Chapter Twenty-Three - Sleep, Eat, Repeat

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The night began to draw in and it was getting harder to keep the cover story for Elizabeth being there consistent with the doctors.
"I'm starting to think that your relationship with Mister Smith is something more than strictly professional." The doctor cocked a warning brow at the Vampire as they stood outside Sam's room.
Elizabeth sighed.
"You're right, doctor. Sam is my boyfriend. But my reason for being here is legitimate. My company thought that Sam's mental state would be better affected if someone he trusted were present. And seeing as I fulfil both trust and professional status, I believe I'm the best person for the job." She said.
The doctor frowned, looking through the window at his patient, who was desperately trying to stop listening to whatever Lucifer was uttering in his ear.
"What do you suggest we do for tonight?" He eventually asked. "We can't give him any more sedatives for a few hours yet, not that they worked the first time, but he needs some sleep."
The Vampire aimlessly cast her eyes down to the doctor's clothing. The white lab coat, the sky blue pin striped shirt, navy blue tie and ill-fitting grey slacks on the slightly overweight middle aged man served no answers.
"When he was home with his brother and I, the most sleep he got was when I sang to him. Let me stay with him overnight and I'll ensure he gets at least some form of shut-eye." She finally replied.
The doctor didn't appear to like that very much, but understood that his patient needed all the help he could get.
"Alright. Let me or one of the nurses know how he's doing at some point during the night. I'd still like to monitor him without risk of waking him." He said.
Elizabeth nodded, watching as the doctor rather reluctantly walked away, then quietly opened Sam's room door.
"Hey." She gave him a small smile. "The doctor said I can stay in here tonight. I can make sure you get some rest."
Sam nodded and gave a weak smile in return, briefly looking towards the desk again.
Elizabeth walked across the dreary room and motioned for Sam to scoot over in the bed. He adjusted his position so that he could lie down, waiting to put his head down until Elizabeth had taken off her lab coat and combat boots and made herself comfortable.
She'd put a pillow against the railing at the head of the bed and stretched her legs out so that she was in a slouched seated position.
As soon as she stopped moving, Sam rested his head on her diaphragm, the feeling of her arm tucking behind his back, letting her fingers dance comforting shapes over his t-shirt already made him feel a little better. He draped his arm over her middle and closed his eyes.
Elizabeth began to hum the gentle tune of a lullaby Sam was unfamiliar with.
"What is that?" He asked quietly.
"A song my mother used to sing to me when I was little." Elizabeth smiled down at him, despite him facing away from her.
"It's nice." He mumbled, sighing contently. It seemed Lucifer was giving him a break. Or maybe Elizabeth's effect on Sam was more powerful than she thought. Whichever it was, she was happy with it.
Her free hand began to stroke the hair away from his temple area, making him all the more comfortable.
In barely any time at all, he was sleeping peacefully.

Around lunch time the next day, Sam's doctor had a few choice words to discuss with her.
"You didn't leave the room last night to speak with the nurses about Mr Smith's conditions." He grumbled, looking over another patient's paperwork.
"He was sleeping on my stomach and I didn't want to wake him. Would you rather I'd have done that?" Elizabeth cocked an annoyed eyebrow in his direction, but glanced over to see a nurse dropping off a sandwich to Sam's room whilst he was in the bathroom.
"No. I suppose not." The doctor mumbled. "If you'll excuse me, Doctor Freud."
With that, he walked away.
'That's what I thought. Arsehole.' Her inner monologue grumbled.
Elizabeth turned to the psych wards receptionist, giving her a welcoming smile.
"Would you mind giving me Sam Smith's notes, please?" 
The receptionist nodded and began to rustle through some clipboards to find the right one.
As Elizabeth waited, she saw Sam walking back towards his room, giving her a smile as he did so.
He looked a little better today, having had a solid seven hours sleep.
"Here you go." The receptionist smiled up at Elizabeth from her desk chair.
The Vampire gave a polite nod in return as she took the clipboard from her.
She scanned the notes.
'Cracked ribs, sprained wrist, cuts and bruises here and there. Violent psychotic episode...' Her inner monologue read. 'What on earth could Lucifer be doing to him to make him walk out in front of a car?'
She was pulled out of her thoughts when she saw someone approaching Sam's room.
It was a girl. Dark rust coloured hair, petite figure, a large bandage on the left side of her neck and burn gauze on her left arm.
Elizabeth frowned, but before she could put Sam's notes back on the desk in front of the receptionist and go over to investigate, the girl scampered away.
Elizabeth looked into Sam's room, seeing him recoiled on the bed, a sandwich with a bite taken out of it on the floor.
"Sam? What's wrong?" Elizabeth gasped, rushing into the room to his side.
"It's him. He's putting things in my food. I can't eat that." He panted, staring down at the sandwich in horror.
Elizabeth's gaze followed his, seeing nothing malicious about it. But she believed him.
"It's alright. I'll get you something else, alright? I'll sit with you whilst you eat. I don't want malnutrition to be added to the notes I just looked at." She gave a short sigh, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "What do you want? Anything. Just name it and I'll get it for you."
"Tofu salad..." He mumbled, still staring at the sandwich on the floor.
Elizabeth nodded, giving him a reassuring smile.
"I'll be back soon, okay?" She said, reaching into her pocket.
She pulled out the phone she reserved for music and back up phone calls and her trusty pair of earphones, bought for when she got bored listening to Dean drivel on about something useless.
"Put these in and pick some music to listen to until I get back." She told him.
He nodded and took the items, happy to have something that would drown out Lucifer's incessant rambling.

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