Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Two - Biblical Punishment

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Days later, the word had spread across the Hunter community that a Winchester had died.
Laid out on the map table were several weapons, tools and pictures that either reminded the Hunters of Mary or were hers to begin with.
Over a dozen Hunters were gathered in the War room, drinking beer and exchanging stories.
"We need to go out there. It's not polite to just leave them to it." Willow spoke up from her seat at the kitchen table.
Sam, Eden and Castiel looked to Dean, who simply sighed and walked out, prompting everyone else to follow him.
The five stood at the top of the library steps, looking over everyone.
"Now, we know it wasn't easy for some of you to get here. We, uh... We gave her a Hunter's send off a few days ago. But, we know that her family went beyond just us." As Dean spoke, he gestured to Sam on his left. "Some of you hunted alongside her. Some of you fought Michael with her in the other world. You know, we lost our mom once before... But, we got a second chance with her. And we got to know her, not just as 'mom', but as someone who was tough, strong, stubborn as Hell..." The room burst into light, reminiscent chuckles as they thought of Mary and all the things they accomplished with her. "Someone who had opinions and wasn't shy to use them... She could handle a machete. She could handle a Vampire... She could handle our old man. She couldn't cook worth a damn." As more laughter filled the room, Dean looked to the framed picture of Mary on the map table. "Mom, you weren't here long enough. But we're, uh... We're so glad for the time we had. Goodbye, mom."
"Goodbye, mom." Sam uttered, slightly squinting his eyes to avoid tears as he charged his glass, prompting everyone else to do the same.
"To Mary." They all chanted before taking a swig of their beers.
Out of nowhere, a hatchet flew through the air, planting itself in a male Hunter's head.
The body fell to the floor with a thud as everyone looked to where the hatchet had come.
None other than Bobby Singer.
"Bobby! What the bloody hell-"
"Calm your panties, Red. It was a Wraith." The man scoffed, moving over to the map table to grab a beer, prying the cap off with his teeth before spitting it back out across the table.

After everyone had dispersed throughout the Bunker, a couple of Hunters dragged the body out of the room.
"Damn Wraith..." Bobby mumbled, looking to the brothers who had taken up a new spot by some machinery on the opposite side of the room. "Knew him from a nest your mom and I busted up on our last hunt. Probably here to gloat, the bastard."
"A Hunter's memorial complete with monster." Castiel observed. "Mary would've appreciated that."
"Now that you mention it, yeah." Bobby gave a breathy chuckle as he turned to the approaching Sam. "How are you?"
"Yeah, you know. It's tough." He gave a lazy shrug. As Eden and Willow approached him on either side, he lifted his arms, pulling them both into his sides. "But, you know, I've got my girls to lean on."
"And you always will." Eden smiled.
"What about the other one?" Bobby nodded to Dean, who had a case file box in hand and was speaking with a female Hunter.
"Dean... Seems to be doing okay. It's hard to say." Sam replied.
"Yeah. Maybe he's like me." Bobby scoffed. "Being teary in public's not my style."

Dean approached the map table and began to fill the file box with Mary's things that had been laid out for the memorial. His eyes lingered on a picture of her for a few moments.
"Hey." Sam addressed him. "Most everybody's headed out. I was gunna stick around. Thought maybe we could open that Scotch Ketch left. You know, talk about mom?"
"Talk about mom?" Dean frowned.
"Isn't that what we've been doing?"
No one really knew what to say to that. He looked around at the group with a ghost of a half-cocked smile before walking out towards the kitchen.
"Yeah. He seems perfectly fine to me." Eden sighed, looking up at Sam. "Guessing that night of drinking didn't go exactly to plan."
"Apparently not..." Sam huffed, still watching the doorway to the kitchen corridor. "Anyone for another drink?"

In the kitchen, neither Dean nor the box were anywhere to be found.
Sam and Castiel sat opposite from each other at the table, with Eden and Willow sat opposite each other next to them.
Sam was gazing down at a picture of Mary when Bobby walked over from the fridge and placed a beer bottle down in front of him and two glasses of blood for the girls.
"Memory lane?" He asked, picking up the picture.
"Yeah. Dean couldn't have been more than about four years old. I wasn't even six months." Sam replied.
"Hm. You know, at one time, you boys were good lookin'." Bobby commented, making Sam release a breathy chuckle.
"Excuse you, Mister Singer. They still are." Eden cocked a brow, resting her chin on Sam's shoulder.
"You're just obliged to say that because you're carrying the latest Winchester." Bobby countered. "Congrats on that, by the way."
"Thanks." Sam smiled.
"Great. Now we've got the niceties out the way. What exactly happened to Mary? Because I'm hearing the kid-" Bobby cut himself off as Dean strolled into the room.
"Hey!" Sam greeted.
"Hey." Dean repeated, giving a weary look to Castiel, who gave an awkward, half-hearted smile.
"You need anything?" The Angel asked.
"Yeah, I need a drink." The older brother giving a breathy chuckle.
"Bar's open." Bobby motioned to the fridge.
"Na, I need to get out of here for a while."
"But... Dude, we gotta talk about Jack." Sam frowned, watching his brother walk over to the other exit that led to the War room.
"About that..." Bobby continued. "Look, I liked the kid. We fought together. There's only one way this ends."
"Bobby's right." Cas nodded. "We have to find Jack and help him."
"What?" Bobby scoffed, narrowing his eyes. "That kid. He killed Mary!"
"I know that-"
"Oh, no. Don't say 'but.'" Bobby waved a finger in the Angel's direction.
"But... Jack might not have even known what he did was wrong."
"Yes. We have an Archangel and he's not far off one, himself. Last I checked, not all of those were bad." Eden cut in. "Willow, can you go to your room, please? This conversation isn't for you."
"But, I-"
"Now! Please." Eden snapped, accidentally flashing her celestial black and red eyes at her.
The young Vampire nodded sharply, scrambling to get up before grabbing her blood glass and scampering out of the room.
"What we have left is Lucifer. And the last I checked, he was asshole numero uno." Bobby retorted. "If you wanna sit around and talk about it, fine. But, me? I'm gunna get on my horn, talk to some people and go find that boy."
"And what then?" Castiel asked as Bobby began to walk off.
The Hunter turned, giving a small huff.
"An unstoppable monster who don't know right from wrong? Gets put down. Or the closest we can get to it. And anybody who don't know that needs to go back to school."
"You're trying to take this route thinking it's the easiest and most convenient for you." Eden sighed. "But, don't. Pigeon tried to contact God to help restore Jack's soul not too long ago, but he didn't have the contacts I do. Seriously, Pigeon. Why did you not just ask me?"
"I'm not sure what you mean." Castiel frowned.
"I have a direct line to Amara. If God can restore souls, maybe she can, too. You know... Since they're supposed to be equals. If she can't, she knows where Chuck is." Eden elaborated.
"That's... Not an entirely insane idea." Cas replied, thinking it over.
"Great. Well, you idjits go do that, I'm gunna play it safe and reliable and do my plan." Bobby retorted, storming out of the room.

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