Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Two - Two Other Brothers

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After grabbing some spell ingredients, Dean led them to the armoury, where the alternate Sam and Dean were still in the wall like a projection.
"Chuck needs to see us here in the Bunker, right? So, here's our answer." Dean explained, motioning to the doppelgangers.
"Wait, so... You want them to be you." Cas clarified.
"Well, it's not that hard. Me and Sam do it everyday." The older brother shrugged. "So I'm thinkin', we open up a rift with a spell, kinda like we did with Apocalypse World. But, 'cause we're just trying to get them out of this... in-between, that I'm thinkin' Cas' grace would be enough instead of full power archangel juice."
"Or... It'll blast them away to another world." Sam thought aloud.
"That no longer exists." Eden added, frowning as the alternate Sam and Dean played a game of rock, paper, scissors for seemingly no reason. "That or it just won't work."
"Maybe." Dean nodded. "But it's better than leaving them here."
Jack and Willow looked to the four adults inquisitively.
"Come here and pretend to be you two or almost certain death..." Eden sighed. "It's a close call."

Sam used the flask from earlier to extract a small amount of Cas' grace, pouring it into the bowl they'd used previously for the Hell Spell. It bubbled and combined, causing a grey mist rise from it.
Sam uttered the spell and backed away.
After a few seconds, the spell began to take hold and cast a white light so bright that the whole room and its contents lit up.
When it died back down, the alternate Sam and Dean appeared before them, looking around the room and down at themselves with severe confusion.
"Hello again, boys." Eden smirked. "Fancy doing us a favour?"

With Willow and Jack in the Nephilim's room talking, Sam, Dean and Eden spoke with the newcomers in the War room.
Alternate Sam and Dean were sat down next to each other at the map table, the real Sam and Dean were standing on the opposite side and Eden was sat with her arms folded on top of her belly at the head of the table.
"So..." Sam broke the ice. "Back home, you're Hunters?"
"We were Hunters." The alternate younger brother replied.
"The family business." Alternate Dean sighed reminiscently, his fingertips dancing along the condensation on his beer bottle in thought. "But our world's probably gone. We made it out just before the explosion."
"That's... God." Dean uttered.
"God?" His alternate version repeated, his brows raised.
"Yeah. You're gunna need another beer." Sam smirked, raising his bottle to his lips.
"We actually don't drink much of this stuff." Alternate Dean picked up the beverage and turned it to look at the information on the stickers.
"Dad won't keep it in the house." Alternate Sam tittered. "He only likes his private label Scotch. He spoils us."
"I can get you some of that, if you'd prefer." Eden offered.
"I'm sorry, dear, we were never introduced." Alternate Dean gave a polite, slightly flirtatious smile.
"I'm Eden. Sam's fiance, daughter of Adam and Eve and the only Archangel God's sister ever made. Nice to meet you." She smirked.
The alternate brothers shot their gazes to Sam, who gave a proud smile to the girl and a nod to the doppelgangers.
"It's true."
"So, that means that..." Alternate Sam gestured to Eden's bump not as discreetly as he would've liked.
"Yeah. That's Sammy's kid in there." Dean smirked.
The other brothers looked to each other with raised brows.
"Wait..." Sam scrunched his eyes closed and shook his head. "Your dad is... Still around?"
"And he 'spoils you'?" The older brother scoffed.
"Well... He did." Alternate Sam shrugged. "We don't know where he is now. We all went through the rift together but, uh, I guess we got separated."
"Mm." Alternate Dean nodded, picking up his beer bottle. "To dad."
"Best guy ever." The other Sam hummed, picking up his own bottle to clink the two together before taking a sip. As they did so, they looked appalled at their beverages, as though they were above drinking such liquid. The Alternate younger brother looked around the War room, clearly intrigued. "So, this is where you live."
"Yeah. Yeah." Original Sam nodded, placing his beer down on the table to approach Eden and placed his hands on her shoulders affectionately.
"And this is where your hunting operation is based?"
"Uh, I mean. It's not really much of an operation." Sam scoffed.
"No, no. We do just fine." Dean chuckled. "We hunt monsters all over the country."
"It's exhausting, isn't it?" His alternate counterpart sighed, clearly trying to keep from rolling his eyes. The original older brother nodded.
"But we- we do it worldwide." Doppelganger Dean explained. "We have to keep two sets of pilots on standby."
The original trio's brows simultaneously raised.
"You guys have your own plane?" Sam clarified.
"You don't?" His alternate looked genuinely shocked. "Oh, dear... How do you manage?"
"I have wings. So do two others we have here." Eden shrugged. "And our little road trips usually have a great soundtrack."
"How do you afford it?" Sam queried.
"We get paid." Alternate Dean said as though it were obvious. "For hunting monsters."
"Wow." Eden whispered as her eyes widened. She awkwardly cleared her throat and adjusted her position in the map table chair.
"What? You don't?" Alternate Sam frowned to her. "How on earth do you get by?"
"Well, Eden's been around since the dawn of Humanity, so her bank balance is nice and toasty. Other than that, credit card scams." Dean replied.
His doppelganger almost choked on his beer.
"Is that legal here?" He asked.
"Not in the slightest. I tell them they don't need to do that anymore, but they won't listen. They feel bad for relying on my money to live." Eden replied. "But for some reason, they don't feel bad about the scams. It's like seeing the faces of the people they're taking money from changes things a little bit. Right, boys?" She teased, smirking to Dean, then looked up at Sam, who gave a breathy chuckle.
"Something like that."
"Hold up... How do you guys get paid?" Dean asked, still clearly bewildered.
"HunterCorp does very well." Alternate Sam replied.
"HunterCorp?" Sam and Eden frowned simultaneously as Sam shifted to take a seat opposite his doppelganger, prompting Dean to do the same.
"Yeah." Alternate Dean nodded, looking to his brother. "Well, gotta hand it to the old man. Pretty much built an entire empire. From scratch."
"To Dad." The brother smiled, picking up his beer bottle to clink against other Dean's again.
"Smartest guy ever." Other Dean scoffed. He took a drink and placed his bottle back down. "Well, look, fellas, Eden. Thanks again for the, uh- for the rescue."
"Oh! Glad you brought that up." Original Dean pointed a finger at him. "See, we've got ourselves a bit of a situation here. God smashed your world, like we said and..."
"And now he's gunna take out this one." Sam continued.
"And we're gunna stop him." The older brother gave a toothy smile.
"But..." Eden cocked a brow between them.
"But he may be checking on us here." The younger brother finished.
Alternate Sam shook his head out of disbelief as his brother frowned.
"God... 'Checks in' on you?" The younger doppelganger clarified, waving a pointed finger between the three.
"Pretty much." Eden shrugged, an amused smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "We give him the jeebs."
"Yeah. Uh, we kinda have a... Relationship." Dean nodded. "So, if he decides to look in on us, we don't want him to know what we're doing. So, you two, along with Eden, are gunna stay here and pretend to be us." He threw his thumb between himself and Sam.
"And how do we do that?" Alternate Sam asked with an equal expression to Eden's.
"Well, first off..." Original Sam started, turning to his doppelganger with a disgusted face. "I'm sorry, you're gunna have to lose the man bun."
His other worldy counterpart audibly gasped. His brother put his hand over his mouth, leaning back in his seat.
"I will not." Alternate Sam replied breathily, shaking his head as he flicked his plum blazer out, as if to make some sort of upper class stand.
"And, uh..." Dean cleared his throat, tugging at his shirt collar.
The other brothers looked down at their attire, earning a small shrug from Eden.
"I've said this to these boys once before and I'll tell you both what I told them; it's only acting." She smirked.
"Fine..." Alternate Dean sighed. "If this is how we can repay you for saving our lives, then so be it."

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