Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One - No One Left Behind

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The sun was well under the horizon by the time Mary came through the tree line, seeing Eden pacing back and forth with tear stains down her face.
"Hey... Are you okay?" The mother asked, regretting it instantly. "Sorry, that was a stupid question."
"This isn't even the first time that Sam didn't mention Bobby's return." Eden huffed, running a stressed hand through her hair. "He came back as a ghost not long after he died. Sam didn't tell me until Bobby was right there, possessing some hotel maid's body."
"I'm so sorry, Eden. That was wrong of him. He should've warned you. Hell, I knew your history with him, I should've. I just... Didn't think." Mary sighed, stopping a few feet in front of the Dark Angel's pacing oval.
"It's not your responsibility to keep me updated on things like this. It was theirs. And they chose to keep it from me until it was too late yet again." She growled.
"Eden, stop." Mary approached her, placing a gentle hand on her upper arm, making her cease pacing. Still, Eden didn't bother to actually look at her. "Those boys love you. They would've told you at the time if they thought it would've made a difference. I can't exactly defend them for not telling you while you were here, but I will defend them for their earlier actions."
"Dean told us about Charlie. Why couldn't they have told me about Bobby?" Eden sniffed. "I knew Bobby for years, but I practically watched Charlie die. I tried to stop it but I was too weak. I heard her screams. I heard her last breath. But hey, they could tell me about this world's Charlie, right? So, why not Bobby? Why do they keep doing this? It's like they think I'm not strong enough to know."
Mary sighed, taking her hand.
"They don't think that at all. I think... Sometimes they forget what you are, how old you are, everything you've been through. They just want to protect you."
"But I don't need protecting!" Eden stressed. "John told me to look after them, not the other way around. I can handle myself."
"You only learned that two of your friends died a few hours ago. You watched Sam die and come back. This, along with Bobby, it's too much. For anyone. So, no one can blame you for being this upset." Mary told her, taking a deep breath to pause before she changed the subject. "Look... The operation Charlie and Ketch were on went side ways. The boys are questioning the informant on it now, but we may need your help. Are you up for that?"
Eden frowned.
"What sort of sideways?"
"They weren't the ones ambushing the Angels. It was more like the other way around." Mary replied.
"I let one Charlie die. I'm not about to lose another. Tell the boys I've got this." Eden huffed, disappearing with the sound of ruffled feathers.

She found herself in a non-descript room. Ketch was held up with his arms above his head, attached to chains on the ceiling. Charlie was sat in a chair with an Angel bending over to address her, giving some sort of speech about pain in an eastern European accent.
He cupped her head and Charlie let out a scream.
"That's enough of that, I think." Eden spoke up, leaning against the adjacent wall with her arms crossed. The Angel instantly stopped, turning to her. As soon as she saw his face, her brows raised. "Pigeon?"
"Who... What are yo-" Apocalypse Castiel frowned, but was cut off when the lights went out and screaming was heard outside.
"Secure the area! I have this one!" Another male Angel yelled, raising his hand to Eden.
The four Angels that were in the room scuttled out of the door, armed with their Angel Blades.
Eden balled a fist up in front of her and the Angel began to scream, clutching his head as he fell to his knees. After a few seconds, he burst into a splattered mess of blood and bone fragments.
"Cool. How are we all? Ketch, it's been a minute." She walked up to him, releasing him of his chains.
"It's been a few days. How are you here?" He asked, freeing Charlie from her own bonds.
"How'd you think? We weren't just going to stop looking for Mary and Jack. You seem to have made yourself pretty comfortable here, though." Eden cocked a brow.
"Who the Hell is this?" Charlie asked.
"Eden." The Dark Angel's voice grew quiet. "A friend of Jack and Mary Winchester. I knew another version of you back on our world."
"Yeah, well, that's awesome. We should probably get out of here." The girl replied coldly.
A man's groaned scream came from outside after the all-too-familiar sound of a celestial's magic.
"What on Earth is..." Eden frowned, trailing off as she walked over to a thoroughly beaten Ketch, put his arm over her shoulders and headed towards the door.
"Hm. You saving me. Who'd have thought that?" He gave a breathy chuckle.
"Don't get used to it." Eden mumbled.
"Shan't. Won't."
Outside, Jack was walking towards them.
"Jack, what are you doing here?" Eden frowned.
"We came to help." Jack replied.
"Yeah... You helped, definitely. Thank you for taking out the Angels." She nodded, looking around at the dozen or so scattered bodies on the ground as back-up came from out of the tree line. "Oh, come on... I said I had it handled."
"Yeah, well, just to be sure. We know what you're like when you're emotional." Dean shrugged.
"I'm powerful when I'm emotional. I could've managed on my own." She glared. "Where's Apocalypse Pigeon?"
"Apocalypse Pigeon?" Sam frowned, shoving his Angel Blade into the back of his jeans.
"Yeah, this world has a Castiel. Same vessel and everything, though, he had an accent. It was weird. Not a fan." Eden scrunched up her nose in disgust.
"Cas came with us. He might've found him." Dean replied.
"Pigeon-on-Pigeon action. Nice." Eden gave a mouth-shrug, earning looks from everyone but Jack.

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