Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Two - Mother of Demons

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Once both Ashley and Dean were asleep, Eden and Sam had decided to get food for when they woke up.
Getting back, however, they saw the motel room door wide open and Ashley missing.
"What the Hell?" Eden frowned, placing a paper bag of food down on a small desk in the far-right corner of the room.
"Dean?" Sam called, tapping his brother's shoulder. "Dean! Hey!"
The older Winchester woke up with a start, his eyes darting around the room.
"Where is she?" He asked, his voice husky with sleep.
"I don't know! She was with you!" Sam exclaimed.
"What?" Dean frowned, standing up.
"Dude, we just went out for food!" The younger brother gestured back to Eden and the bags. "We got back, the door was open, she was gone and you were sleeping. What the Hell?"
Dean made a break for the room door, grabbing his jacket on the way out.
"Come on!"

They had a pretty good feeling as to where Ashley would be. They raced over to the cabin as fast as they could.
"Okay, I get why we're here, but there is no way those dumbasses took Ashley without me waking up. No way." Dean loudly whispered as they got out of the car.
"We were gone twenty minutes, Dean. Twenty." Eden hissed, taking her Archangel Blade from its sheath on her hip.
A shrieking, female scream came from inside the cabin.
Dean kicked in the door, his gun drawn and packed with silver bullets.
The main room was clear, but Eden heard a clammer.
"There's a cellar." She whispered, gesturing to the floor with her Blade.
She and the brothers checked the three available doors before the Dark Angel found the right one.
Downstairs revealed a room covered from top to bottom in sheet metal and blood spatters. In the centre was a table with various bladed weapons and beyond that, sat Ashley, tied to a chair with a gag tied around her hair.
She breathed a heavy sigh of relief, turning it into a pant as Dean put his gun away and headed to set her free.
"Okay, okay. You're alright." He soothed, untying the gag.
"Thank you." The girl whimpered.
"Where are they?" The older brother asked.
"I-I don't know. They ran." She replied, getting up from the chair.
"Okay. Let's go. Come on." Dean grabbed her, heading for Sam and Eden who guarded the stairway.
"Go, come on." Sam urged, putting a hand on Eden's back to signal that she was taking the lead.

Back upstairs, the four made it halfway to the front door when Josh jumped down from the rafters, separating Sam from Dean, Ashley and Eden, his dog-like fangs and claws out and at the ready.
Andy appeared behind Sam, shoving him across the room. Eden barely had enough time to take Ashley's arm and pull her out of harm's way as Josh attacked Dean.
"Are you going to be okay here?" Eden asked, clutching the girl by the shoulders.
Ashley nodded frantically, pressing her back against a nearby bookshelf so at least one side of her body was protected.
Andy threw Sam into a red leather armchair, knocking it over and Dean lost his gun in the struggle for control over Josh.
The Werewolf pinned the older brother against the wall next to the front door.
"Hunters." The Wolf spat. "I bet you'd even had silver bullets in your gun."
"Well, you'd win that bet." Dean retorted, struggling to keep him at arm's length.
The Winchester looked up, seeing a mounted pair of deer antlers on the wall. He reached up as quickly as he could and smashed the piece over Josh's head, knocking him back.
Meanwhile, Sam was punching the ever-loving Hell out of Andy on the other side of the room.
Seeing as Dean seemed to be struggling the most, Eden went for the older Werewolf brother, grabbing him by the shoulders and tearing him from Dean.
"Bad dog! Stay!" She growled, launching him to the floor in a slamdunk so hard that the floorboards underneath him snapped.
Josh roared out in fury, scampered to his feet and tackled her. As he took her down to the floor, the weight of his shoulder punched her tiny baby bump.
He got up, leaving her breathless and in agony on the floor, clutching her abdomen. He went back for Dean and they regained their position as Josh pinned him against the wall once again.
Eden looked over to check on Sam through tears in her eyes, realising Dean's gun was now in Andy's hand and pointed straight at the younger brother, who's hands were up.
The younger Werewolf looked frantically between Sam, Eden, Ashley and Josh.
"Josh!" He yelled, only to be ignored as his older brother began to win the power struggle over Dean.
Just as Josh opened his mouth to take a bite out of the Winchester, a gunshot sounded.
Josh's muscles relaxed. He looked down, seeing blood coating his shirt. His blood.
He fell to the floor with a loud thud and a creek from the broken wood panels.
Everyone looked between the Werewolves with their eyes wide and their mouths agape until Sam went to get up off the floor. Andy re-aimed the gun at him.
"Woah, woah, Andy. You don't have to do this." The Winchester panted, raising his hands again. "Alright? You don't wanna do this."
"He was my brother." Andy's voice trembled. "And he promised. But he was never gunna stop. And he turned into a monster." Tears filled his eyes as he came to a realisation. "And I'm a monster too."
He turned Dean's gun on himself and fired straight through his diaphragm, instantly falling to the floor.
"You... You good?" Sam asked, turning to Dean.
"Yeah..." He replied, still in a state of wide-eyed shock at what had just happened until Eden let out a strained groan. "Crap, Vampy Pants, you okay?"
Both brothers rushed over to help the Dark Angel to her feet, her hands still clutching her bump.
"I'm fine. Josh's shoulder just caught me as we went down. Everything's fine." She sighed through gritted teeth. "Let's just get out of here."
Dean turned to Ashley who was hesitantly making her way passed Josh's body.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on her arm.
"Don't touch me!" She panicked, falling back.
She didn't hit the ground, as such. Her torso impaled itself on the antlers Dean had weaponised earlier.
The trio gasped, their eyes wide as she instantly went limp.
"Well, this is a bitch." Ashley commented nonchalantly.
If their eyes could've bulged anymore, they would have.
The girl sat up, sighing heavily as she looked down at the antlers protruding from her chest. She rolled her eyes and got to her feet.
"And I was doing so well, too!" She whined, arching her back until the antlers forced themselves out, crashing onto the floor.
"What are you?" Sam demanded.
"Awe. Sam... You don't remember little old me?" The girl smirked.
Her eyes rolled back into her head until they were completely white.
Sam gulped as she turned to Dean, her eyes rolling back to normal.
"Lilith?" The older brother breathed.
"No. You're dead." Sam pointed a finger at her.
"Was dead." She corrected. "Yeah. In the Empty, sleeping the big sleep until the boss brought me back. Nice to finally meet you, Eden. I've heard so much about you. Congrats on the baby if it's still alive in there after the hit you took."
"Likewise, except for the nice bit..." Eden glared.
"The boss?" The younger brother frowned. "Lucifer?"
"God." Lilith said, deadpan. "I was supposed to get rescued and in a moment of sweet relief, seduce Dean, blah, blah, blah. Obviously, that's not happening now?" Dean tipped his head, not entirely saying no. "Oh well." The Mother of Demons shrugged.
"So, Chuck sent you to kill us?" Sam questioned, subconsciously holding onto Eden's waist a little tighter.
"No! I wish." Lilith chuckled. "That's not how this story goes."
"Story?" Dean and Eden asked.
"Come on!" Lilith smiled. "You know how he is. All this? Personally, I thought the whole thing was kinda... Easy? Stupid... But I batted my eyes and I put Dean to sleep, made sure you guys saw those two mutts go all murder-suicide. So... Yeah."
"If you're not here to kill us, then what do you want?" Sam pressed.
"The magic gun." She replied, looking between the three. "The one he gave you."
"The Equaliser..." Dean nodded.
"I'm not calling it that." Lilith rolled her eyes. "Just give me the gun and we'll be done."
"If God wants his little toy back, he can come get it himself." The older brother retorted.
"We're not in the habit of dealing with lap cats." Eden sneered.
"Oh! Okay." Lilith smirked. "We're gunna do this the hard way. I love the hard way."
A bubbly little feeling grew inside Eden's womb, the sensation getting stronger and stronger as Sam took out the Demon Blade and Dean, an Angel Blade.
Black veins began to climb up her torso to her neck and face, turning her eyes black in a silky, inky wash over.
"Boys, shield your eyes." She instructed.
The Winchesters instantly turned around, hiding their faces in their elbows.
Eden's hand whipped up as Lilith's did.
Black smoke met blinding white light as their magic collided and fought for dominance.
"Don't think you can beat me, child." Lilith sneered.
"Try me, bitch." Eden growled, throwing more power at her until a shockwave of celestial magic erupted from the epicenter.
All four were thrown back into the walls, crash landing on the floor.
"That's not the power I was warned about." Lilith groaned, stumbling to get up.
"That's because you were never warned of a Dark Nephilim." Eden retorted, panting. "The strongest being in the room, just trying to protect their family. And boy, does it suck to be you right now."
The Dark Angel turned, her black and red eyes landing on an unconscious Sam.
Lilith took her moment and raised a hand towards the younger brother.
"Wait, wait, wait! Don't touch him." Dean pleaded, scrambling to his feet.
"Yes, Lilith. Don't you dare." Eden's voice was laced with an evil venom in her voice that terrified both Dean and the Mother of Demons.
"Give me the gun and I won't be forced to hurt him." Lilith retorted.
"I can guarantee I can hurt you a whole lot faster than you can hurt him. Believe me." The Dark Angel hissed.
"I'd do what she says, Lilith. You ain't got anything on her on a normal day, I don't think I wanna see what she's like with that kid inside her." Dean added.
Lilith smirked, sharply exhaling through her nose as a half-hearted chuckle.
"We'll see." She uttered.
Slyly, she snapped her fingers just out of Eden's view. The Mother of Demons and Dean disappeared.
"Crap..." Eden muttered under her breath, jogging over to kneel next to Sam's unconscious form. She placed a hand on his shoulder and shook gently. "Sam, come on. You've got to wake up."

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