Chapter Twenty-Four - Angel Madness

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Once they'd got Sam settled back in his room, Dean finally showed up with a short, dark haired woman, her face decorated with a smug smirk.
"Who the Hell is this?" Elizabeth asked, gesturing to the woman.
"Meg." The woman's smoothed, dulled voice slithered to the Vampire's ears like honey. "Demon."
Elizabeth visibly stiffened.
"It's fine. She's with us." Dean clarified.
"We're consorting with Demons now?" Elizabeth cocked a brow.
"Says the Vampire who's best buds with the king of Hell." Meg scoffed, earning a questioning look from the woman in front of her. "Oh yeah, Crowley's been talking about you since before he was even a Crossroads Demons. You're his favourite non-Human."
"I'm flattered." Elizabeth mumbled, turning back to Castiel, who was watching Sam from his doorway. "Pigeon's mojo didn't work."
Dean sighed.
"Great... I'll go talk to him." He said, wandering over.
"So, you and the big one, huh?" Meg smirked.
"Are you really here to help?" Elizabeth asked, ignoring her comment.
The Demon shrugged.
"I'm not exactly Crowley's favourite Demon right now, so I thought I'd take my business a more entertaining route."
Elizabeth all but snarled at her.
"Sam is not here for your entertainment. If that's the only reason you're here then I'll gladly acquaint your arse with my foot and show you the exit."
Meg put her hands up in defence, taking a step back.
"Alright, alright. I was in the neighbourhood. Sam's condition just happened to be a coincidental thing." She said.
Elizabeth sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"If you want to make yourself useful, tell me why all those Demons were here."
Meg chuckled, looking down at her feet.
"No one knows. It's like they were all just wondering around Hell one day and then just got the urge to go annoy some Winchesters." She shrugged.
"That's it?" Elizabeth frowned sceptically.
"As far as I know." Meg nodded.
Elizabeth thought for a moment. Perhaps it has something to do with the Leviathan and their oncoming attack... The Vampire seriously hoped that wasn't the case. If it was, that would mean the Leviathan had some sort of power over the Demons that the Winchesters were previously unaware of. Either that or they just happened to misplace that information when relaying their activities back to Elizabeth to catch her up after she'd come back from solo hunting.

"Cas has an idea." Dean announced, walking over to the pair.
"It'd better be better than his last one." Elizabeth growled.
Dean beckoned them over to the doorway of Sam's room.
"Now, Sam, this may hurt." Cas said, sitting on the edge of the Winchester's bed. "And if I never get to tell you again, I'm sorry I did this to you."
He placed his palm on Sam's forehead, igniting a red glow behind his eyes, accentuating all of the veins and nerves under his skin.
"What the Hell is he doing?" Elizabeth shrieked, going to run into the room, but Dean and Meg grabbed her, holding her back.
Dean's strength was no problem, but Meg gripped her arm like a vice and refused to let go.
Crimson vines began to trail up Castiel's arm under the skin, moving quickly up under his trench coat. They led up his neck, his face, finishing at his eyes, turning them a bright red.
They soon began to disappear, following the route they'd appeared in.
As he let go of Sam's forehead, the younger brother gasped out, wide eyed, his hands flying up by his pillow.
That was when Meg released Elizabeth.
The Vampire shot to Sam's side, taking his hand.
"What the Hell have you done?" She demanded, looking to the Angel, who looked more than a little worn.
"Sam?" Dean's voice dripped with concern as he jogged over to the other side of Sam's bed.
The younger brother shot up, adjusting his position so that he could still rest his back on the head board.
"'Liza! Dean!" He gasped out, looking to Castiel. "Cas... Cas is that you?"
Castiel looked up at Sam with a horrified expression. He stood up and began to back away from the bed until his back hit the wall, earning equally confused expressions from everyone in the room. The Winchesters glanced to each other before turning back to the terrified Angel in front of them. He sunk down against the wall, panting heavily, all but rocking back and forth.

Elizabeth approached Sam and Dean in the hall after speaking with the doctor.
"I've told him that the electrotherapy worked and I've discharged you." She said, looking to Sam who was now back in his regular clothes. "I've also told him about his latest patient, instructing him to keep him under observation and to not give him any medication."
The boys nodded, turning to leave.
"Where's Meg?" Sam asked.
"No idea. She does that a lot." Dean shrugged.
"She said she wanted to help, so I've got her on a special assignment." Elizabeth stated, removing her lab coat to drape over her arm.
"What assignment?" The younger brother frowned.
"I've got her on Cas duty. So at least he's not here alone."
The brothers stopped walking to put their full attention on the Vampire.
"You must be joking." Dean said.
"No. She hates the other Demons about as much as we do and she seems to have a soft spot for him, so I thought 'why not', because frankly, rather her than me. The last thing I wanna be doing is babysitting the Pigeon at the best of times, let alone when his brain's all fried." She replied with a lazy shrug.
"And there I almost thought that you were starting to go soft on him." Sam chuckled.
"Hell hasn't frozen over just yet, darling." Elizabeth smirked.

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