Chapter Ninety-Three - Stigmata

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"Praise me, for I am the epitome of brilliance!" Eden sang, dancing into the library with her phone in hand.
"How'd you figure that one out?" Dean cocked a brow.
Eden stopped her movements, staring at the man with a slack jaw.
"Wow. I'll remember that next time you want me to make your bacon how you like it." She retorted.
"What did you find?" Sam chuckled from his spot opposite his brother.
"Found us a case. Mason City, Iowa. A woman walks into her church with wounds to her hands and feet. Witnesses say there were sounds of whipping along with correlating marks on her back. She yells something in some unknown dialect and then dies. Sounds interesting, no?" She smirked, holding out her phone to the younger Winchester.
"Yeah, definitely sounds like our thing. I say we check it out." Sam nodded, looking to Dean who did the same.
"I'll go pack my costume." Eden hummed, skipping off back to the bedrooms.

After a quick outfit change in their hotel room bathroom, Eden left the room to see the boys already in their 'padre gear', as Dean had called it.
"Oh, wow." Dean's brows raised as he saw her, dressed head to toe in a nun's robes.
"Haven't worn this one in a while. It was about time." She said, flipping the skirts about at her ankles. "Hey, Sam... I don't suppose you have more of those clerical collars, do you?" She cocked a brow, gazing between his eyes and the white piece of material sat at the base of his neck.
Sam looked down at it as best he could.
"Seriously? This does it for you?" He frowned, unable to hide the amused glint in his eye.
Eden shrugged.
"I mean, I've never been one for a daddy kink, but a padre kink might just cut it." She gave him some rather seductive puppy dog eyes.
Sam awkwardly glanced to Dean, who looked mildly horrified. The younger brother then walked over to her, placing a hand on the small of her back as he leaned in.
"Only if you keep the nun outfit." He whispered.
Eden giggled in delight, clapping her hands together.
"Gross." Dean scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Come on, freaks. Save the kinky role play for later. We've got a case."
Sam gave his love a wink before heading to the hotel room door.

"Father Valdecantos?" Sam asked, approaching the priest at the end of the alter in the church. "I'm Father Penn of the Dubuque Archdiocese, this is-"
"Father De Niro." Dean cut him off.
"And Sister Anna. We're here to talk about Olivia Sanchez." Sam continued.
Father Valdecantos looked the three over.
"I'm not talking about that anymore." He said, turning away.
"You sure were chatty with the press. And the cops." Dean countered, dragging the Father's attention back to them. "'Priest claims Demons walk among us.' Boy, that's quite a headline grabber."
"I said I'm not talking about -"
"No, we heard you. We don't care." The older brother retorted.
"You'll think I'm lying, like my bishop, like everyone. But I knew Olivia. She was a good person. I watched her get flayed alive by some invisible force. It was the Devil's work. I've been told the church doesn't want us talking like that anymore - too old fashioned - but I know what I saw." Father Valdecantos said.
"You see any black smoke?" Dean asked.
"What?" The priest frowned.
"We don't think you're lying." Sam told him. "We just wanna ask you a few questions, that's all."
The Father gave an understanding nod.
"Um... No. No smoke." He said.
"What about sulphur? Did you smell, uh, rotten eggs?" Dean pressed.
"You told people that she was speaking in tongues?" Sam confirmed.
"Yes. It sounded like Hebrew." The priest replied.
"Well, fortunately, Sister Anna here is very well versed on biblical languages." Dean smiled, motioning to Eden, who stood behind them quietly.
She gave a small smile and a single nod of the head.
"Prok yaw-thi a-law-haw." The Father recited.
"That's Aramaic, not Hebrew. She said 'save me, oh, God.'" Eden frowned.
"What kind of nun are you?" Father Valdecantos asked.
"Like Father De Niro said; a well versed one." The girl replied.
"The old fashioned kind." Dean added before walking towards the exit.
"Thanks." Sam nodded to the priest before he and Eden followed the older brother out.
"So no sulphur means no Demon. You think the padre's right? We talking about Lucifer here?" Dean asked.
"Little small-time for him. I don't know. Maybe a rogue Angel? What are you thinking?" Sam looked to Eden.
"Could be anything. Do you think some kind of ghost possession might be able to achieve something like this?" She countered.
"You'd probably know better than us." Sam replied.
"I'll call Cas, see if he has any input on this." Dean said.

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