched, like you taught me and that's how I found Derek. I didn't know if it would work. But it did. He Dreamwalked and I joined him... In Apocalypse world. I could see what he saw. And I saw her."
"Her?" The younger brother repeated.
"Your mother." Jack continued. "She's alive."
"Yeah, we know. Eden told us." Dean told him.
"But, she's in danger."
"What does that mean? What kind of danger?" Sam pressed.
"It's easier if I show you." Jack nodded, turning to Eden. "Take their hands."
She frowned as he raised his brows, silently urging her on.
Eden held out her hands for Sam and Dean, who did as asked.
Jack lifted his hands, touching the brothers' temples. Golden veins lit up under their skin, lighting up their eyes a bright golden. The veins trailed down their arms, connecting Eden to the circuit.
Images flashed of the grey, thunderous world. A weather-worn set of wooden double doors flew at them, revealing a small, run-down church. In a small room behind the main section of the building, an iron maiden hung on the ceiling, containing Mary Winchester. With every jolt and shudder the cage had, metal spikes on the inside of the cage imbedded themselves into Mary's flesh. She cried out for help over and over as the image reversed and eventually faded.
Jack took his fingers from Sam and Dean's temples as the brothers let go of Eden's hands.
The Dark Angel rushed the boy, engulfing him in a tight hug.
"I have never been so happy to be right." She chuckled breathlessly as the boy hugged her back. "I am so proud of you, Jack, you hear me?"
"What is there to be proud of? I didn't get to her. I was so close, I could've touched her." The boy sighed, pulling away. "But, Derek wasn't strong enough to hold the connection."
"But, you didn't burn him out." Sam frowned.
"No, I stopped. Derek wasn't strong enough, but he knew someone who was; Kaia. She's the key."
"I'm proud of you because you used your initiative and you used it well." Eden smiled, wiping away a stray tear. "I'm not happy about how you went about it, but I'm glad you're safe."
"You were really worried about me?" Jack genuinely asked.
"Of course we were. We've all been searching for you since you left." Sam told him. "Eden's been frantic."
"I'm sorry I scared you." Jack looked down at his feet. "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to show you I can be good."
"We know you're good, Squab. We know." Eden hugged him again, running her fingers through his hair. "Just... Please, don't ever run away or block me out like that again."
"I promise." Jack nodded, nuzzling his face into her hair.
Over the boy's shoulder, Eden noticed Dean in some sort of haze. She frowned, pulling away from the hug.
"Dean? Are you okay?"
Dean blinked a few times, looking over at her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just... When you said mom was alive, I was over the frickin' moon. But, seeing her like that?" He scoffed. "This whole time we should've been looking for her, but I refused to believe Lucifer would keep her alive, even after all that stuff you said. We've gotta get her out of there."
"We will." Eden nodded, looking to the other two before casting her gaze back to him. "Together. No matter what it takes."

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